Red Dead Redemption Thread

looks pretty good. I really really hope duels are done right :D

my prayers have been answered :D want THAT costume!

I am gonna pre-order the LE, but hopefully won't end up relying on using the war horse all the time, can sap the fun from the game if you're always in "uber" stuff!
I can't see how this will fail to be amazing. A definite purchase for me even though I'm rubbish playing shooter-type games on the PS3 as I prefer a mouse.
heard about this game but wasnt too bothered about it, had a quick look at some of the videos on gt and it looks awesome! :D
another game added onto my list
Really not sure about this game. The free roam in GTA4 was horrible and got boring very quickly. Deathmatch was pants too. The only fun mode was race.

Unless this has a seriously overhauled damage and hit detection system then it doesn't matter how good the environments looks, it will still be like playing GTA4. The free roam mode seems to be the thing everyone is excited about but it will only be good if there in an MMO style server enabling persistence. If there is then I might check it out.

Edit: I just read that the free roam is 16 player only. The posse thing works within that player limit. So you could have 2 posses of 8. There is therefore no MMO element to this. I wish Rockstar would just make an MMO in the GTA world. I guess this might be further down the line. Personally, I don't think Read Dead will amount to much. Just my opinion though.
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Edit: I just read that the free roam is 16 player only. The posse thing works within that player limit. So you could have 2 posses of 8. There is therefore no MMO element to this. I wish Rockstar would just make an MMO in the GTA world. I guess this might be further down the line. Personally, I don't think Read Dead will amount to much. Just my opinion though.

There was never any intent to make RDR an MMO game or even close to the stylings of an MMO.

Rockstar have an extremely large following of fans, so I think RDR will do very well. Not GTAIV big, but still will sell a lot.
There was never any intent to make RDR an MMO game or even close to the stylings of an MMO.

Rockstar have an extremely large following of fans, so I think RDR will do very well. Not GTAIV big, but still will sell a lot.

Yeah hopefully. I mean I love GTAIV. It's just that I bet the free roam in RDR will be good for about a week and then get old. I might possibly pick it up though. The open elements do appeal.
so the best place to pre-order? All limited editions pref :) all unlocks etc free blah blah

also any idea if 360/ps3 RDR will use the same servers?

& i've made an irc chan on quakenet #RDR for peeps that use IRC :D
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