looks pretty good. I really really hope duels are done right
my prayers have been answered want THAT costume!
this game just went from completley under my radar to day one purchase
Edit: I just read that the free roam is 16 player only. The posse thing works within that player limit. So you could have 2 posses of 8. There is therefore no MMO element to this. I wish Rockstar would just make an MMO in the GTA world. I guess this might be further down the line. Personally, I don't think Read Dead will amount to much. Just my opinion though.
There was never any intent to make RDR an MMO game or even close to the stylings of an MMO.
Rockstar have an extremely large following of fans, so I think RDR will do very well. Not GTAIV big, but still will sell a lot.