Red Dead Redemption Thread

Suddenly become interested in this. Wasn't on my radar at all til just now and looking fairly impressive.

Think I'll wait til it's £25 though due to having 50 other games to finish...
Be interesting to see if they even put in difficulty options. Have never done that with the GTA series.

Suppose i should stop thinking its just GTA on horses :p

“Will there be any difficulty setting options for Red Dead Redemption?” - received via Mouthoff

We want players of all skill levels to enjoy Red Dead Redemption. With that in mind, we’ve implemented levels of difficulty into the game that employ different types of auto-aiming. Casual mode gives you a full auto-aim system (and faster regenerating health). Normal mode features snap-to-target with precise aiming using the right stick. Expert mode implements free aim with no lock-on at all. First time we have done this in an open world game, so we will be interested to see what people think having played with each option.
Ahh interesting. Not sure which difficulty to pick. The "snap-to-target" system worked pretty well in GTAIV i thought, giving the option to freeaim if you wish.

Wonder if Expert Mode changes the AI or enemy difficulty at all.
Definitely going for normal or expert. if it's like BC2 then I won't mind it snapping but if its OTT and makes it too easy then there's no point!

If its the same as GTAIV (which i assume it will be), then the snapping should be fine if you want to use it. Its not auto-aim as such because its optional.

BC2 is just autoaim like with most shooters on consoles.
Framerate still seems to chug a lot, wish they'd get rid of that crappy engine or tone it down a bit so it runs smoother. :/ (GTA IV all over again)

Graphics and design look nice though.
Didn't know too much about this game and the only things I'd been told was that it was "GTA4 on horses". Judging by the trailers in this thread it's much more than that. Looks like amazing fun on the multiplayer side of things and I think this might even be a rare day 1 pick up for me.
I'm tempted, does the "supermarket entertainment" place charge when you preorder or when it's posted? As good as it looks, I wouldn't mind the option of backing out nearer the time if it reviews badly.
They don't charge until its shipped.

Tbh, i'd be extremely surprised (and extremely disappointed of course) if this game didn't get brilliant reviews. Im expecting A's and 90%+ reviews here.
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