Red Dead Redemption Thread

ehh? so dont need R1 sure i read thats how you stop em getting away or was that just horses whoops. :D

On another note. I kill someone (murder is such a harsh word:D) and whilst im looking round their camp a bystander sees the body swears and rides off.. I notice on the map that hes an eyewitnes (he didnt see me actually kill anyone though) so i ride after him and i get within shooting range (very long long range) we are on outskirts of armadillo. I kill him from range but the Bounty still gets put on my head??? (the bounty aint for me shooting him it goes on a bit before i nail him) He isnt in town yet.
Heck i doubt if hes is shouting range.... anyway thats a warning for ya. Soon as eyewitness gets close to town then bounty goes on i guess.

Got a pardon letter anyway but plan on saving that for when i go on a bloodbath slaughterhouse rampage ;)
15% and still not sure whether I like this game, I play it but not sure if I like it, I guess you cant have whores? Its like a correct version of GTA, nothing really makes me look forward to playing it, but I'm far from hating it.
Anyone else have WANTED targeets just dissapear. ie not on map and not at location where they should be. Though when i got to the location..which was an old shack, Marston says "theres something not quite right here". Shame as it was $200 or so for the bounty.

Managed to sort out the dragging cheers :D Your horse aint powerful enough to drag deer though.
why is it when i try multi player it just says connection error then says going to free roam,then just sits on loading screen and i have to go to dashboard to get rid of it
I haven't been able to play MP at all since I got it really. Got into free roam once yesterday but that's it. Unable to connect, then the hanging loading screen. You can also sign out/sign in and it will return you to the main menu so you don't have to back to dashboard.
Anyone else have WANTED targeets just dissapear. ie not on map and not at location where they should be. Though when i got to the location..which was an old shack, Marston says "theres something not quite right here". Shame as it was $200 or so for the bounty.

Managed to sort out the dragging cheers :D Your horse aint powerful enough to drag deer though.

Happened to me a few times.
But I put it down to saving the game and time advancing or doing other missions. As I've seen the same wanted character appear again on a poster after not bothering to go and find them. So it might appear for you again.

Other bugs I've noticed personally are:

- A fox that could still run at full speed while using Dead Eye!
- Opening sliding doors in Thieves Landing involved John lifting it from his head and then pushing thin air.
- As others have said, when you buy a map for a region and use it, it says you have revealed all locations, but then when you look at the map, it doesn't show them. I think that's a major bug there.
i was on it today from 12am ish till about 9pm,most of the time i was just skinning stuff and selling it,also i did find two cowboys camping up in the hills,seemed very Brokeback
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