Red Dead Redemption Thread

Easy enough i was able to do it when they killed my horse.

Quick question not sure if it would be considered a spoiler but how do you get your winning from playing blackjack? have had over 100 chips from my original buying but when i quit out i dont recieve any cash and am out of pocket of my buying as well.
found a floating bag of patatoes lol


Sorry to quote a picture but i have a question. That napkin thing over your face (cant remember the name if it has one) how do you get that or put it on ? Is it part of a uniform ?
Are their factions in this game?

Say I wanted to be real nice all the time (notice the western style grammer...), would the police/law notice this? Maybe give me missions that were otherwise unreachable if I were less helpful?

If I were to kill anyone that crossed my path, would this show with the NPC's AI in the game and would I be able to join gangs and what knot for other quests, that would be hidden if I had not have joined said clan?

Also, can someone say clearly, will I miss out on any content if I don't get the LE copy? Because I need a huge justification for a extra 10 squid.

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Or at the tailor at Thieves Landing...

ps3ud0 :cool:

Do you get shot at when you go there? Everyone seems to starting shooting at me, but if I shoot back and kill any of them I lose honor.

Its doing my head in because I have a stranger quest there I need to do, but as soon as they shoot me the NPC goes away!!

Does anyone know wether it is because my honor is too high (good guy)?
Well I've racked up about 8 hours game time now and I've just landed in Mexico. I am really enjoying the game so far, and I would definitely recommend putting on expert targeting. I was finding it a bit too easy with it off, and kills are much more satisfying now. Dead Eye becomes a necessity which you need to use sparingly rather than a novelty way of killing people.

I do like the way the game makes you feel like you need to be good. It seems like it's more of a hassle to go on a murderous killing spree as it makes your life difficult, and costs money to get rid of (money which so far has taken time to build up). It gives you a reason to be good, and also makes you think twice about blasting the head off someone you don't like the look of. Having said that I did punch someone I was playing poker with as they kept folding over and over and I had spent ages trying to clear the table. He ran away, so I lasso'd him, hogtied him, and dumped him in some water :)

The landscape is very baron. I know this is reflective of the time period, but I am starting to find it quite dull when galloping across the plains.

The story and characters are good so far, I just wish I had more choice over what my character said during cut scenes, and if those then had an impact on how the mission played out that would be awesome.

Great game so far though.
Are their factions in this game?

Say I wanted to be real nice all the time (notice the western style grammer...), would the police/law notice this? Maybe give me missions that were otherwise unreachable if I were less helpful?

Dont think so. Its not got Fallout 3 quest numbers and complexity. Generally if you are nicer and higher honour/fame you get treated better, discounts at shops etc and more people ask for help with things.

In fact theres not a lot of quests in this at all. I find the population much more sparse. Most of time do challenges which is ok but Rockstar have been a little bit lazy...not enough depth and options in what you can do imo.
If I were to kill anyone that crossed my path, would this show with the NPC's AI in the game and would I be able to join gangs and what knot for other quests, that wo]uld be hidden if I had not have joined said clan?
dont think so. Again i dont think the gameworld is that complex. There has been one situation where its possible could come back and bite me because of my decisions :D Just have to wait and see.

Cant join gangs but i think you can fake join em? (using outfit for that gang)
Not sure if you get quests solely for that outfit.
Well, after letting my ‘plan C’ win over and spending a thoroughly enjoyable weekend clad in leather and protective armour, I shall make a point of taking an extended lunch time today and going into town to trade in Alan Wake towards Red Dead.

Not sure when I’ll actually play it though, as this weather is too good to be sat inside lol.
Do you get shot at when you go there? Everyone seems to starting shooting at me, but if I shoot back and kill any of them I lose honor.

Its doing my head in because I have a stranger quest there I need to do, but as soon as they shoot me the NPC goes away!!

Does anyone know wether it is because my honor is too high (good guy)?

I went there and I have a high honour class, but I didn't get shot at once.
15% and still not sure whether I like this game, I play it but not sure if I like it, I guess you cant have whores? Its like a correct version of GTA, nothing really makes me look forward to playing it, but I'm far from hating it.

I'm pretty much as far as you are, and feel pretty much the same. There isn't really anything that is stand-out to me, graphics are good, story seems alright so far, combat and gameplay mechanics are good but nothing so far has really jumped out and grabbed me. I don't think it should be a candidate for GOTY, I think Alan Wake, Mass Effect 2 and possibly Heavy Rain have been better so far this year but I'm hoping my opinion will slowly change as I progress further.
I went there and I have a high honour class, but I didn't get shot at once.

Think I might have found the answer, yet to try though. Apperently I could have cheesed off the Bollard gang by doing an earlier bounty so now the only way I can go there without being shot at is to wear the Bollard Gang outfit...just need to unlock it :) so hopefully works
Started noticing frame rate drops if you ride into town on your horse, have to jump off otherwise it goes sloooow! Cant stop skinning animals!

Went after my first Wanted guy last night, shot his horse then shot his legs so he was alive (bigger reward) then 4 wolves came and ate him before I got off my horse :@
Do you get shot at when you go there? Everyone seems to starting shooting at me, but if I shoot back and kill any of them I lose honor.

Its doing my head in because I have a stranger quest there I need to do, but as soon as they shoot me the NPC goes away!!

Does anyone know wether it is because my honor is too high (good guy)?
Nope not been shot at all - my honors definitely in the good side (think its the next level above Honest Joe)
Started noticing frame rate drops if you ride into town on your horse, have to jump off otherwise it goes sloooow! Cant stop skinning animals!

Went after my first Wanted guy last night, shot his horse then shot his legs so he was alive (bigger reward) then 4 wolves came and ate him before I got off my horse :@
Yeah I notice it when entering/leaving a town - Theives Landing over the bridge can be bad but its nothing too awful...

LOL at your Bounty - you were W-onwed :p

BTW has everyones Gentlemens Attire unlocked now? Mine did last night when I quit the game and went back into it...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Yeah mine unlocked as soon as I returned to my safe house.

How do I hunt dear?

Is it the same controls for lassoing people? Hold LT to target RT to lasso it then let go of RT and keep holding LT? Or is it like breaking horses?

Or do I just go the simple method and shoot them? :D
If this needs to be in the spoilers thread then ignore but to lasso people where the heck do I get a lasso!? and for finding treasure do I need a shovel as I'm sure I found the right place round Hanging Rock but no action appeared to dig it up or pick it up
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