Mine crashed after I had a glitch that I couldn't use any of the face buttons. Had to re-start.
you been playing it with the sound turned off ? dont think ive heard a sentence without bad language. sure ive even heard the C word ?
an 18 doesnt need overly gory. any gore at all will do , especially if rockstar are publishing
Also, aside from hitching, is there any way of getting your horse to stop following you?
Unless I've become numb to violence, I can't see much in this game that would make it an 18. No sex, not a lot of bad language, not overly bloody/gory.
Haven't played for a couple of days but have I missed something?
Just in case anyone wasn't aware, if you creep up on people equipped with the knife, you can slice throats... grizzly, but cool lol! Also can do it to people who you have hog-tied... just crouch over them.
I tried this with my first criminal and when I crouched he just kept swinging his knife around. Is it similar to tying them up? Stand over them and wait for the Y command?
Soon as i get a bounty on my head and become wanted,i give myself up by standing still,he puts his hands up ect,then the game goes to loading screen and locks up,its done this every time i give myself up
Just in case anyone wasn't aware, if you creep up on people equipped with the knife, you can slice throats... grizzly, but cool lol! Also can do it to people who you have hog-tied... just crouch over them.
i lassoed some whore who tried to steal my horse again and put her on the tracks, got the achievement first try.Make sure you get a girl from thieves landing, otherwise you will lose honour when you lasso her in public, unless you wear a bandana?