Red Dead Redemption Thread

Well, it's gone colder now, and my local shop where you collect from the counter had one left in stock, so I've reserved it for tomorrow. £34 aint bad really. :)

Train almost clipped me. I was actually riding along side the train trying to get in front of it. Great stuff.
Twice now I've failed to rescue hanging victims. What are you supposed to do? I was expecting a hot key to "cut down" but nothing appears...
You should have seen how many times it took me to rescue that stupid bint upstairs. :o
Instinctively I just wasted everybody, Mission restart :mad: Shot everyone, Mission restart :mad: rince repeat Lol I just couldn't stop myself wasting everyone.
Saving hostages Pffffff what is this Source nonsence. :p
Just had a load of people on horses come running past me at Thieves Landing with one of them shooting his pistol in the air shouting yeehhaa with someone being dragged along behind his horse lol.
Just had a load of people on horses come running past me at Thieves Landing with one of them shooting his pistol in the air shouting yeehhaa with someone being dragged along behind his horse lol.

Yeah they are groups of bandits im not sure about in theives landing but in other towns wasting them all gets a bonus i usually get em all in one dead eye meter, people must think im well cool :cool: lol

Rather hilariously imo most of the bandit groups i see ransacking towns are of the charcoal persuasion....accurate for the time but funny that it seems deliberate and the censors let it go.
I reloaded my game when I did that Robert. Bought top horse... "you already own this horse!" wtf?

Just opened up the third area of the game and I'm still enjoying it although I don't know if it is as good as GTAIV. I really like the western setting but the fast travelling/slow paced travelling isn't doing it for me I think.
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