Red Dead Redeption PC version maybe....

Maybe they just can't be arsed dealing with the plethora of issues that will no-doubt plague the PC version on release at the same time as having to maintain the console versions.

When all said and done, the consoles account for the bulk of their sales so it shouldn't be much of a shock that that's where the focus is.

Thats fair enough, but I don't know why they can't just tell us straight. Then at least people know whether to buy it for console instead if it definitely isnt coming for PC.
Thats fair enough, but I don't know why they can't just tell us straight. Then at least people know whether to buy it for console instead if it definitely isnt coming for PC.

We've seen and heard nothing yet so how about you don't get your knickers in a twist.

This is a question which will be answered long before the game is out.
Thats fair enough, but I don't know why they can't just tell us straight. Then at least people know whether to buy it for console instead if it definitely isnt coming for PC.

The game was announced today, don't be entirely surprised that they aren't furnishing people with everything they want to know already.

As said before, there was no mention of PC when GTA5 was announced either.
As said before, there was no mention of PC when GTA5 was announced either.

Which is my gripe :p. I would just like to know what is going on. But you are right it is early days, the wait for an answer begins I guess..

I mean can you imagine the ****storm if they only mentioned Xbone and not PS4 or vice versa? Its the same thing just leaving PC out of the loop.
It's not the same, because the console versions sell far, far more. It's fairly common practice these days that the PC version of whatever game is delayed (for whatever reason) so for me, this hasn't come as much of a surprise at all.
The game was announced today, don't be entirely surprised that they aren't furnishing people with everything they want to know already.

As said before, there was no mention of PC when GTA5 was announced either.

They flat out denied that a PC version of V was in the works, as I expected them to until they were ready to. As I fully expected them to. As said though, won't be buying as I don't have a PS4 or an XBone and won't be getting one either.
It's not the same, because the console versions sell far, far more. It's fairly common practice these days that the PC version of whatever game is delayed (for whatever reason) so for me, this hasn't come as much of a surprise at all.

You must be somewhat surprised, especially for the fact that the PC will be the primary development platform anyway AND the fact that (presumably) the same tech that made GTAV on PC will be used for RDR2.

It is very very annoying but at least it's given me another reason to buy a PS4 Pro. Was torn as the only game I wanted to play on PS4 was Horizon. This makes it a bit easier. Will be bitter as hell once it comes out on PC and I need to buy it again. Might just consider dusting off my eye patch for that one.
Peoples attitudes really make me laugh. If RockStar had simply waited 15 months and released a complete hash of a PC port with no extra features, more shineys and with a very smooth launch I could understand the hate. They actually did a damn good job on the release. But it seems to me that no company can do right from wrong...Rush a game to PC and get slated for a poor PC port...Delay PC release and get slated for being money hungry. Whether we like it or not Consoles are the priority for most as PC gaming is not as wide spread so of course they will target consoles first and development priority will be here NOT the PC. The sheer number of shoddy PC ports we get all of the time prove this. I would rather a delayed release that was smooth and great than a release at the same time that is just horrifying and means I have to wait till its fixed to actually play it... I wish more developers followed this line of thinking
I don't play online and have no interest in doing so but anyone that says the PC version of GTA V was bad is just wrong. It ran fine, played fine, looked fine and more importantly the mouse and keyboard controls worked perfectly.

Seems to me people will just criticize for the sake of it these days by over analyzing everything little thing when actually like all hobbies it should simply come down to whether you are enjoying yourself or not. If not instead of spending another shed load of hours moaning they could simply play something else or walk through their front door to experience some of the real world.

It's a shame this isn't being released for PC as I'd read good things about the original but as I don't own a console I've never played it, I do seem to remember GTA V being denied though (maybe wrong however) so maybe there is a glimmer of hope?
Peoples attitudes really make me laugh. If RockStar had simply waited 15 months and released a complete hash of a PC port with no extra features, more shineys and with a very smooth launch I could understand the hate. They actually did a damn good job on the release. But it seems to me that no company can do right from wrong...Rush a game to PC and get slated for a poor PC port...Delay PC release and get slated for being money hungry. Whether we like it or not Consoles are the priority for most as PC gaming is not as wide spread so of course they will target consoles first and development priority will be here NOT the PC. The sheer number of shoddy PC ports we get all of the time prove this. I would rather a delayed release that was smooth and great than a release at the same time that is just horrifying and means I have to wait till its fixed to actually play it... I wish more developers followed this line of thinking

While I agree with the above, there's one small proviso; if they're intending to release it on PC then why not announce it at the same time?* I'd be perfectly happy with a delayed release if we were actually told that one was coming at all...

* That's a question we all know the answer to; because people would wait to buy it on PC instead of buying the console version AND the PC version...
While I agree with the above, there's one small proviso; if they're intending to release it on PC then why not announce it at the same time?* I'd be perfectly happy with a delayed release if we were actually told that one was coming at all...

* That's a question we all know the answer to; because people would wait to buy it on PC instead of buying the console version AND the PC version...

Not necessarily.

Some people would want to play it right away regardless of whether it's on the 360 rather than XBOX1/PS4 or PC etc.

And some would wait as you mention.

But it's a money maker and Rockstar are a business so...
While I agree with the above, there's one small proviso; if they're intending to release it on PC then why not announce it at the same time?* I'd be perfectly happy with a delayed release if we were actually told that one was coming at all...

* That's a question we all know the answer to; because people would wait to buy it on PC instead of buying the console version AND the PC version...

Sorry I meant to include that as a reason to start with but got distracted and never actually added that.

I'd likely because they are a business and while they want to deliver a great product to everyone they also want to capitalise on what cash they can. Even if it was released on console and PC at the same time plenty of people would buy it on both. Hell I have games on both my console and PC because I play them both at different times. I even have the last of us on PS3 and PS4. No one made me do it, nothing conned me into it.

ANYONE who says they would not do similar in the same position is ultimately kidding themselves, It is a business and it is run as such. This does not mean I like it but I find calling them names and being generally abusive about it is childish. It isn't like they have released a sub par product is it? *Looks at Ubisoft*
99% certain this won't make it to PC, even though it makes perfect business sense. Who in their right mind would turn away millions? Maybe a team that are working on Red Dead 3, for both console and PC?
As much as I really want to play this, I simply can't justify buying another console. My xbox 360 Elite broke (RROD) and then the PS4 I bought as a replacement crapped out as well. I vowed after that point never to buy another. If it comes to PC eventually, great. If not, I'm quite happy spending my time elbow deep in Cyberpunk 2077 or any other of the amazing titles that are due to be released.
Damn :(

I had rdr on the 360. Was a great game but will be a really be a shame if no rdr 2 for pc. Already have an XB1 but very rarely use it for games. Don't think I could enjoy it at 30fps 720p upscaled with a controller.

Was really looking forward to it. I'm with the above. Pc version great I'll wait. Unlikely I'll be buying the console version, at least not on release.

Suppose there is still time for that to change. Fall 2017 is still a good distance away. Throwing a lot of money away if they don't release a version on pc.
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I always thought RDR was a bit overrated and the world a bit too sparse for my liking - though one could argue that it did simulate the emptiness of the wild west that way.

Overall it was a good game, but with hardly any replayability post game completion, which annoyed me greatly. I don't recall if it had MP or not as it was so long ago.

As for the PC version of RDR2, I have no doubts Rockstar will tempt folks into double/triple dipping just like they did with GTAV. Then they will slam a gorgeous version of the game in our face. Rockstar just don't do MP so I couldn't care less about that and am confident they'll have learnt nothing from GTAV being such a horrid experience.
You must be somewhat surprised, especially for the fact that the PC will be the primary development platform anyway AND the fact that (presumably) the same tech that made GTAV on PC will be used for RDR2.

No, I'm really not. As I said, this isn't exactly uncommon practice. I'd be surprised if it never comes to PC but it's no great shock that they aren't currently intending to release it alongside the console versions.
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