It's 24 gig / 2x Xeon L5520 (16 virtual cores) on a gigabit connection, I would hope it was smooth
That wasn't me, I was the scumbag German running a marathon across the map
Tanks are stupid in this game imo
A mobile AT man is not enough to combat it, you need AT guns... even if they are not mobile and are set at spawn points to prevent raping.
Its not fun seeing the tank driver rack up 100+ kills cleaning up almost half of their reinforcements... wheres the challenge in that, sit in a metal box spamming away.
I didn't know the gunner was AI... makes sense as I had been wondering how they were able to you moving so quickly and kill through smoke.
AMD Phenom II 1075T
Nvidia GTX 560
6 Gigabyte DDR3
PSU = 750w
We've already admitted to a bottleneck at the CPU. The issue this creates, is that your GPU is then starved of information.
We are working to fix it. The fact we need to fix it is not lost on us.
Anyone got any news with regards to profile stats, level 80 here apparently but I've only played 8 hours according to steam?!
For anyone with a lower end system I will just say this:
so.... im level 69 and ive only played 3 hrs lol damn thought i was pro lool
Haha, yeah... apparently I've destroyed 15 tanks and have literally hundreds of kills.
pfff that's nothing
117 Tanks
4852 Kills
thats nothingpfff that's nothing
117 Tanks
4852 Kills