Red Orchestra (2) : Heroes of Stalingrad

I just downloaded the second patch. All the servers seem to be empty.

Anyone got any useful server IP's?
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Steam name in Sig feel free to add, will be on tonight.
An OCUK server with voice comes would be epic, this game is set-up for team work and would be great to be able to coordinate on the battlefield.
Is the servers empty thing a bug? Had 4 ranked servers come up last night, all empty and with pings like they were in china. Joined the steam group chat and followed a link in there, quick game mucho fun.
I had a fantastic moment when playing last night.

I was a Soviet on Apartments. I went left and through the cellar and came up the stairs into the Propaganda House. As I neared the top of the stairs, there was a German in the doorway across the hallway.

Fired a quick birst from my PPSh. Missed, because he sidestepped left behind the wall. I knew he couldn't get out without crossing the doorway again so I waited a few seconds aiming at the apeture.

Then I suddenly remembered - they've added bullet penetration! Gave the wall next to the door a quick burst of fire. A puff of blood, and the body slumped sideways into the doorway.

Fantastic :D
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