Red Orchestra (2) : Heroes of Stalingrad

Worth getting this? I've got a mate whos deeply into the RO games and has been bugging me to buy it but I'm not so sure it's my thing. I like realistic FPS but hate overcomplicated games, like having to press 5 different keys to reload a gun or something drives me around the bend.

In comparison, i'm a Battlefield fan.
Worth getting this? I've got a mate whos deeply into the RO games and has been bugging me to buy it but I'm not so sure it's my thing. I like realistic FPS but hate overcomplicated games, like having to press 5 different keys to reload a gun or something drives me around the bend.

In comparison, i'm a Battlefield fan.

It's not complicated as you're saying there. Reloading is a simple case of pressing "R" like any other shooter. It's nothing like Battlefield though.
I'm sure it's been mentioned but what's the best way to gain FPS?

I'm getting about 40/50 on high but it certainly doesn't feel that much.

I get about the same fps on high. It feels more like 20fps though!

I think it will be a fantastic game after some performance and general lobby, game and loading screen stability fixes
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Are achievements bugged for some people?

I keep being told at the post game scoreboards I have unlocked x achievements but Is till have 0 unlocked in Steam.
A typical moment last night was me getting stuck on some scenery and probably having my longest life of the match while I prayed for someone to shoot me lol.
I think people need to stop comparing this to Battlefield.

Its nothing like Battlefield, its not even trying to be.

Take it for what it is and its a brilliant game. Ok it's buggy but as stated before, the developers have a history of working on there games until they are sorted. Personally, I am really looking forward to seeing how this game matures.
whats the single player like?if anyone has played it that is :p

Have played a few missions, it just seems to be like mp only with bots, intersected with videos.

One thing it is very good at though is teaching you how to play the game. I used to play the original RO and i still found it very useful.

Thanks for the use of the server Gimpymoo. Had much fun last night.
I came on last night after 22:30 or so. Noticed a few of you guys who used the same or similar to your forum names. Hopefully get to know you all better. I play with the tag 'carefreeNICK'.

I started getting the hang of it and strung together some good passages of play, but I always ruin it by getting stuck on something, grrrr. Can you change it so that you don't have to toggle crouch and prone with 'C' and 'Alt' respectively and just use 'Space' to get back to standing?

I am at work now, so I can't really look, but what is 'Ctrl' used for please? I can't remember at all, maybe I can change that to prone instead. Would be more natural for me.

Will defo try and be on again tonight, probably after 10pm. Hopefully see a few different maps.
I came on last night after 22:30 or so. Noticed a few of you guys who used the same or similar to your forum names. Hopefully get to know you all better. I play with the tag 'carefreeNICK'.

I started getting the hang of it and strung together some good passages of play, but I always ruin it by getting stuck on something, grrrr. Can you change it so that you don't have to toggle crouch and prone with 'C' and 'Alt' respectively and just use 'Space' to get back to standing?

I am at work now, so I can't really look, but what is 'Ctrl' used for please? I can't remember at all, maybe I can change that to prone instead. Would be more natural for me.

Will defo try and be on again tonight, probably after 10pm. Hopefully see a few different maps.

left CTRL is USE

You can go into the settings and configure it all to your liking.

I have crouch to CTRL like most games and E is bound to use.

I don't bother using leans as I like using E as use and Q is my vent/mumble talk key :D

Id also recommend binding your melee and prone to mouse4 and 5 if you have them, makes it a hell of a lot handier.
left CTRL is USE

You can go into the settings and configure it all to your liking.

I have crouch to CTRL like most games and E is bound to use.

I don't bother using leans as I like using E as use and Q is my vent/mumble talk key :D

Id also recommend binding your melee and prone to mouse4 and 5 if you have them, makes it a hell of a lot handier.

Good idea on the Lean buttons, as when your in cover it automatically leans round things anyway, and come to think of it i havent actually used them lol.
Good idea on the Lean buttons, as when your in cover it automatically leans round things anyway, and come to think of it i havent actually used them lol.

Yeah I've never like leaning in games anyways,

Have you any of you seen someone who is proned and leaning?

Looks like they've been trampeled on by a siamese elephant!
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