Red Sea / Houthi rebels situation

6 Feb 2019
CENTCOM says on this day US forces have launched 125 missiles at Iranian targets in Syria and Iraq

And statement from US secretary of defence Austin and President Biden: This is just the start
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18 Oct 2002
I've not seen, and excuse me for being out of touch, the bit where Iran says that they are backing the Houthi guys...
IF Iran are backing someone that's being a dick, then they should expect retaliatory strikes, but, to this point I've not seen anything official from the Iranian Government saying that they are supporting the Houthi lot...
6 Feb 2019
I've not seen, and excuse me for being out of touch, the bit where Iran says that they are backing the Houthi guys...
IF Iran are backing someone that's being a dick, then they should expect retaliatory strikes, but, to this point I've not seen anything official from the Iranian Government saying that they are supporting the Houthi lot...

Don't need a statement from them, not saying that there isnt any though. There is enough evidence showing Iran's revolutionary guards ship weapons to the Houthis. Even if Iran some how did not support them, then they have a huge security problem because huge numbers of Iranian weapons including long range missiles that are bigger with more range than what the west sends Ukraine are ending up in Yemen, a country that is notoriously poor and so Iran should do something urgently to clean the corrupt leaders in its military sending free weapons to the Houthis, you know since Iran doesn't support them so they would be happy to fix this
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28 May 2010
Why give the Iranians and their proxies ample warning to get their assets out of dodge before attacking? Why not just level the ***** and then answer any questions afterwards?

So the spy satellites can see where they move all their stuff to. Blow up the fixed installations first then maybe tomorrow night bomb where they moved the assets to.
21 Oct 2011
So the spy satellites can see where they move all their stuff to. Blow up the fixed installations first then maybe tomorrow night bomb where they moved the assets to.
Well they're ****** if they move assets over the border and into Iran. Despite all the bravado and rhetoric, they don't have the nads to attack targets inside Iran.
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6 Feb 2019
Been announced that the Jordanian Air Force participated in the bombing against Iranian targets; Jordanian F16s carried out strikes today
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13 Jan 2003

Sounds like the US has worked with Iraqi and Syrian military and government (hence the delay). The US then appear to the middle east as respecting sovereign boundaries and governments.
The local governments got a nimber of freebie targets add to the list.

The approach will help stabilise the region around Isreal and Saudis (which will help long term influence).
Iran will start appearing more of an outsider due to it’a actions - although more radical and not aligned with Saudi/UaE etc this being seen as an unstablising influence (mini russia/puppet for russia?).

It also helps grease the relationship with the oil countries which pulls them away from russia’s focus on controlling all the oil in the region.

Quite smart.
3 Aug 2015
Why give the Iranians and their proxies ample warning to get their assets out of dodge before attacking? Why not just level the ***** and then answer any questions afterwards?
The narrative on the BBC is that it's to avoid "escalating" the situation into a full on war between the US and Iran. Essentially makes the strikes symbolic since any Iranians and the militias will be long gone.

I've not seen, and excuse me for being out of touch, the bit where Iran says that they are backing the Houthi guys...
IF Iran are backing someone that's being a dick, then they should expect retaliatory strikes, but, to this point I've not seen anything official from the Iranian Government saying that they are supporting the Houthi lot...
I would imagine the evidence is not that strong or it's hearsay that Iran are backing them. I don't think Iran have officially said they're backing the Houthis. Also, again avoiding a US vs Iran war, which would probably lead to all out conflict in the Middle East.
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25 Nov 2005
Sounds like the US has worked with Iraqi and Syrian military and government (hence the delay). The US then appear to the middle east as respecting sovereign boundaries and governments.
What makes you think that ?

BreakingIraq summons US envoy in protest over airstrikes​

Iraq's foreign ministry has summoned the US envoy in Baghdad todeliver a formal memorandum of protest over the retaliatory US airstrikes launched overnight, state news agency INA reports.

The US would never work with the Syrian government or military, Iraq maybe but generally the Iraqi government isn't much on friendly terms with the US and tolerates their presence
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28 Jul 2010
The BBC really needs pulling apart now, its been infected politically for far to long both by Labour and the Tories, all the top jobs taken by friends of friends of friends from posh schools..... Not one of them an ounce of integrity.

Still nice to See Iran getting what's due, and has been for a significant amount of time.

Also had to check on the B1 Lancer it always looks small to me but after doing a size comparison (ooo errr) its bloody big :)
29 Jan 2008
Dissapointed they faffed around behind the scenes trying to get some back door deal with Iran to do some symbloic bombing then in the end ended up giving the IRGC plenty of time to withdraw before bombing militia locations.

I quite liked the leaked plan of sinking the Iranian owned spy/command ship that's feeding info to the Houthi terrorists and it's two escort ships, that would have sent a stronger message - you killed three US servicemen we've sunk three of your ships in return. Especially since Iran is making threats and stating that any attacks would be me with reprisals.

Also had to check on the B1 Lancer it always looks small to me but after doing a size comparison (ooo errr) its bloody big :)

13 Jan 2003
What makes you think that ?

The US would never work with the Syrian government or military, Iraq maybe but generally the Iraqi government isn't much on friendly terms with the US and tolerates their presence

US takes out Iranian backed militants in the Iraq and Syria.. but publicly they throw their toys out to prevent any repercussions to themselves.. don't you think it's a bit odd that Iraq and Syria didn't get a shot off to a large number of planes flying into their country aerospace?
29 Jan 2008
US takes out Iranian backed militants in the Iraq and Syria.. but publicly they throw their toys out to prevent any repercussions to themselves.. don't you think it's a bit odd that Iraq and Syria didn't get a shot off to a large number of planes flying into their country aerospace?

It's not odd that Iraq wouldn't shoot down US planes, they might be miffed about it but they have diplmatic relations with the US and have a US military presence in their country that they've mutually agreed to.

Syria on the other hand doesn't have diplomatic relations and doesn't control all of it's territory, there is a US presence in part of the country but that's not something the regime likes, still not much they can do about it. US and Russia have deals to avoid conflict between thier airforces in the country, likewise Russia won't engage Israeli aircraft when they attempt to strike, Syrian air defence will attempt to when it can. Whether it attempted to this time re: US aircraft isn't clear?
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6 Mar 2007
SW London
The BBC really needs pulling apart now, its been infected politically for far to long both by Labour and the Tories, all the top jobs taken by friends of friends of friends from posh schools..... Not one of them an ounce of integrity.

Still nice to See Iran getting what's due, and has been for a significant amount of time.

Also had to check on the B1 Lancer it always looks small to me but after doing a size comparison (ooo errr) its bloody big :)
B1 is a beast. I saw one at Fairford a few years back, the beast blew past with the wings back, afterburners on and set off a loads of car alarms in the carpark :D
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