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I've got very bad coil whine coming from either the 3090 or the PSU.
Just ran Night raid and managed to get an almost buzzing sound out of the 3090 which is different to the noise I'm hearing constantly which is a high pitched almost metalic sound, and its there whether I'm at the desktop or playing games.
Unfortunately hasn't resolved anything for mine after a night run last night which was painful since it in my bedroom lol. Can't even RMA as not being accepted as has had a waterblock on it so stuck with it now. Tempted to offload and get a 3080/3090 it so bad.
I mean in a stock system in a proper case with panels and it under the desk etc it probably wouldn't be so bad. However this is head height pretty much about 18" from me and right at the front of the build so no way to dampen the sound.
Take the backplate off. I have seen a fair few reports of noise being sent through gpu backplate and being significantly reduced with it removed. Other than that undervolt, and block i/o ports and other vents in the case. A lot of noise comes out the back of the card/case.
I have put my pc in a locked cupboard several feet away from me for this very reason. It gets a little hotter but no noise, ever. I know how painful it is, super super super annoying and i was tempted to sell and get rid of my pc at one point because of it.
just dont tell them it has had a waterblock on it. apparently removing the warranty void sticker as a reason for voiding the warranty isnt legal.
I have tried without and it made no different in honesty. I have also now got the EK backplate that made no difference either. Undervolting tried as well. Unfortunately can't do the I/O and vents cause it hasn't got any to close haha. It is at front of an open case. See here:
Do the custom run and set it up on loop and leave it running for 24 hours or at least overnight. See if it helps.
I have a 3090, no coil whine except in Solidworks when I rotate a model (in real view). Not really a whine so much more like white noise and quite loud.
I'm confused
Is the point of this to get your ears so used to bad coil whine that you don't mind the mild coil whine?
Just a heads up for anyone watercooling their 3080/3090 and has coil whine.
I added an EK water block and backplate for my 3080 and a huge amount of coil whine was present after the swap. I dropped EK an email and was told to remove these thermal pads from the backplate, which solved the issue.
i wonder if this will work with amd's cards, they say to apply 1mm pads to the coils but reports show the cards suffer from horendus whine once done
i wonder if this will work with amd's cards, they say to apply 1mm pads to the coils but reports show the cards suffer from horendus whine once done
worth a shot, if you have bad coil whine either remove the thermal pads on the VRM or replace it with something else
I'm confused
Is the point of this to get your ears so used to bad coil whine that you don't mind the mild coil whine?
I'm lucky though my 3090 has no coil whine and it's the first gpu I've owned in 10 years without coil whine
Just a heads up for anyone watercooling their 3080/3090 and has coil whine.
I added an EK water block and backplate for my 3080 and a huge amount of coil whine was present after the swap. I dropped EK an email and was told to remove these thermal pads from the backplate, which solved the issue.
I confirm this completely removed the coil wine from my EK Strix Waterblock with the 3090 however I would be worried about the additional thermals produced. I have now noticed EK have changed the manual for the backplate introducing thicker thermal pads and a fair few more of them which I am going to try. Hopefully this will resolve the issue and maintain the additional thermal transfer.