Refusal to buy games because its not on steam

I just want to play games, I'm really not interested in politics.

It's not really politics when you've got the CEO publicly saying that all PC gamers are pirates and several releases with extremely dodgy DRM that prevent you from playing.

edit: I'm not saying you're wrong to not care btw. Just that I don't agree with the term "politics" in this case :)
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I'm not bothered what digital platform my game is tied to, they all work absolutely fine and allow me to play the games I want.

Steam is starting to get a little annoying with how bloated it has become but most of the annoyances can be ignored/bypassed, my biggest issue with it is how long it takes to launch... I'm starting to like the other platforms a little bit more because of how they launch and allow me to start playing almost instantaneously.

I quite like that EA have been making a lot of CD keys from boxed games into Origin compatible codes, has helped me clear a good chunk of shelf space.
I'm not bothered about Uplay or Origin and I found Origin customer service a lot better than Steams.
I'm trying to diversify where I buy my games from now as I'm a little worried that if for some reason I lose access to one account I won't lose all my games..
First world problems, jeez :rolleyes:
I have Origin, Steam & Uplay installed....I just click the game shortcut and the game opens, I don't get the hate. Is it because it's just cool to hate anything that isn't Steam?
Personally my list in order of favourite to least favourite is this:

GOG -> Steam -> Origin -> uPlay

I do have the Blizzard client installed as well but I haven't played Diablo 3 for ages.
The only reason why I find Steam preferable is because it allows me to play online games in invisible mode. I believe Origin hides me until I'm online in a game and a friend is also playing the game. The worst is Uplay where I cannot play a multiplay game online while in offline mode (the only way to go invisible). Sometimes I only have 5-10 minutes to play and don't want to alert everyone that I'm on and then have to respond with an excuse of why I can't play. :mad:
First world problems, jeez :rolleyes:
I have Origin, Steam & Uplay installed....I just click the game shortcut and the game opens, I don't get the hate. Is it because it's just cool to hate anything that isn't Steam?

I love Steam but yeh, I don't hate the others. Never had an issue with them (and that goes for the Windows Live one recently switched off).
I prefer to keep everything on Steam but these days if it's by another developer your going to be launching Uplay via Steam anyway when you click play.
Not too bothered anymore. They're hardly going to hog a modern gaming pc. I do admit steam is the best though and if a game is on multiple platforms I'll always buy on steam for better steam controller and link support.
Steam for me. I have origin for games where I have no choice and really want to play, crysis 3 and dragon age inquisition being the two games I bought and played on there.
Steam and GoG as a backup option, I have even started buying copies of games I already own on CD in sales just because it's so convenient. How times change, I used to hate steam back in the days of Red Orchestra being released but then again I suppose it might have been because I had a ~2mb connection. :p
Not really had an issue with any of these tools, apart from during their early days with some. I remember early Steam days and the uproar about not owning a real game. I buy my games to play not clutter up my house.
I like having all games in one place, but I wouldn't not buy from a place just because it isn't Steam.

What would happen in the event that Steam dissapears forever and the client no longer works? Sure it isn't going to happen but what would happen to our games then?
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