reheating food help !

ElRazur said:
i think i commit a crime
Oh Noes!
<runs off to e-mail police>

and I really don't see how you telling someone on the forum that you study biology 'confirms' it?

fini said:
Oh Noes!
<runs off to e-mail police>

and I really don't see how you telling someone on the forum that you study biology 'confirms' it?


This is getting silly and weaker. I dont say i am something i aint period. I dont come in here to tell lies. I honestly dont care what you think, believe what you want.
You never made any contribution other than trying to discredit me, which to me is just what an immature git will do really.
Perhabs you should TRY DISCREDITING my argument and then i will be impressed and change my view of you.
ElRazur said:
You know something, i dont understand is the actual toxin that causes food poisoning is INSIDE the Bacteria, i dont know why they keep saying "toxin is left in the food" or something similar.

***Emails my lecturer*** :)

The toxins are what is excreted by the bacteria, they arent in the bacteria.
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Energize said:
The toxins are what is excreted by the bacteria, they arent in the bacteria.

I honestly cant say anything on that, but most food poisoning caused by microbes are as a result of LPS (lipopolysacharride) that constitute part of the protective coating (or forms part of the cell structure iirc).
It is when this lps break down that lead to the aftermath effect seen in food poisoning, it is also why antibiotic is not prescribed for treatment of food poisoning.
Energize said:
The toxins are what is excreted by the bacteria, they arent in the bacteria.

Hooray, well done, I was waiting for someone else to mention this :)

I think some of the confusion comes from the two main types of toxins produced by this bacteria, the one that causes diarrhoea, and the emetic (vomit producing) toxin Cereulide.

This latter toxin is heat resistant, not denatured at 129degree C after 30 mins.

It also has some resistant to the products of the stomach such as acids and so once in the body can cause serious problems, especially in the more susceptible and this has lead to death in some cases.

Microwaves on average are not good methods to rely on as a way of ensuring your food safely; they do not always produce food that is evenly hot even after stirring. After a relatively short period of time the magnetrons ( produces the microwave radiation ) start to have a reduced output, meaning they will give you food that will be less hot for the same period of time. The typical amount of rice that 1 person would eat / have left over would not be microwaved very long, so with the points mentioned in my post here and going back to the original topic, It is not recommended that you eat old cooked rice, even worst if left out overnight at optimum temps for it to multiply ( on average binary fusion will occur every 20 mins = the amount of bacteria will double every 20 mins !!

This will leave pathogenic causing toxins left in the food to cause illness.

I notice that some more recent posts are now starting to state 150 degrees C as a way of overcoming this, I do not think in the real world setting this will always be achieved in every circumstance for long enough to be 100% sure of not causing serious illness, so the advice has to be don`t do it, just spend a few pence in the supermarket and have some `new` rice to cook ;)
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Dreadi said:
i'm fine, nor ill from rice, i win, its all good, end of
Excellent, but this is also read by many other people that may be more susceptible, not be so lucky etc . . . . .

So the simple, easy to digest (pun intended :o ) take away ( doh, done it again :o ) message is, don`t do it ;)
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