Rejoice, Rejoice! PM marries for the third time!

This really isn’t thread worthy news
probably what most of us think every time we see a new don thread, but we choose to remain silent ;)

Your prime minister was educated at Eton and Oxford. He knows French, Italian, German, Spanish, Latin and Ancient Greek. Call him what you may, but not being bright certainly isn't one of his traits.
being able to remember words doesn't exactly mean your intelligent.

Paul Potiki also seemed to strike a chord, describing Boris as “one of those people who are convinced they’re great at everything, with no evidence to support that, such as for example, actually doing said thing at any point”
probably what most of us think every time we see a new don thread, but we choose to remain silent ;)

being able to remember words doesn't exactly mean your intelligent.
Such tosh. He hasn't actually done anything? Except he is the PM? Do you read your own drivel? :confused:
I just don’t know why this matters enough to start a thread over, I really don’t. A man has got married, what’s the big deal?
Seems Boris gets away with not paying a hell of a lot of rent, judging by how much time he spends in people's heads :D
You guys crack on then, I fail to see how it’s even news worthy

It isn't and even he didn't think so as it wasn't even announced officially, but thats not the point of this thread though is it its an opportunity for someone to stick the boot in as much as possible.

Congrats I guess, hope Carrie and Boris are happy and she manages to change him. Made the Catholic Church's policy on previous marriages look like a bit of a joke when many ordinary people haven't been able to get a Catholic marriage...

Ah but they were proddy weddings so they don't count in the eyes of the RC church...
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Ah but they were proddy weddings so they don't count in the eyes of the RC church...
Will probably have had to have another few hours in the confessional if even his legitimate children were in fact products of fornication and Lust! Then again he'll have saved some time for not having to confess for twice breaking apart a union made by God given the union did not in fact exist.

I suppose this revelation that Mr Johnson is in fact a Catholic does explain why he has so many children though - fornication may be frowned upon but fornication with a condom would be really super duper off limits.

Does seem like a rather odd and arbitrary policy though, and it seems that not all Catholics have had the same response as Mr Johnson even if it is technically within Roman rules.
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probably what most of us think every time we see a new don thread, but we choose to remain silent ;)

being able to remember words doesn't exactly mean your intelligent.

Love him or loathe him, and I’m ambivalent, I imagine that he’s intelligent enough
to know the difference between your and you’re :rolleyes:
Love him or loathe him, and I’m ambivalent, I imagine that he’s intelligent enough. . .
Funnily enough I don't really think that having a brain the size of a planet is that important for a national leader.

The qualities that I would consider to be essential for a good PM are empathy, honesty, an ability to make decisions and in particular, some insight into the lives of others. I don't think that Johnson has any of these qualities and on that basis I believe that he is entirely unfitted for the role. I am sure that there are other things which I have overlooked.

I suspect that the Blonde Buffoon, having talked things over with his like-minded chums, invariably operates on a whim and typically ignores the professional Civil Servants who should be the people with the intelligence, the experience and the detailed knowledge of their area of specialisation.
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