Relationships and Gaming

31 May 2005
How do your wifes/husbands, fiancées, partners, lovers, knock offs react to your gaming needs?

I have been with my wife for about 15 years now, from day one, I told her that gaming/computers were a hobby and that was that.

Sure, she tried to "curb" it in some ways but I stood my ground and that was that.

"Come and sit on the sofa and watch this" - Refering to some **** mind numbing reality show or Peckham Housewives or the like.

"Erm, no. It is **** so why would I do that, I will be sat 5ft away on the computer enjoying myself talking to a load of strangers who are infinitely more interesting than you. Love you though".

Also, there was:

Midnight, 1AM, 2AM: (In a angry voice)
"Will you come to bed, I cannot sleep if your not there"
"**** off, I will come to bed when I want" (maybe not those exact words, must respect the fair lady).

After a while, the message was received and I was left to it.
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My GF has always been really good about it. She knows that I won't watch most of the tosh she enjoys and any time it comes on I just retreat to the man cave. I do make an effort though, I won't sit and game all day at the weekend for example but I will often stay up after she goes to bed, she gives not one hoot.
How do your wifes/husbands, fiancées, partners, lovers, knock offs react to your gaming needs?

I have been with my wife for about 15 years now, from day one, I told her that gaming/computers were a hobby and that was that.

Sure, she tried to "curb" it in some ways but I stood my ground and that was that.

"Come and sit on the sofa and watch this" - Refering to some **** mind numbing reality show or Peckham Housewives or the like.

"Erm, no. It is **** so why would I do that, I will be sat 5ft away on the computer enjoying myself talking to a load of strangers who are infinitely more interesting than you. Love you though".

Also, there was:

Midnight, 1AM, 2AM: (In a angry voice)
"Will you come to bed, I cannot sleep if your not there"
"**** off, I will come to bed when I want" (maybe not those exact words, must respect the fair lady).

After a while, the message was received and I was left to it.

haha basically me :D

mrs has the odd rage up but my family are gaming mad and always have been so its not a surprise.
The Boss love's it when l game, she gets the telly and watch's what she wants with her headphone's on, in

So its a win win win situation all round, game on.
How do your wifes/husbands, fiancées, partners, lovers, knock offs react to your gaming needs?

I have been with my wife for about 15 years now, from day one, I told her that gaming/computers were a hobby and that was that.

Sure, she tried to "curb" it in some ways but I stood my ground and that was that.

"Come and sit on the sofa and watch this" - Refering to some **** mind numbing reality show or Peckham Housewives or the like.

"Erm, no. It is **** so why would I do that, I will be sat 5ft away on the computer enjoying myself talking to a load of strangers who are infinitely more interesting than you. Love you though".

Also, there was:

Midnight, 1AM, 2AM: (In a angry voice)
"Will you come to bed, I cannot sleep if your not there"
"**** off, I will come to bed when I want" (maybe not those exact words, must respect the fair lady).

After a while, the message was received and I was left to it.

Wow. You are my clone.
Firstly I don't tell my wife to "**** off". I try not to spend hours upon hours gaming, I game in moderation. I gamed long before we met and she doest mind too much.
Been with my Girl for 2months, and other night was at hers and she was like is there any dota on tonight? She wanted to sit and watch dota instead of a film. I havn't tried to play with her in the house tho.

(before we met she had never heard of Dota or esports)
I'm fairly lucky that we used to play most games together (best memories are playing Unreal Tournament years ago with her on 'Sniper Watch' while I charged the enemy base). She no longer plays, but understand why I have no interest in the dross that is on TV. I still get the 'I can't sleep when you aren't there' speech, but luckily my other main hobby is reading.
Now we have kids, there are certain self imposed rules about gaming time. Strangely the kids are gamers too, so it's not all bad :)
My better half wants to find games that we can play together. I think the best ones we have found are either Minecraft of Civ V. I guess I have got lucky in that apart from some of the costs involved with PC gaming, she is really relaxed about my hobby. I think the only real thing that annoys her is when I buy a game in the steam sales but never actually play it. Oh well! :P
I'm the same gimpymoo. Been married for a year and the wife knows how much I enjoy PC games - I have my own man cave and have told her if you want kids, you'll need a bigger house - the two bed one just doesn't have a spare room! 1 room for us, 1 for my mancave! ;)

I also go to bed around 2ish, usually later! Too many games to fit in before sleep! ;)
I keep a balance - that way when you REALLY want to be left alone to enjoy a game, you can usually get it without undue difficulty.

I'd LIKE to enjoy the BF4 mega-XP this weekend for a good few hours, but the Mrs has had a stressy week at work so looks like tonight we'll be going to the cinema instead to watch Gravity. Then all of tomorrow I'm going to Wales to see a friend of hers get married. Then Sunday I'm taking her to a Christmas fair in town, then helping my sister move house and in the evening painting part of my living room.

Wait a minute...


She's not a gamer as such, but I bought her Lego LOTR for Christmas. After the initial "Oh my god that's so a present for you, not for me" look she agreed to give it a go. Five hours later I had to drag her off the PS3 because we were meant to be meeting people at the pub, and now she's got 100% completion on it, one achievment away from Platinum. This year sh'es getting Lego Star Wars, the complete saga.
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Past girlfriends have frowned upon it, thinking it's childish, my last girlfriend worked for Rareware for a time till she was made redundant, and she loved playing games - especially Skyrim.
Im with you gimpymoo. She knew from the off, has tried to curb it a bit but I dont give in. Shes quite used to it now and enjoys peace and quite while i talk to me mates and have a game.
In general the other half is very understanding, she respects that what I do with my leisure time is up to me.

If I go a bit overboard (like when a new game comes out), she does let me know about it though. :p
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