Relationships and Gaming

Been with my now wife of 6 months for over 10 years. She knows the score. I tend to have 1 maybe 2 nights dedicated to gaming per week. I play a crazy balancing game between gaming, MMA, BJJ, playing football, my season ticket at the Etihad and time with her. Guess which gives in first.

She has a rant from time to time and I rein in the gaming for a while to appease her, but I always revert to type after a few weeks. Sometimes she just wants some space and to mess about on her guitar or watch some bobbins tv show. When that's the case I escape to my pc room.
I'm sorry but I've failed as a bloke by not upholding this sacred area of gaming.

I hardly get a chance to game these days - I used to game for an hour or so every day after work and Friday nights at mates LAN event but now I'm lucky if I get an hour a month.

I can't really blame the missus entirely though (*checks over shoulder*) as my daughter takes up a lot of time these days. I'm also ashamed to say the PS3 was sold earlier in the year to buy a food processor.

My advice to anyone happy in their relationship or married is to stay strong and don't give in or you'll be made to watch Peter Andre: Next Chapter and Quints By Surprise (some US baby program, apparently).

Thank goodness for my tablet so I can at least browse these forums to see what I'm missing out on :/
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Sounds like the staying up late is a common theme! I tend to get some gaming done in the 11pm - 2.00am slot, as I will normally spend time with wife and family the rest of the time.

If we didn't have small kids I am sure she would be fine with me gaming in the day, but as I have a 3.75 yr old and a 1.5yr old that is normally or if the question. (daughter liked watching Batman at though and sun seems to like watching driving games).
Mine is fine with it, she likes to play Mario and a few other Nintendo games so that's something we do together. She also has her own 3DS. I play my Pc games a lot but she likes to watch soaps and **** so there are no issues. She accepts my geeky side and often buys me gaming related stuff so it's all good.
It was an issue with my ex wife, but not the reason we split up. But I did spend a lot of time games by, but she spent a lot of time watch soaps. So as far as I was concerned it balanced out. Even when I made the effort and watched TV with her, as soon as soaps were done and it was my TV choice she went to bed.

With my second wife, I have set days I game and set days we watch TV together. She doesn't watch soaps and we enjoy similar tastes in TV so all is good. She even likes Star Wars, Indiana Jones, James Bond, Lord Of The Rings, Game Of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Dexter, Homeland, etc etc.

We both hate football and she even pays a passing interest in F1, she's one in a million.
Do you guys staying up until 2am playing games also have to get up early for work?

I just can't anymore.
Mine used to complain about me spending too much time in my mancave, so I got the go-ahead to purchase a gaming laptop and I sit downstairs and play games while she sits and watches TV. It works ok.

As for the "come to bed, I can't sleep without you thing" - she likes sleeping too much and doesn't bother me :D

Besides, now that we're engaged all she watches is wedding shows and I end up hurling abuse at people on the telly, so she doesn't ask me to watch any more!
Mine used to complain about me spending too much time in my mancave, so I got the go-ahead to purchase a gaming laptop and I sit downstairs and play games while she sits and watches TV. It works ok.

As for the "come to bed, I can't sleep without you thing" - she likes sleeping too much and doesn't bother me :D

Besides, now that we're engaged all she watches is wedding shows and I end up hurling abuse at people on the telly, so she doesn't ask me to watch any more!

lol sounds exactly like me except but with reality tv programs and the soaps

garbage tv when you can play a game thats had effort put into it ;)
Besides, now that we're engaged all she watches is wedding shows and I end up hurling abuse at people on the telly, so she doesn't ask me to watch any more!


I tend to do that, I just cannot help myself, it is a natural reaction for me now seeing as most TV is full of ****.

On the plus side, after a few minutes, I do get the "Oh, if your going to do that you may as well go somewhere else".


Had the same issues as Mr Moo but after humongous arguments over the years its finally started to settle down, well sorta, when she is in 'one of those moods' she tries it on and everything ends up with her not speaking for a couple of days... its less and less these days but there you go there is nothing that will stop me gaming.

Do you guys staying up until 2am playing games also have to get up early for work?

I just can't anymore.

I get up at 6:30 three mornings and 5:45 the other two mornings to go running. The latest I game until now is 1am, but at 44 it getting harder.
The wife knew I was a gamer before we met, she has no issues with it.

Its win/win for me, if I say "shall we have an early night" she will either say "not tonight" which enables me through the power of guilt to game for as long as I want.

If she says "let's go big boy" I get to hop on the good foot and do the bad thing.

Blinder. She normally goes shopping with the kids on a Saturday, so to soften the blow that my account will about to endure she will open with "you have a day for gaming tomorrow, I'm going to the shops"

Double blinder

There's a simple get out jail free card you can play to a gaming widow.

At least when you are gaming you are in the house and she knows where you are and what you're up to.

And if you gave up gaming then you'd be left with no choice but to take up golf or fishing.

Then ask her if she wants you to stop gaming or not?
I can't function with less than 7 hours sleep. 9 hours is my sweet spot.

Yeah +1 for sleep, I need about 7 hours....less and I am a zombie at work the next day which sucks.

Cuts down on the old gaming time a bit in the evenings, but I love sleep almost as much as games :p
My Gf/Fiance is pretty good about the whole thing really. Who ever gets home first does whatever they want till the other is due home then we make dinner together, eat together then decide what we want to do for the rest of the evening, If one of us wants to specifically spend time with the other then we sit and watch TV or a movie together, or go for a walk/Gym/Other activity etc. If we aren't fussed and just want to veg after a hard day at work or some other stress then we both go and do what ever we want (She watches TV or marks some books and I go play on my computer or PS3) Friday evenings is spent together if we are both at home and so is Saturday night. The rest of the time we just wing it.

I get up at 5am for work so in bed by 9:30/10pm and no more late nights for me except for once in a Blue Moon when the gf is away for the weekend, Never do it when she is at home. We take the time to sit and chat for 30 mins to an hour when we go to bed as there is nothing around to distract each other and its a pleasant way to end the day
Last g/f broke up because i kept ignoring her to play games. This one i put first, as i should have the last one. If she wants me to watch/do anything with her then thats what i do. Other than that shes fine with me gaming bar the cost of it.
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