Relocation to Spain Experience

20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
Biggest advice I can give is, when you are ready to buy your property, get an external appraisal, the bank one was absolutely useless.

You REALLY REALLY dont want termites :(

Thanks. The lady we're renting from said the same thing. Apparently there was an issue on one property they almost bought where the boundaries weren't correct and could've caused a nightmare when selling it on but they only were allowed to conduct the survey the day before completion for some reason, but at least were able to pull out.

The process seems a bit of a nightmare, and seems crucial to have a decent estate agent/gestor. I've already had the issue when buying my car that multiple gestors and the car dealer told me i needed a Padron to buy a car when i insisted it wasn't required as long as i had an NIE. Took about a week of back and forth before they relented and said they'd process the paperwork which they did and no issues.

Worst case, i'll get the same people Homer Simpson used. "To kill a termite, you've got to think like a termite"
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20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
If termites are a problem in the area (like where I live) you can get a perimeter put in that kills any colonies that encroach on it, unfortunately it was too late for us by then, but at least we had budgeted for a full remodel already.

Property sales tax is painful, UK stamp duty is like a pin ***** compared to 10% up front machete hit :|

Yeah, it's killing our deposit in a way and limiting us quite a bit and some backs cap "rural" properties like we're looking at at a 60% LTV which starts to hit us even more.

The slim benefit is that if we can get my wifes disability registered we can potentially get the tax reduced to 4%. Not sure whether we can reclaim it if it's approved after the fact though.
20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
You can start a MM olive oil emporium - stuff is so expensive in the UK now.

Do you have significant rates/habitation tax in addition to rent (pro-ratad if it's also an olive farm though) ?
I guess, if its's been short rented it has air conditioning - if you need that, special care with any BBQ's I'd imagine, now.

when is D day ... trial van packing schedule

No, there's no rates payable for rentals. It includes wifi/cable tv and water bills and pool cleaning. So just the €1250 rent and then whatever the electricity costs, we're fairly heavy users so budgeting to about €200/mth. I did see one awesome place which was only €600/mth rental and had a huge solar array including batteries so would've been stupidly cheap, but sadly in the wrong area (about an hour north of Valencia)

Yeah, there are bans on open fires during the summer months, which is bizarre as they have just had a huge Fiesta in the village with loads of bonfires and fireworks, yet people can't have a BBQ! We've just bought the Ninja Woodfire to cater for outdoor cooking.

Ferry is booked for the 1st October. Not bothering with a trial packing run. The main annoyance is that my wife has told the son who moved out he can have out bed and washing machine. Absolutely fine, other than it means i need to use the van to get it all to him last minute which limits being able to load the van up until the last minute :(

@Tuppy_Glossop Seems there are some excellent Vineyards in the area too which i'm looking forward to boring the wife about.

And payment sent for the rental. Damn scary sending ~£2500 to someone who you've only exchanges a few whatsapp messages with (and the video call)!
20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
Small update, but now just under 4 weeks until D-DAY.

Currently living amongst a lot of boxes, and managed to sell the sofa which is good. All other furniture is either earmarked for family, coming with us or being left for our house buyers, so luckily nothing to stress about on that front.

Purchases are now done. I got into trouble for turning up one day with a full squat cage and i think that was the final straw for my wife. A shame as i saw a cracking pair of speakers for sale locally at a bargain price. Also wouldn't mind a rowing machine. Alas it'll have to wait.
It's mentioned in the other thread but second hand stuff is excessive over in Spain so stocking up on anything we know we'd want makes sense (to me at least)

Have just paid a local Accountant to set my wife up as self employed. I could probably do it myself, but the cost/risks of mistakes are high and for €300 including the first 3 months submissions seemed a no brainer. It's then €45 per month. Given my wife only has a single client in the UK (her current employer), it shouldn't be complicated and €540/yr seems a lot for such simple returns. I'm debating using them for 12 months though and accepting the cost and then taking over once i'm familiar with the system. I've enough other stuff to sort out initially though so one less thing to worry about is nice.

The ordeal to get everything done with everything requiring an in person appointment is getting painful, but also needing to do it in a particular order and with longish delays for appointments is causing a headache. My wifes self employed, but to be fully register she needs something called a "Digital Certificate". It's all done online until the last point where it says "no go to X location to verify your identity". Then she needs to be registered as self employed to get proof of health cover which is needed for residency. Then i can't apply for residency until she has hers sorted.

Going to be a rush getting everything done in time given i'm limited to only 90 days.
20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
@AndyCr15 Fancy lending me some cash and you can have a holiday residence in the guest house whenever you want :p Be great for cycling and learning the language.

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20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
Amazing, that's pretty much what small detached shoe boxes are going for here now. Different world.

Yeah it's a real shame the initial buying fees are so high (~15%) because that €70k wipes off my deposit and puts that house out of reach to still hit the 70% LTV level when the mortgage itself is affordable on a monthly basis :(
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20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
***** getting real now. Am in work till Wednesday, then off Thursday/Friday to pack the van. Pretty much everything is in boxes as we speak with only the bare minimum left out. We laughed at the stereotypical gender roles yesterday. I was sorting the shed out and my wife was cleaning the kitchen cupboards!
Admittedly had i been less messy/organised generally, my task would've been easier and i could've helped out cleaning!

The van is back at the garage, it seems to be leaking oil from the injector seals which has got progressively worse. I swear we barely drove the previous 8 months of the year (road trip to Spain excluded), but seems we're constantly using the van. I think partly it's the perils of van ownership where people want a hand moving stuff! It's also not changing into first/reverse very easily when cold. Putting it into second and then sliding straight up to first helps a little, but it's really hit and miss. This morning it was smooth right from the off. I think it may be a sticking clutch cable, where it's not having enough travel to disengage as the bite is often quite low. Hoping again it's an easy fix. Definitely don't want to be touching the gearbox/clutch!

Friday night we moved our king size bed and washing machine to my stepsons and then yesterday moved our last chair to my mother in laws. We borrowed a single bed for Friday night which my wife used and i slept on the floor. One night was enough though so Saturday i bought an airbed. It's actually surprisingly comfy, although it's really cold. The single bed went back to her mums yesterday too so we now have nothing bulky in the house. We have around 3 piles of "stuff" though which is making it hard to visualise how much it all is in completeness. Hoping to get the 2 side units into the van as soon as it's back from the garage and then everything else is mainly boxes, except for the odd awkward item, like footstools/bikes/Jeep Seats.

Fingers are crossed for a completion on Friday still, there was a huge mess around a TPO for the river bank near our house which is nothing to do with our house, but the buyers solicitors wanted a copy for some reason. There seems to be one final Land Registry document outstanding but hoping that everything can be done and in place ready so that when it's received/ticked off, everything else is finalised. Worked out Interest costs us £33/day so any delays get expensive! Had also been working a budget around not making a mortgage payment on the 2nd October
20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
Don't forget to render unto Virgin media what is theirs;

I always regret not taking more photos of places I've moved out of,

are you stocking up on any UK foodstuffs

I've got better at taking photos, especially as i'm doing more DIY so it's nice to make a record. This thread will be great for looking back on too.

Food wise, i can't say there's anything i'll miss. Decent beer is the main one. I've found one brewery in Altea (Althaia) which is on the way to my parents, but you're talking ~$6/can. Being able to buy a really decent IPA in Tesco for £3-£4 is something i'll really miss. I've tried home brewing and had a terrible success rate. Might consider one of those "smart" brewers that take the effort out of it. Expensive outlay at £2k but could be worth it in the long run.

Sounds like everything is going well, good luck with it!

I've done something similar myself, albeit in Mexico, so let me know if you need any help. It's worth remembering that Starlink internet is really very good nowadays, so you can potentially get a good deal on a place that's a bit out in the middle of nowhere because it has poor / non existent internet, and just pay for Starlink which will be all you'll ever need. That's what we did with our place, and within a couple of years the municipality installed fibre optic internet anyway.

I'd definitely try to find a place with a pool - the maintenance really isn't bad at all provided you have a good base to start off with. The horror stories generally come from people who've bought a place with a pool that's already in a state of disrepair, and in that case it can certainly get expensive very quickly.

Yeah, i've followed your story in motors and with the whole house build process and enjoyed it. Part of the reason to start this thread. Starlink is ~€80/mth which is reasonable. However my wife wants to be within 2-3km of a town centre so a lot of places already have very decent fibre.

Pool is an essential, or at least cheap enough to add a pool.

Interesting read, my parents lived in Jávea and Denia for almost a decade until recently so I naturally spent a lot of time over there visiting and working remotely and intend to move to Spain one day aswell

My dad is Spanish so working on the passport at the moment since I never did it as a youth (or felt the need until Brexit)

Awesome, well any help i can give let me know. I saw a brilliant house in Jesus Pobre, it's a smaller plot that i'd have liked, but i love the town and it's right under the Montgo so some brilliant running. Just not sure what sun exposure would be like or if it's shaded a lot.

Including O Bama, clearly irish heritage shining through lol

Yeah it can be a minefield and you need a very good lawyer together with a professional translator to deal with the legal stuff do NOT just assume everything will be ok at least thats my fathers experience. Be particularly careful with things like tax and inheritence you can get clobbered if you don't keep up with legal niceties which can be obscure

Yeah, inheritance is a ***** (female dog). My parents are Spanish resident, so it'd be nice to think that with me also being spanish resident the tax would be lessened. In theory i could have their Spanish assets and my Sister their UK assets and minimise taxes, however i have a real belief in "it is what it is". If either me/my sister or our kids pay a lot of taxes due to my parents/our life decisions then so be it.

I've had to have a conversation a few times with my sister to temper her expectations, as i think she has some belief that our parents die and she's on easy street. (They're reasonably well off, with maybe assets around £1m now, but once taxes take their bit, and they continue spending as they are and their assets are split between me/my sister it's "only" a couple hundred grand each. Whereas i think she thinks she's have enough to live on each!)
20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
Good luck. We’ve sort of narrowed our search down to the Oliva/Gandia area. Going back out again soon to do some more viewings

Awesome. We never were a big fan of Oliva for some reason. The beach is good though.

Do commercial vans get special place on the ferries - I doubt you have a grounding risk though, as home stuff is bulky, but not dense ?

Dog(s) up front with yourselves

Nah. This this is full to the brim and the suspension has barely moved.

Yeah dog is on the front bench with us.
20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
Whoop. The completion for the house went through smoothly yesterday so we’re now homeless.

We got to my in laws. Only for my wife to decide she wanted something out of the suitcase in the van. So that’s ruined things a bit.

I found a guy in Manchester selling a van bike rack. It’s for a Fiat Ducato but he was ok with me testing it on my van prior to purchase.

Traffic was awful and took over an hour of stop start motorways. It didn’t fit but after some umming and arring the guy said if I wanted it for £60 I could take it and see if I could get it to work.

Given these things usually go for £100+ I figured it was worth a punt.

This morning has been spent swearing excessively but I’ve got it fitted. I had intended to drill the rear doors and bolt some brackets, but have ended up using ratchet straps.

Had left my wife’s bike in the shed and the old house so went and picked that up and it made it home perfectly fine.

The door doesn’t quite shut properly. Could just be that I’ve bent it at the top from over tightening the straps and I have to really slam it shut or the straps get in the way.

Let all your prayers be with me!
20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
Damnit, sorry mate, somehow I missed this offer! :cry: Somehow I didn't even know about this thread?! (I've now read all of page 1, but succumbed to skimming pages 2 and 3!)

Buena suerte, mi amigo!

I think it could be dangerous if I had a Spanish holiday residence, with a bike there. Flights are so cheap... how long can you spend in Spain for 'holidays' in a year?

How could you miss it? I even tagged you man!

You’d be good 180 days. It’s 90 days out of any rolling 180 days. So would be 3 months at a time each country.

Can confirm we’re on the Ferry now. Got a bit nervy when we got just behind a crash on the M6. Annoying it was half a mile after the junction for the M6 Toll and I’ve spent 10 minutes debating which to choose. I usually always use the toll but avoided it this time.
Then got delayed for an hour and was very close to missing it!
90mph in a fully loaded transit is a scary experience.
20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
Well. We’re in!

The journey was a struggle. Ferry wasn’t too bad if you ignore sharing a pet cabin with a snoring dog.
The room itself was ok. Albeit basic, but clean enough. The corridor outside absolutely stunk though as people let their dogs wee in the internal corridor and not even clean it up. Luckily the door was well sealed.

Prices were decent. I threw down a decent amount of Lagunitas IPA at 6.50 a pint. However we had a meal of soft taco and chips which was only £8 and a red wine was 2.85 so not expensive which was unexpected.

As @moon man mentioned either in here or another thread. Drinking water isn’t plentiful. They say you can drink from the toilet sink but it was warm and rank. A 500ml bottle was £3 so definitely suggest stocking up in Tesco before hand!

Then Tuesday morning the fun started. We were up at 6am ready to arrive at 8am. A bit of packing and taking the dog out and we were in the car ready.
We were one of the last ones to arrive at departure so had to wait for everyone else. There were some cool old 60’s looking army truck for distraction.

We then got to passport control and the guy mistook me for Spanish and then laughed at my confused face! However sailed through that.

Then joined the queue for pets and got waved into customs. I imagine being in a Transit it was likely to happen. We were also the absolute last vehicle to reach the section.

He opened the van, recoiled in horror at how full it was and then shut the doors.

Even though I was armed with my documentation of inventory and other proof we were relocating to Spain they decided I needed to pay import fees. Queue waiting 2 hours for them to come out and talk to me and get me to sign something. Then another hour of waiting not really knowing before someone tells me I need to phone an import company to assist with the paperwork.
They give me a number and at 11 I send the paperwork I have.

At this point there’s 3 other people in the same boat and we’re all conferring about what we’ve been told.
One guy then gets a form to complete. We head into the office and luckily they agree to print it for him.
I wait a further hour and then try and chase for the same form to be sent to me, get told “they’re dealing with it” and then ask him to send me his and return that trying to be proactive (it was a blank standard form”

2pm arrives and we’re told Customs is now shut for the day and we’ll be escorted elsewhere in the port whilst we wait for the paperwork to be emailed to us. Once received we can show it when exiting the port.

At this point, my wife who suffers fro
Chronic Pain/Fatigue and who’s not slept much on the ferry is struggling. We’ve been sat in Transit for around 7 hours and it’s not a comfortable place for anyone!

We arrive at the next waiting bit and the Guardia explains that the port exit shuts at 9pm. We can’t leave until we have a completed form stating we’ve paid the import fees.

Soon after and the guy getting most success gets an email to say it’s very likely it won’t be completed that day.
I make the decision to just book a hotel in Bilbao. The van has to stay in the port but we can leave.
I’m hesitant given the van contains all our worldly possessions but worst case I claim from the insurance and life is simpler!
2 guys decide to sleep in their van for fear of theft and the hope it’ll be resolved.

I lead the exhausted wife and dog around a mile to the nearest hotel. It looks excellent (HRH Palace in Bilbao) and £100 per night.
The rock up outside and it’s fairly special looking. The wife and dog are on the verge of collapse and we get to the room only for it to smell damp and musty and be a bit run down.
We’ve obviously got a **** room since I booked through Expedia and we have another pet room :(

At 3ish I leave to grab some food/well deserved beer and check my emails to find a proforma to pay €1100 in fees. I make the payment and head back to the van to retrieve some stuff.

I get back to the hotel room with snacks and beer and at 4pm have the required paperwork.

I umm and arr and suggest we take the hit, abandon the room and hit the road. Get a few hours in and then stop somewhere. It’s a 7.5hr drive assuming no stops/traffic and given we’re both in work Thursday figure that only driving 3-4hrs on the Wednesday means we arrive and can unpack and get ready for Thursday.

My loving wife agrees to leave the bed (I think had the room not smelt I’d have had more resistance) and walk the mile back to the van.

We get there and one guy has already left. Another had drawn the curtains on his cab so presumably decided to stay the night and no sign of another.

Around an hour into the drive my wife says “it would be nice to just wake up there”. I hear this and turn on god mode and work out we will arrive around 2am.
I’ve already exchanged messages with the Keyholder who was happy to meet anytime in the night so arrange to meet him at 2.

Traffic is a breeze and we stop after an hour for some petrol. At normal conditions the Transit gets ~450 miles to a 75L tank so around 20-25p per mile.
Given it was around 520 miles I figured that one stop would suffice.

Turns out that doing 80mph in a fully loaded van will cut this down considerably and I got 350 miles before having to fill up again around midnight.

Hit one petrol station to find it was changing from day shift to night **** and closed the 15 mins. This pushed me past 2am so I decided to try elsewhere.
The second petrol station (claimed 24hr) was shut completely.

At this point I had 20 miles range showing and was getting nervous. However 5 miles later a wonderful “Galp” appeared and all was good.

The headlights on the Transit are appalling and so I relied mainly on full beams. Luckily the motorway was quiet and this was fine, although had some flashes from the opposite side. I’d forgotten to put the beam deflectors on so must’ve been very annoying is the realization that dawned on me today!

We arrive around 2:05 with the wife’s body in agony. Turns out that whilst she said what she said. It was more wishful thinking and she’d have actually preferred to have stopped but kept quiete knowing I’d probably have wanted to push on!

We couldn’t see much since it was pitch black and hit the bed around 3am. Disappointed that United had lost again and not actually too tired. It helped massively to be in a manual car and concentrating on driving. When doing the trip in March I drove much worse since I relied on cruise control/automátic gears.

We then woke up to this spectacular view.


Had no food except a gifted bottle of Cava and so got dressed and headed into the local town.
It’s a fantastic quiet village with a few shops for essentials. Weirdly nowhere does fresh milk and you can only get UHT stuff.

Got back and started unpacking the van. Luckily it was still perfectly intact and nothing fell out at me.


I worked smart and so did an hour of unloading followed by a beer and break.


Finished around 4pm and dived into the pool and tested the dogs float. He seems to love being able to swim although makes a beeline for the edge to escape!

Had a shower and made tea and opened the welcome Cava. It’s now 8:30 as I finish it off. My wife had a glass and went to bed. I’m sat outside finishing the bottle. Getting bitten to death and writing this post.

Travel costs
Ferry £650 (including 2x £20 amendment fees)
Customs £1000
Petrol £250
Unused Hotel £100
Tolls £34

I still don’t seem tired but imagine I’ll crash at some point. Yesterday was brutal being up around 23hours and driving for 8.

Work tomorrow will not be fun as it’s quarter end so these 2 days and next week are gonna be hectic. I’ve not even unboxed my work stuff so need to do that early tomorrow.

Sun up so far. I’m massively happy with the choice. This rental is amazing. The local town is perfect. To the point I dropped my wife off in the middle earlier for breakfast whilst I parked to save her walking and when I found he she was crying with happiness at the fact this was now our life.

No regrets at all. Even if some tough times lay ahead.
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20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
Cheers all, the views are incredible. Here's the view as i was sat at my desk this afternoon. Excuse the mess, and i'll be really happy when we have our own house and my office can be just that, and not an office/spare room/general store room.


Desk is a bit of a downer as i've misplaced a clamp section for my monitor stand. As such i don't trust the monitors on my standing desk (i also sacrificed my desk top during loading the van), as such i'm on a cheap laminate Ikea desk and propping my dual monitors against a wall. This puts the desk too low, i'm on a dining chair and am looking down at the monitors. Need to rectify this sooner than later!

Just been out for some shopping. The wife wanted her own bedding/towels/throws for the sofa. The supermarket which was pretty big was useless for booze, which is the part i'm usually most excited about. As such Mercadona will be shot down at all future grocery shops!

Annoyingly Amazon also won't deliver here, so you have to order to a small shop in the village. This isn't an Amazon collection point, just a shop owner offering a service. As such it's 50c per parcel. I'm gonna spend a fortune the way i order online! Might have to get everything to my parents!

Currently sat back finishing some work. It's annoying be straight back, but it's quarter end, and working in finance i was happy to even get a little off. The upside is i'm sat here with a fairly decent glass of wine which was €3.90. I'm not always a fan of Spanish wines, but this has no sulphites and tastes decent enough at a cheap price - Needs to not become a regular habit though!
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20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
Glad you had problems finding booze and Amazon isn't easy. Please keep posting negatives so I'm not quite as jealous....


Seriously though, I guess it just takes time to work out how you'll do things over there. How long did you say you'll be there?

Well to top off the booze issue, i went into a Bodega in a local town. Their rum/whisky selection was poor but i spotted some Campari. I needed it for Negronis and it was a small shop so felt i should buy something. It was €25 a bottle compared to €15 in the local supermarket :(
Have found Amazon have a local collection point locally so that's optimistic. Will see how well that works.

We're in this rental until the end of June, however if we find somewhere to buy i can give 2 months notice so fairly flexible.

Friday we met with an estate agent. Was a good chat and they gave some good opinions on houses we liked and showed us a few others we hadn't seen.

First weekend in. My parents came down Saturday with some stuff we'd left at their house, showed them around and then went out for some lunch. Then i went back with them to their place to pickup my Jeep and drive back down. Worked out that it costs €25 each way in petrol to their house. That suggests visits will be limited. Maybe i do need a more efficient second car :D

Sunday we had a drive around the local area. Ruled out some places we'd seen houses and again had a couple drinks and food out. The local town had some event on with live music and bbq. What's annoying is that in these smaller towns there never seems to be any advertising for these kind of get togethers so you only hit on them by luck.

There's 2 bank holidays in Spain this week which isn't ideal, however we're going to head up to Moraira where my parents live on Wednesday to get our "Empadroniento". This is effectively similar to the Voting register in the UK and helps local councils know how many people live in the community. It's the first step to start applying for residency and should be fairly straight forward. No appointment necessary. Just turn up and register.
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