Remasters: A blessing or a curse?

There're rumours that Microsoft is going to introduce some way of making 360 games play on the Xbone at E3. Whether it is even possible who knows. They might not be able to do it via emulation but could it be possible to have the Xbox 360 chipset on a USB stick?! No need for remasters then. :D
There're rumours that Microsoft is going to introduce some way of making 360 games play on the Xbone at E3. Whether it is even possible who knows. They might not be able to do it via emulation but could it be possible to have the Xbox 360 chipset on a USB stick?! No need for remasters then. :D
I'd rather they focus on new games/existing hardware. For example no official wireless headset on xbox one like there was on 360
There're rumours that Microsoft is going to introduce some way of making 360 games play on the Xbone at E3. Whether it is even possible who knows. They might not be able to do it via emulation but could it be possible to have the Xbox 360 chipset on a USB stick?! No need for remasters then. :D
USB?! No, just no.

I'd rather they focus on new games/existing hardware. For example no official wireless headset on xbox one like there was on 360
The departments responsible for each of those are completely different.

Most of the time, remasters are outsourced to studios that specialise in remasters.
Surely the answer going be

A blessing when it a game you wanted remastered

and a curse when it a game you have no interest at all in (Or no interest in playing through again)...

Why would it be a curse that a game you aren't interested in, gets remastered?

That's go different to saying any game coming out that you aren't interested in is a curse too.
Apologies for the wall of text but I've a lot to say ^.^

You mean a remake? By my definition, a remaster is the effective porting and upgrading of performance/graphical fidelity of a game onto a newer system. A remake is something more, where they actually change the game and add things to it. That said, there can be remasters with minor additions like the LoZ: Wind Waker, which added the fast sail, previously not possible due to hardware restrictions. A remake is more like Metroid: Zero Mission (remake of original Metroid), where actual new stuff is added but the base skeleton of the game remains. Or that's how I see it at least. According to Wikipedia, everything is a remake, including Resident Evil and The Last of Us.

A remaster isn't a port, as games aren't actually ported. A remaster is simply an upgrade to the game in some technical capacity, usually related to the visuals and sound. The majority of the game won't be changed much, it might be on the same or an iterative upgrade of the game engine the original used.

A remake will typically be the majority of the content being remade in a new game engine with changes or tweaks to the game play or flow that might not have been possible due to technical limitations. Like the Oddworld remakes. New 'n' Tasty has a continuously moving camera, which wasn't possible on the original PS1 release, amongst other things.
As soon as mass effect is remastered I will be getting a console again.

Can't play them with mouse and keyboard, and would love them looking more up to date. First one mainly.
Blessing all the way
Who would honestly say thy wouldn't want one of their favorite games that had quite rubbishy graphics remade?

Silent Hill (the first one)
Bring it on

The last gen was ridiculously expensive for a lot of the devs. Game budgets skyrocketed and I guess a lot of these remasters are a way for the devs to make their money
back which I don't mind.

I'm not being forced to buy them and if they did a remaster of games that I missed last gen or the gen before then I may possibly buy them like I did with the last of us.
I re-bought GTA 5 but I sold the ps3 version just as I finished the main story and they finally admitted there was going to be a PS4 version. I'll re-buy The last of us partly because it took me a long time to get into the ps3 version for some reason but by the time I was towards the end, I already wanted to replay the start.

2 of my favourite last gen games were Saints Row 3+4 and Sleeping dogs but I won't be buying them again. The only other game I can think of off the top of my head that I would re-buy would be Uncharted 1,2,3
Remasters properly done are great in my book. But only if they are actually remasters and not a quick hatchet job to print a bit more money.

The Last of Us and Resident Evil ones are two good examples for me.

Completely agree. I am loving the remasters I have played so far... it gives new console owners a chance to play classic games which we would otherwise have missed. Absolutely loved Tomb Raider, absolutely loved The last Of Us, and now absolutely loving Metro Redux. Taking a break from Dark Souls II as it was so damn stressful hah.

Looking forward to God Of War 3 and any other good remastered titles that come out!

As for those complaining about them... how on earth does it affect you... just don't buy them? A good game is a good game, and if it means the difference between playing a game and never playing it then I am all for remasters.
Remakes = rebirth of the oldschool ! they did brilliant job on resident evil I'm looking forward to Zero. Would love to see soul reaver remake.
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Games from the previous gen that get remastered are a waste of time in my opinion, unless released at a much cheaper price. I won't pay full price for a game that has a slight bump in resolution and framerate. However, full remakes of games from several generations previous are very much welcome.
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