Remasters: A blessing or a curse?

Games from the previous gen that get remastered are a waste of time in my opinion, unless released at a much cheaper price. I won't pay full price for a game that has a slight bump in resolution and framerate. However, full remakes of games from several generations previous are very much welcome.

Totally agree. The remasters from last gen are just a cash grab by publishers.
Sony say they're doing it because a lot of players jumped from 360 to PS4. Which is fair enough but they should make the game a reasonable price at least.
Totally agree. The remasters from last gen are just a cash grab by publishers.
Sony say they're doing it because a lot of players jumped from 360 to PS4. Which is fair enough but they should make the game a reasonable price at least.

Remasters go down in price very quickly... I got metro Redux for £15. If you can't wait a couple of months for prices to drop to sensible levels then patience is not one of your virtues!
I've purchased a few remasters that I never played on my ps3 for example.

Sleeping dogs and metro 2033 being two examples. Resident evil hd being another but that is a classic game and last time I played that was on PlayStation 1.

I see devil my cry is now out and considering it. As I never played it and I've never played DMC so the DMC definitive edition looks good.

I must admit , back in 2007 - 2012 I was in relationships etc.. Never had much time for gaming, then in 2012 I decided I'd had enough and annoyed my at the time gf and stated to play video games again, hence this just ended up adding to our issues and we split. Now I find all these games everyone played and I hadn't.. So to me some remasters are awesome..

I even went and purchased another ps3 to play some older ps3 classics etc like gow, heavy rain etc.. I guess it depends, I never played gfa v on ps3 but os4 I have , I'm happy enough with them... But for me I have good enough reason to buy them, plus they tend to come with all the dlc etc..

Don't get me wrong, I did manage to play some games back during last gen but missed an awful lot..
I've no problem with remasters - we get to revisit great games and people who missed out first time get a chance to see what the fuss was about.
The Last Of Us
Home world collection (pc)
Metro redux plus last light
God of war 1 and 2 hd plus third coming out soon
uncharted 1-3 remasters

Im very happy about them:)
i buy a next gen console to play the installment of NEW IP games or series of games. I hate rehashed games, you play a game once why play it again?, graphics don't make a game better you play to enjoy 1st time round. Fair enough there is those who had missed out due to brand loyalty so for them its good but for most its just another cheap and safe publisher ploy who don't want to risk making a new game. This gen has been really bad for rehashed games and personally i'm disappointed.
I bought the TLoU remaster when it was cheap and whilst it is the same game it is still a better game with smoother framerate and stunning visuals - imo one of the best games of all time just got better and I am very happy with that. That game is possibly an exception though. Uncharted Collection I am interested in - I sold the PS3 versions and I'd want to have them all available to me again as they are great games that will be great to play through again in readiness for Uncharted 4. The rest though, I'm not really interested to be honest. Oh and the recent Resi HD remake was class.
I've moaned about it before but own the following lol

Sleepy dogs

Not including cross buys like Journey now lol They all have varying degrees of value. The MCC is terrific value, if it actually worked online. GoW3 isn't value as it isn't much of an upgrade visually from it on the PS3 (As it was stunning on PS3) and has no extras. Would have been better if they even include ascension, even though that wasn't a particularly good game.

I'll also buy the Uncharted collection which is coming up as it is the 3 previous games.

Lets not forget the previous generation had its share of remasters too. I bought the God of War collection on PS3, which was the two PS2 games remastered, and there was the MGS games (i've lost count of the amount of times i have actually paid money for MGS3 now) and FFX/FFX2, and although not technically a remaster, there was Tony Hawk HD.
I'm a fan, while I might have played through and completed GTA, GoW3, TLoU, Journey and Sleeping Dogs during the last gen - getting to play them again but sexier is fine with me. I've got the Uncharted collection pre-ordered too.
There are plenty of games that I want to play again, and being able to do so with improved visuals, framerates and features on a better controller is a real bonus. Granted, not all remasters or re-releases are actually that good but plenty are.

Makes me sad to think that the chances of there ever being a proper HD remake of MGS are virtually nil now that Kojima and Konami have parted ways. :(
I have no issue with remasters, in fact I am all for them as with new games they seem either broken or missing loads of features. In fact so far I have enjoyed the remasters more than new games, finished both TLoU and Dark Souls 2 recently even though I had finished both on the PS3, still really enjoyed them both and in both cases the improved frame rate was most welcome :)
I'd say they're a curse. Remastering PS3 games is stupid- barely anything is changed (I'm looking at you Prototype) and I think the current batch of remasters is the main reason why the PS4 can't won't do backwards compatibility.

Remastering PS2 or older games that get a significant graphics and gameplay upgrade is good. thinking MGS, which adds a propoer OTS camera I think? If only they modernised the shooting mechanics and controls.

Remasters are necessary though. It is obviously so expensive to develop games with next/current gen quality in mind that they're bolstering their revenue with low effort remasters.

It goes to show how shafted PC games have been for the past few years. This would have happened years ago if Developers had the inclination to develop to the max capabilities of PCs as they would have needed this revenue back then too!
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