remember the gut who got caught at 156mph ?

He deserved all he got and more!

I'm amazed how many Schumacher's there are around who think that because they have some mechanical knowledge and their car has all the latest go-faster/stop-quicker goodies; they are expert drivers and clairvoyants.

It's almost unbelievable how people attempt to justify law breaking!

Some people are extremely competent drivers and can utilize all the technology that their car is equipped with; others either think that they are much better drivers than they actually are or rely on the technology to replace skill and common sense.

I’ve heard all the arguments before regarding clear motorways at night etc, yet, as far as I’m aware, no one has the ability to predict the future.
Mechanical parts do fail, unexpected things do happen; and at the end of the day, it’s the law.

I know some people who admit to excessive speeding, who would be baying for blood if a relative or friend of theirs were killed/injured by someone speeding; go figure, as they say!

I’m not advocating that everyone should crawl around; but a little more common sense, coupled with a little less arrogance, might help.

P.S. Yes, I am an old ******* (no Volvo though), and I do speed occasionally, though not excessively, and certainly not whilst having my eardrums destroyed by so called ICE, or whilst making a phone call!

No personal offence intended to anyone here; just my little rant.
Originally posted by Cr8tive
Regardless of whether speeding is safe or not, it IS the law of the land and it IS illegal.

If you took drugs (heroin, coke, whatever) you aren't exactly causing danger to the people around you, therefore, is it okay to do them? does it make them any less illegal?

No, it doesn't make taking drugs less illegal because it's harming no one, but it does make selling drugs more illegal than taking them.

In the same way it makes muggers more illegal than speeders as, OK, there's the possibility of causing a fatal accident at high* speed, but there's a damn site more chance of harming someone when you hold a knife to their throat. However, muggers go free whilst we are specifically targetted by the police and ostracised by the general public for speeding.

Something is clearly wrong when the police decide that they will take the easy route out by spending time and resources to catch speeders instead of putting bobbies back into the community to catch theives, muggers and dealers.

It's simple for the rozzers to slap up a few cameras and bleat about how many "unsafe" speeders they are catching, but to justify this waste of police resourses, they run a hate campaign against motorists so that the general public are fooled into thinking that the police are actually doing a good job in making the roads safer!

Yeah?, well what about the underpasses, housing estates, inner city areas, parks, alley ways and suburban streets where muggings and rapes are a daily occurance, where drug dealers stand around and openly sell dope, where violent attacks happen most nights and where people are not only armed with knives and guns, but are prepared to use them.

Our street is a suburban area of Leicester, it has an off license at the end of the road, a playing field off the next street and a park at the other end, in the last couple of months there have been attacks outside the off license, youths threatening youth club workers with knives in the playing field, rapes and attacks along the park paths and umpteen cars nicked from the surrounding areas.

None of these crimes, to my knowledge (and I'm the neigborhood watch co-ordinator, so I get the crime stats from the police) have been solved, but it's OK as the police have caught a couple of hundred people doing ~35 in a 30 zone along the narby road into town, well, that's a relief!!

By the way, yes, this guy deserved prison, but only because he was driving while uninsured and banned, and personnaly, if he was banned for a number of speeding tickets, then I'm not too worried that he was banned.

I drove from Leicester to Inverness last May and had to be very carefull, even then I went through at least 4 speed traps doing more than the limit, not by much, I'll admit, but probably still enough to be prosecuted. If I had of been, I'd have picked up 12 points and a ban just for one 400 mile drive that I didn't want to take all day.

/end rant:D

*relative depending upon area and population, of course
Originally posted by singist
He deserved all he got and more!

I'm amazed how many Schumacher's there are around who think that because they have some mechanical knowledge and their car has all the latest go-faster/stop-quicker goodies; they are expert drivers and clairvoyants.

It's almost unbelievable how people attempt to justify law breaking!

So, prey tell why the limits were set where they are 35 years ago? It's clear to me at least that the current laws are a poor compromise at best. Driving at the speed limit can be suicidal in some situations, the the numbers have no magic about them that suddenly prevents accidents if adhered to. Equally, exceeding the limits in the right circumstances will not significantly increase the risk of an accident.

Personaly I agree that in this case the jail term was probably justified, not necessarily for the speed, but for the fact he was banned and had no insurance etc.

Some people are extremely competent drivers and can utilize all the technology that their car is equipped with; others either think that they are much better drivers than they actually are or rely on the technology to replace skill and common sense.

I’ve heard all the arguments before regarding clear motorways at night etc, yet, as far as I’m aware, no one has the ability to predict the future.
Mechanical parts do fail, unexpected things do happen; and at the end of the day, it’s the law.

Catastrophic mechanical failures very, very rarely happen, and generaly only on cars that aren't well maintained.

I know some people who admit to excessive speeding, who would be baying for blood if a relative or friend of theirs were killed/injured by someone speeding; go figure, as they say!

I’m not advocating that everyone should crawl around; but a little more common sense, coupled with a little less arrogance, might help.

Fair enough, perhaps those people you know are hypocrits, or perhaps they do not advocate speeding in residential areas (where the vast majority of accidents occur), just as anyone with half a brain wouldn't.

Common sense is the crux of the matter, and if only there were a little more of it present, accidents through speeding would be a non-issue.
P.S. Yes, I am an old ******* (no Volvo though), and I do speed occasionally, though not excessively, and certainly not whilst having my eardrums destroyed by so called ICE, or whilst making a phone call!
We agree on something then! (no, not you being an old *****, but the ICE and the phone calls!)
oh by the way..this will be done in the middle of the nite...when theres no one at least im safe int he knowledge that i wont injure someone other than myself...

Wow.. life must be so amazing for you with those psychic capabilities. It's down to that train of thought why you won't be prepared when some rambling idiot wanders out in front of you.

Seriously, what's with people trying to justify speeding? Just because you're getting a flash car doesn't give you the right to break the law.

What's with this forum? People can say "I speed / I'm trying to get top speed out of my car / etc, etc" and it's all totally overlooked even though it's STILL ILLEGAL. Yet someone says "anyone seen Matrix Reloaded SVCD" or "anyone downloaded this game?" and the thread's deleted with a "We don't talk about piracy here, it's illegal" stance. What is it? Subjective law abiding?
Originally posted by CocoPops
I'm not disputing the sentence, but wot annoys me greatly is the fact that people who have killed through dangerous driving get the same or less.

Yet they have KILLED people, the difference being he hasn't.

The difference being little more than luck on a lot of occasions

If you shoot a gun at someone and miss is that a much less of an offence than if you hit ? same offense , different outcome

( hope that makes sense )
bad drivers cause more accidents than speeding drivers. those who dont look and pull out, those who tailgate you in a huge van when you're in a sports car (if you brake, they will hit you, plain and simple)

retest people often, we MOT cars every year to make sure they're roadworthy but we dont care about the most important saftey aspect of a car: the driver.
Originally posted by Cr8tive
What's with this forum? People can say "I speed / I'm trying to get top speed out of my car / etc, etc" and it's all totally overlooked even though it's STILL ILLEGAL. Yet someone says "anyone seen Matrix Reloaded SVCD" or "anyone downloaded this game?" and the thread's deleted with a "We don't talk about piracy here, it's illegal" stance. What is it? Subjective law abiding?

He does have a good point
I'm glad you agree. I just don't see why one thing should be ok and another thing not. It's like this, if one of you speeding morons mows down my 4 year old son, i will gut you, whether it's legal or not.
Some people need to calm down a lot in this thread......

Debate, fine.

Death threats are something else, be they in jest or not.

Cr8ive - nobody has to justify the rules set on this, or any other forum.
They are set by Spie, and enforced by us.
Simple as.
Originally posted by Cr8tive
I'm glad you agree. I just don't see why one thing should be ok and another thing not. It's like this, if one of you speeding morons mows down my 4 year old son, i will gut you, whether it's legal or not.

Your son shouldnt be playing on the motorways. :confused:

Ive not seen anyone on the forum suggest that they speed in towns or residential areas.

bit of hypocracy going on in your legal/illegal rant tho, mate.
Originally posted by singist
He deserved all he got and more!

I'm amazed how many Schumacher's there are around who think that because they have some mechanical knowledge and their car has all the latest go-faster/stop-quicker goodies; they are expert drivers and clairvoyants.

It's almost unbelievable how people attempt to justify law breaking!

Some people are extremely competent drivers and can utilize all the technology that their car is equipped with; others either think that they are much better drivers than they actually are or rely on the technology to replace skill and common sense.

I’ve heard all the arguments before regarding clear motorways at night etc, yet, as far as I’m aware, no one has the ability to predict the future.
Mechanical parts do fail, unexpected things do happen; and at the end of the day, it’s the law.

I know some people who admit to excessive speeding, who would be baying for blood if a relative or friend of theirs were killed/injured by someone speeding; go figure, as they say!

I’m not advocating that everyone should crawl around; but a little more common sense, coupled with a little less arrogance, might help.

P.S. Yes, I am an old ******* (no Volvo though), and I do speed occasionally, though not excessively, and certainly not whilst having my eardrums destroyed by so called ICE, or whilst making a phone call!

No personal offence intended to anyone here; just my little rant.

well said
Your son shouldnt be playing on the motorways

Now that's just a stupid comment. I'm sorry, but we all know that speeding isn't just confined to motorway.

bit of hypocracy going on in your legal/illegal rant tho, mate.

Not at all... eye for an eye and all that.

I also notice that because I speak out 'differently' to the majority in here I'm labeled aggressive, or ranting, etc.
Originally posted by Cr8tive
Now that's just a stupid comment. I'm sorry, but we all know that speeding isn't just confined to motorway.

You pointed your finger directly at people who post on these forums and labelled them 'speeding morons' As I said I cant recall anyone on these forums talking about speeding in residential areas. hence the comment, hence it isnt stupid, its called irony.

Originally posted by Cr8tive

Not at all... eye for an eye and all that.

I also notice that because I speak out 'differently' to the majority in here I'm labeled aggressive, or ranting, etc.

I.E. if you dont agree with the law then its okay to take matters into your own hands/ignore the law. the law in this country doesnt work on 'eye for an eye'.
I'm not going to comment on motorway speeding - most of the traffic in Berkshire (M3, M4 etc) travels at 90mph rather than 70. Police don't seem too bothered unless the driver is acting against common sense (ie 90 in heavy traffic, tailgating etc).

I also agree there are some areas that seem to be mis-marked.

However 120 in a 30mph zone - I'm sorry but if I had kids and lived in that area I think I would have lynched the idiot.
30 & 40mph limits are normally there because of the environment, the history (ie deadly pieces of road) etc if you choose to disrespect those that live in the area - it's your own stupidity that gets you a ban or prison sentance.

If you want an adrenalin kick go to a race/track day.
I go on track days... and I find motorway driving anything but an adrenaline kick, straight lines with a few soft corners, w007 ;)

I dont speed in residential areas, unfamiliar country roads or anywhere else common sense dictates.

of all my near misses, only a couple would be due to a moron speeding, all of the rest are lack of observation/care and attention from other road users. those who pull out into a roundabout without looking, pull out from a T junction without looking, change lanes without looking or indicating... but as the roads are largely policed by cameras that only flash for speed, nothing is done about this.

people should have to take a re-test every so often, there are too many people on the roads who have forgotten the most basic of skills eg mirror-signal-brake-manouvre has been forgotten, they'd prefer manouvre-signal-brake-crash-hospital.

overly melodramatic braking distance scare tactics dont help. the TV advert about braking distances (if the car was doing 30 it would have stopped here) where the car locks up the front wheels.... well yes, you will stop very slowly if you lock up the wheels. That doesnt serve to tell me my car doesnt stop, it tells me that the car in the advert was being driven by someone who needs to learn to drive.
There’s not really enough details to comment on his driving abilities or the road conditions, the fact is he was caught speeding while banned. In my view that makes him a prime muppet worthy of whatever the law throw at him. Jail time is harsh, but I won’t be shedding a tear over this.

With regards to speeding in general I agree with what many have said in this thread. No doubt some drivers doing 80 are safer than others doing 30, but you have to take into account other drivers and pedestrians. The fact is even if he was a sound driver another lesser motorist could have caused an accident involving his BMW, and at the speed he was doing there isn’t a lot that could be done about it. Yes, I find some speed limits ridiculous, but his speed was excessive and unnecessary regardless of the conditions.
You pointed your finger directly at people who post on these forums and labelled them 'speeding morons'

No, not directly at people here, but 'you speeding morons' in general. If you speed with a blatant disregard for the law and others (ie, you're speeding intentionally) then you fall into 'the speeding moron' category.

I.E. if you dont agree with the law then its okay to take matters into your own hands/ignore the law. the law in this country doesnt work on 'eye for an eye'.

Do you have kids? If so then you couldn't really seem to care a lot. If not, then you have no idea. Once you have your own children, you soon realise what's important. And it's not how fast your car will go.

Jail time is harsh

I'm fed up of people saying that. He got 5 MONTHS FFS!!! He'll probably do 2 and a half maybe. 5 Months is NOTHING!! My friend got a year for defending himself. Two muppets jumped him but he beat the crap out of both of them. Yet he did the time. That's harsh. 5 Months for 3 times over the speed limit, being banned, no insurance and no license. He got off light. Hell, he should be doing 5 years. It's not his first offense is it? The only reason you're all saying how harsh jail time is, is because you're all worried the next muppet to get caught will get 5 years, set precedent and put you all at risk of doing hard time.
Originally posted by Cr8tive
Wow.. life must be so amazing for you with those psychic capabilities. It's down to that train of thought why you won't be prepared when some rambling idiot wanders out in front of you.

Seriously, what's with people trying to justify speeding? Just because you're getting a flash car doesn't give you the right to break the law.

What's with this forum? People can say "I speed / I'm trying to get top speed out of my car / etc, etc" and it's all totally overlooked even though it's STILL ILLEGAL. Yet someone says "anyone seen Matrix Reloaded SVCD" or "anyone downloaded this game?" and the thread's deleted with a "We don't talk about piracy here, it's illegal" stance. What is it? Subjective law abiding?

have a big :rolleyes: on life isnt that amazing for me...the place where im taking my car...lets put it this way m8...if u READ wot i posted THERE ARE NO HOUSES on that stretch of road...i am not justifying speeding in any terms m8....and yes im getting a flash car becos m8 i deserve it after all the hard work i put in...

but i am not a speeder in any terms...i do drive fast but i drive safely im not a moron who swerves in and out of traffic...i dont bomb down streets at 100mph etc etc...

all im saying is that when i take my car out i will take it to a place where there is NO ONE around and it will be done at such an hr that if some rambling idiot does come out...ill be the first WTF???
Originally posted by Cr8tive
No, not directly at people here, but 'you speeding morons' in general. If you speed with a blatant disregard for the law and others (ie, you're speeding intentionally) then you fall into 'the speeding moron' category.

Do you have kids? If so then you couldn't really seem to care a lot. If not, then you have no idea. Once you have your own children, you soon realise what's important. And it's not how fast your car will go.

I'm fed up of people saying that. He got 5 MONTHS FFS!!! He'll probably do 2 and a half maybe. 5 Months is NOTHING!! My friend got a year for defending himself. Two muppets jumped him but he beat the crap out of both of them. Yet he did the time. That's harsh. 5 Months for 3 times over the speed limit, being banned, no insurance and no license. He got off light. Hell, he should be doing 5 years. It's not his first offense is it? The only reason you're all saying how harsh jail time is, is because you're all worried the next muppet to get caught will get 5 years, set precedent and put you all at risk of doing hard time.

:rolleyes: you need to learn correct usage of the 'you' pronoun. It cant really be interchanged with 'any'

kids. what have they got to do with me saying that I havent seen anyone on here say that they speed in residential areas? What makes you think I have no sense of responsibility towards my fellow man? No I dont have any, but a woman who pulled out infront of me, in the wet, while I was doing 60 in a 60 area, she had her kids in the back and put them all in serious danger by not looking - yet does that mean she does not consider her children important? I did get out to ask her at a set of traffic lights but she pretended that I didn't exist (and no I wasnt ranting like a madman)

I think this guys punishment was light, but bad driving is a greater danger than speeding.
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