Do not waste your time debating with people who consume conspiracy on this one would be my advice. It’s a fruitless debate of “yea but”
Its sound advice Housey. Sometimes it’s difficult not to bite when dealing with such magnitudes of lunacy.
Do not waste your time debating with people who consume conspiracy on this one would be my advice. It’s a fruitless debate of “yea but”
This is clearly nonsense. The jets are captured on camera and were witnessed by hundreds of thousands of eye witnesses. How this is some how ‘dodgy’ is beyond me. The intensity of the fires caused the demolition, the floors weakened and the sheer weight of the structure made the buildings come down. Frankly it’s amazing that the buildings withstood the hit from a a fully laden 767 so well in the first place.
The users post was a joke that's gone way over your headThe forums were closed on the anniversary of the attack for years afterwards as a mark of respect.
The users post was a joke that's gone way over your head
They should have withstood them better - possibly sub-standard work in the first place or sub-standard maintenance contributed to them coming down (as has unfortunately been a story in the US and building collapses). IIRC buildings like this are designed around a failure mode into their own footprint but still a bit odd they all came down in such a fashion but we don't exactly have a lot of similar events to go on as to how often that would happen if you re-ran similar circumstances.
there werent any 747's or thousands of gallons of fuel in building 7
It must be near impossible to make a building totally failure proof. If you hit something with enough force, or burn it with such intensity for long enough, ultimately it will come down. It’s just a structure ultimately - admittedly one with a very big footprint, so not small at all. But we are talking about a 767 with 90,000 gallons of fuel, and a weight of well over 100,000 kg at 400+ mph.
there werent any 747's or thousands of gallons of fuel in building 7
That’s true, but there was a heck of a lot of debris, and fires that raged for hours. Firefighters evacuated the building because they could see it was structurally compromised and was continuing to deteriorate until it’s collapse.
That’s true, but there was a heck of a lot of debris, and fires that raged for hours. The damage weakened some of the main supports which eventually gave way. Firefighters evacuated the building because they could see it was structurally compromised and was continuing to deteriorate until it’s collapse.
Tell me more about your fish theory?They didn't just rage for hours, they were completely uncontrolled.
Bigger fish to fry at that point!
Tell me more about your fish theory?
Were they battered?
I'll get my coat.
I don't believe it was a setup, on what purpose? It is entirely plausible that the buildings collapsed. The reason it looked like a controlled demolition is because the structural steel was Compromised and with the weight of the upper floors,etc coming down on top of destroying the lower floors. It was the first skyscraper to collapse from fire and still remains the only megastructure to have collapsed from fire to this day, it is not the first building to have collapsed from do realize that the two towers were the first buildings to collapse in history from a burning building. And also Trade Centre 7 was "pulled" after the planes hit.
Its been a setup, and so obvious that it is the case.
Well, to start, the man who owned the trade centers and building 7, admitted on TV that the controlled demolition (pulled) was done because "the building was compromised and dangerous", but how could they control demolition the building a few hours after the planes hit? as a controlled demolition takes weeks to prepare and execute..hmm??