The whole reason for ridiculous property prices comes back to what the UK population accepts, or has to put up with as money. The fact is that money can be issued at will by the central bank, because what we accept as money is actually central bank debt notes. If we only accepted gold as money, then the rampant asset price inflation in the housing market would not be possible. It is to do with the amount of "proper honest work" that money represents. Gold has to be mined from the ground, and it represents proper honest work. No one can game this system, money represents proper honest work. Paper money however, can be issued by the bankers, allowing them to print as much of it as they like, introducing rampant asset price inflation into the system (as everyone needs to live somewhere, so they will always have to pay for somewhere to live).
It is to do with the time value (in honest productive work) that money represents, and whether one group in society can game the system.
To solve these problems, the UK population needs to question what the money they use actually represents. Bringing back a gold standard would solve these problems. A modern alternative would be a Bitcoin standard. Whatever, some sort of standard for money is needed, otherwise we have those that can issue money at will gaming the system and producing massive inequality (what we are getting today).