Rent review clauses
Check your most recent tenancy agreement for a rent review clause.
This is a term in your agreement that says how the rent can be increased. Not all tenancy agreements have them.
The clause might be quite general and say something like: "the landlord will review the rent in April each year and give the tenant 1 month's notice of any increase".
Or it could be more specific and say something like: 'the rent will increase each April in line with the Retail Price Index (RPI)".
A rent review clause will not usually apply if your fixed term has ended.
But it will still apply if the agreement says the tenancy continues as a contractual periodic tenancy after the fixed term.
If you get a section 13 notice
Your landlord can give you a formal notice of rent increase called a section 13 notice.
Your landlord cannot:
- use this procedure more than once a year
- increase your rent like this during the first year of your tenancy
- give you a section 13 notice if your agreement has a rent review clause that still applies
What the section 13 notice needs to say
The notice needs to:
- be on form 4
- give at least 1 month's notice of the rent increase
The form tells you the start date for the new rent.
This needs to be the first day of a period of your tenancy.
For example, if your tenancy began on the 5th of the month, the new rent would need to start on the 5th.