My bank decided that it would prefer to give me a Chip & Signature credit card rather than have me comply with their T&C on the Chip & PIN card.
The terms of the C&P card required "cardholders to notify the bank immediately the cardholder suspected anyone else knew their PIN" - the banks words not mine. I pointed out that everytime I used the card in a store I must suspect that someone knew my PIN (shop assistant, customer behind, CCTV camera operator). Even if I shielded my PIN I could not be sure nobody knew.
Therefore I was duty bound to call them and advise them of my suspicion and they could take what action they deemed necessary.
The T&C did not specify what action they would take and I would not insist on any. When they told me that the automatic action they would take was to cancel the card and re-issue it, the penny then dropped with the bank that they could either issue me 50 plus cards a year or issue a C&S card.
The thing I found interesting was the bank commenting that they didn't expect people to read the T&Cs. I wonder why.