
24 Sep 2010
South Woodham Ferrers
I was thinking about this last night and thought I'd post here for others to add to.
What games have you found so good that you have replayed through again?
For me it's...
Borderlands - On my 3rd character now including both playthroughs.
Portal 2 - Enjoyable to playthrough again at a slower pace.
Half-Life 2 (inc episodes)
Modern Warfare (on Xbox)

There are other that don't really count as they are meant to be replayed, such as L4D2. It seems Valve do well for replayability.

What are the games that keep drawing you back even though you know the story already?
Colonization, Solitaire, Minesweeper.

I will very rarely go back and play through the story mode of games again - That's why GTA is so good in my mind, the story mode is one (pretty small) aspect of the game. There is so much more to do which is why I can happily load it up a few years later and play it again. Will I do that with linear, 'fight this guy, beat that boss, solve a puzzle, beat that boss' type of game? No.
I agree with Guild Wars, though I stopped playing frequently around the time Factions was coming out since most of my guild moved on to other games. Another one that I play through quite a lot is Mass Effect (the 2nd game has so much more replayability if you've completed the first with all sidequests and such done), it's just crazy how many outcomes you can get, and some of the classes are just a blast to play. Some others I've enjoyed playing over and over in the past are:

Dragon Age (Seeing all the starting possibilities is pretty great)
Baldur's Gate
Icewind Dale
Planescape: Torment
The Darkness (Xbox 360)
Deus Ex (the original, haven't had quite as much replayability with the 3rd)
System Shock
Saints Row 2 (I think it's partially the hilarity of the game itself)
Heroes of Might and Magic III

I could go on for a while but I guess I'll leave it at that for now :P
Oh and I'm currently playing through Dark Souls at the moment, I will definitely be going for a 2nd playthrough as a different class (will probably be easier the second time around knowing what to do haha).
dont usually play games through more than once, i have tryed many times but generally loose interest after about 30min, there are a few exceptions.

borderlands(dont know why)
numerous racing games

funny enough same goes for movies and books as well
Stalker with mods, or even without. Fear, the first game for the atmosphere alone. The Fallout games. Doom 3 and HL2 with mods, tend to have these installed permanently for that very reason. Deus Ex and Quake are few others that spring to mind. There are probably some more that escape me..
For re playability, story aside, Transport Tycoon Deluxe trumps all. :D

That's cheating. :)

I played Simcity a lot back in the day, but no story and an 'endless' world makes the replay factor bigger.

Open ended games that I went back to would be things like AI Wars: Fleet Command and Galactic Civilizations 2.
I was thinking about this last night and thought I'd post here for others to add to.
What games have you found so good that you have replayed through again?
For me it's...
Borderlands - On my 3rd character now including both playthroughs.
Portal 2 - Enjoyable to playthrough again at a slower pace.
Half-Life 2 (inc episodes)
Modern Warfare (on Xbox)

There are other that don't really count as they are meant to be replayed, such as L4D2. It seems Valve do well for replayability.

What are the games that keep drawing you back even though you know the story already?

Fallout 3.....I will never get tired of this game. Two things that I love doing, even though they may seem boring to others are clearing out the Super Duper Mart and trying to find ALL the mines in Minefield. I remember the first time I did both of these I was struck by how eerie both locations are. The houses in Minefield with the corpses still in bed from where they died when the bombs fell, the clocks on the wall stuck at the time etc.

Magical stuff :D
The only games I have played through multiple times:

Duke Nukem 3D
Death Rally
Quake 2
Baldur's Gate
Heroes of Might & Magic 3
Pokemon RGB / SGP
Mass Effect
Mirrors Edge
UFO: Enemy Unknown/TFTD. I have a month-long yearly playthrough and have done since the mid nineties.

I never play through RPG's more than once. Once I have an establish 'how-it-happened story in my head I can never go back. Feels like I'm breaking canon :D
Stalker played through 3 times, vanilla, Oblivion Lost and Complete mods. Probably will replay Metro 2033 in the near future.
Half Life 2 and Portal twice.
Dungeon Keeper twice.
I tried replaying Baldurs Gate and Planescape Torment recently but had to give up about 40-50 hours in, I just don't think I have the stamina or attention span required for long play RPG's anymore despite devouring them in my early gaming days :(
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