Researchers say smacking kids lowers their IQ, researchers need a smack.

30-40 years ago 99% of parents would have used smacking as part of there childs dicipline and most schools used some form of physical punishment. So what people in this thread who state that a good parent would never need to smack a child are saying is that 30-40 years ago there were virtually no good parents and that all our grandparents were terrible parents who raised a generation of social degenerates in the form of our parents. Looks the other way round to me if you look at the ills of modern society.

That's a stupid argument on so many levels.

First up, 30 or 40 years ago a good doctor would treat you entirely differently if you walked in with any number of ailments. As we learn more the good improve what they do.

Second up, while physical punishment featured more in the past, the better teachers and parents used it less.

Third up, despite what you read in the mail in most areas levels of violence in our society have fallen. And areas of violence that used to be accepted (remember not so long ago it was perfectly legal to beat your wife) have become rightly unacceptable.

Fourth up, correlation is not causation. Just because smacking has decreased and problems in society have increased does not suggest that smacking would reverse that change. Might as well argue that it's because we have home computers, or stereos, or airbags in our cars.
Whether this is true or not .. some kids just deserve it, also what about the effects on the parents when their being kicked/punched/bitten as some kids do ! its like its bad for parents to hit kids but the kids can hit them


Are you for real :confused:

Hitting children is wrong ....period..
If you did it to a stranger in the street it would be classed as assault so I'm confused why it's any different!!
If you need to resort to violence to control/punish your child then it says a lot about you as a parent imho.
Well well, don't we all have strict opinions on this matter :p

Some people here have rather unique views though that don't make any sense whatsoever.

Let's see, my brother and I got beats for fighting, breaking stuff in the house, stealing sweets from the cupboard, stealing other stuff as kids, saying bad stuff or disrespecting people in general. We got beats with spoons, slippers (:D) and of course the god old rod.

Sometimes made to sit facing the wall and we'd sure as hell do it because the spoon was waving at us!

Looking back it's a hell of a good thing, we could have turned out like many of our peers at the time who would not get as disciplined when we wronged and most of those kids ended up being nuisances in the neighbourhood or delinquents.

Tough love is the way it always has been and has always worked so why try to change a system that works just because kids these days cry for Waaaaamulances?
Well well, don't we all have strict opinions on this matter :p

Some people here have rather unique views though that don't make any sense whatsoever.

Well an expert in the field who has studied it for no less than 40 years says your wrong!! I'm much more inclined to take his informed decision based on long research over yours tbh!!
Well well, don't we all have strict opinions on this matter :p

Some people here have rather unique views though that don't make any sense whatsoever.

Let's see, my brother and I got beats for fighting, breaking stuff in the house, stealing sweets from the cupboard, stealing other stuff as kids, saying bad stuff or disrespecting people in general. We got beats with spoons, slippers (:D) and of course the god old rod.

Sometimes made to sit facing the wall and we'd sure as hell do it because the spoon was waving at us!

Looking back it's a hell of a good thing, we could have turned out like many of our peers at the time who would not get as disciplined when we wronged and most of those kids ended up being nuisances in the neighbourhood or delinquents.

Tough love is the way it always has been and has always worked so why try to change a system that works just because kids these days cry for Waaaaamulances?

Indeed. You cannot reason with most kids, and most know when they're doing wrong. Smacking them is a language they understand and can relate to because it works on a basic level. We have become so mollycoddled as a society to think that smacking children is wrong. It is not abuse, it is simple discipline. I bet if that kid in Somerfield had been smacked whenever he messed around in public or on railings he wouldn't have done it of his own accord behind his parents' backs and smashed his brains out on the lino.
Well an expert in the field who has studied it for no less than 40 years says your wrong!! I'm much more inclined to take his informed decision based on long research over yours tbh!!

Somehow 'I got beat with a spoon and I turned out alright' don't seem to make much of a compelling argument for me neither :p
Utter nonsense!!
Your teaching children that violence is acceptable!!

I work as a youth worker and have to deal with loads of violent street kids and guess what most of them have in common ??
They have fathers/step-fathers and even mothers in some case's that physically abuse them at home!!
Violence begets violence!
Just because it had no seriously damaging effect on you as a child doesn't mean that it has the same effect on everyone!!
Utter nonsense!!
Your teaching children that violence is acceptable!!

No you're not. A lot of kids of warned before they're hit. If they persist out of petulant belligerence they get hit, if they don't, they're not.

I work as a youth worker and have to deal with loads of violent street kids and guess what most of them have in common ??
They have fathers/step-fathers and even mothers in some case's that physically abuse them at home!!

You see, there's the difference. Abuse is beating someone up for the hell of it or to feel superior [that's why it's called 'abuse']. A sharp smack for misbehavior is very different.
those smacked up to three times a week
Well isn't that excessive anyway? I was smacked as a child, on very few occasions and when I had done something very bad or dangerous (I could count the amouint of times I was smacked on my fingers, it was rare). Smacking can have it's place is disciplining children, though often it is not needed, on rare occasions it can be used without harming a child and actually be beneficial in the long run (all just my opinion of course).

Why do parents call it Smacking? when really they are hitting their child
Because smacking is more specific than hitting? To me if I hear that someone was hit it could mean slapped/punched/hit with something. Smacking to me is done with an open hand and without any real force behind it at all and results in no injury.
Since it's not been published, I can't comment on this particular study.

And, yes, you're silly example would be a rather silly. Fortunately the methodology of science is rather better advanced which is why we're in the fortunate position of being able to identify things like, say, the risks associated with smoking without deliberately exposing people to harmful gases.

It works like this: you need to identify two well matched populations. That is you need to control for factors like the socioeconomic class, employment, etc. of the parents as well as factors like which schools they go to. It doesn't matter, much, for a study such as this what these particular influences are only that they're the same in both groups looked at. Providing you've done your matching well, and properly identified the confounding variables, you can then ascribe the differences to the dependent variable (that is, in this case, whether you're smacking or not) and using appropriate statistical analysis determine whether the result is a random artefact or whether it's actually a property of what you're studying.

It's called a 'between participants study' and it's one of the mainstays of modern science. Most human research uses this approach because - for blindingly obvious reasons - it's pretty much impossible to take human subjects and subject them to whatever you feel like subjecting them to. The notion that not doing that doesn't make it science is simple ignorance.

So regardless of the fact that the actual difference it made to the childs IQ was ~3% you are saying that what they have said is a scientific fact? You mention that they have tried to make it as accurate as possible by taking into account any factors that may distort the results. Well thats the issue isnt it; you cannot have a tiny difference between the two groups which could be due to any number of factors ( expecially when considering humans) and claim that you have proved anything.

To use smoking as an example seems odd as I dont think that we would be so bothered by smoking if it increases our chance of health relatated problems by a few percent.

You can attribute a small percentage of results to chance and variation, you cannot write off 30%.

In the absence of unbiased scientific testing you are left with biased testing. Although this is not perfect, it is better than nothing and sometimes biased testing can reveal results that cannot be disputed in spite of the bias. What we have here is a study that proves diddly squat.
Indeed. You cannot reason with most kids, and most know when they're doing wrong. Smacking them is a language they understand and can relate to because it works on a basic level. We have become so mollycoddled as a society to think that smacking children is wrong. It is not abuse, it is simple discipline.

Yes, because all those countries that have banned smacking have seen a massive upswing in problem children, far exceeding our own situation... oh, wait, that's not true is it?

And all the masses of research into how effective various form of discipline are has come down firmly on the side of physical punishment while categorically demonstrating the failure of non-physical means... oh, wait, that's not true either.

I bet if that kid in Somerfield had been smacked whenever he messed around in public or on railings he wouldn't have done it of his own accord behind his parents' backs and smashed his brains out on the lino.

Actually, as a point of fact, smacking is less effective at imposing behavioural standards on children when absent from those who will punish them than other forms of punishment. It's effective at getting kids to do what you want when you're around, but it sucks as a means of getting kids to do what you want when you're not.

There's no question that kids need effective discipline and clearly defined boundaries. That notion that this means you need to hit them when they go out of line is pure nonsense.
Were you disciplined as a child?

I bet you turned out alright and learnt from your mistakes when you did serious wrongs, right?

Well there you go. It works.
Sorry but being hit with ''spoons, slippers and of course the god old rod.''
is not discipline, it's borderline violent abuse tbh!!
So regardless of the fact that the actual difference it made to the childs IQ was ~3% you are saying that what they have said is a scientific fact?

No, that's precisely what I haven't said. As I said right at the start of the post you quoted I haven't read this study, I don't know it's methodology. What I have pointed out is the simpleheaded wrongness of the notion that you can't do a study like this unless you intervene to either use, or not use, smacking on a particular group or introduce smaking to a previously unsmacked group.

This is simply, and purely, wrong.

You can attribute a small percentage of results to chance and variation, you cannot write off 30%.

This is also simple, and purely, wrong. Please learn a little, tiny bit about statistical analysis of data before you embarass yourself further.

A small effect can be more statistically convincing than a large one because it depends on other factors, such as how well the study is controlled, the observed varience, the sample size, etc.

What we have here is a study that proves diddly squat.

Have you read the study? Have you considered his methodology?

No, you haven't. Don't make stupid judgements about it then.
Were you disciplined as a child?

I bet you turned out alright and learnt from your mistakes when you did serious wrongs, right?

Well there you go. It works.

Please tell me you're joking.

Here, have this sugar pill. Come back to me in 20 years, if you're not dead it worked! The homeopaths must love you.
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