Researchers say smacking kids lowers their IQ, researchers need a smack.

I'm with you, when I was a kid, if someone didn't behave it was because they were stupid/attention seeking, not because of some "learning difficulty"

20 years down the line my brother eventually gets diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome (assburgers to me and you) and while it explains a lot of his mentalities as a child, it should never be used as an excuse :/

Then possibly you don't have a full understanding of autism? It can be much worse than simply an "excuse".
i was smacked by my mum as a kid and once i was beaten up by my uncle, even back then i knew the difference. if you dont understand this you have less perception then a 5 year old. smacking has its place in my opinion and im another to say smacking did me no harm infact it did me good, it stopped being a little ****. instead of critising parents that smack how about you look at the real issue, the lack of discipline given to todays youth.
Really? And you've read the research to determine that, of course?

What's that? No, you haven't. You're just assuming that a professor knows much less about science than you :rolleyes:

Did I say the professor had made a correlation fallacy?

I'm saying that we jump far too quickly to conclusions. He has shown there may be a link, that's all. To leap to the conclusion that there is a direct link is a correlation fallacy, and there's far too much of that going on.
There's been plenty of reasearch into smacking, this is hardly a unique finding. It's a rubbish form of punishment.

Good parents both don't use it, and don't need to use it.

Agree 100%
If you hit your child on a regular basis your drastically failing as a parent!
I suggest you get professional help before you damage your child even further!

Durrant, J. E. (2003). Legal reform and attitudes toward physical punishment in Sweden. International Journal of Children's Rights, 11, 147-173.

Durrant, J. E. (1999). Evaluating the success of Sweden's corporal punishment ban. Child Abuse and Neglect, 23, 435-448.

Douglas, E. M., & Straus, M. A. (2006). Assault and injury of dating partners by university students in 19 countries and its relation to corporal punishment experienced as a child. European Journal of Criminology, 3, 293-318.

Gershoff, E. T. (2002). Corporal punishment by parents and associated child behaviors and experiences: A meta-analytic and theoretical review. Psychological Bulletin, 128, 539-579.

Grusec, J. E., & Goodnow, J. J. (1994). Impact of parental discipline methods on the child's internalization of values: A reconceptualization of current points of view. Developmental Psychology, 30, 4-19.

Gunnoe, M. L., & Mariner, C. L. (1997). Toward a developmental-contextual model of the effects of parental spanking on children's aggression. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 151, 768-775.

Janson, S. (2005). Response to Beckett (2005) The Swedish myth: The corporal punishment ban and child death statistics. British Journal of Social Work, 35, 125-138.

Turner, H. A., & Muller, P. A. (2004). Long-term effects of child corporal punishment on depressive symptoms in young adults: Potential moderators and mediators. Journal of Family Issues, 25, 761-782.
Never have and never would smack my son (2 1/2), besides, a very stern telling off in an authoritative tone normally leaves him in floods of tears and fully aware that he's been naughty - it's all about delivery. He stops what he's been doing straight away and always apologises and we all go back to having fun again.

I believe that it's important not to show frustration and/or shout at children either, as that just teaches them that when they are frustrated they should shout and lash out.
So according to people in this thread my parents are crap as they used to smack myself and my 2 sisters when we did something bad that deserved it. Pull the other one. My parents taught me that if I did something bad then I would get punished, they wouldn't resort to smacking all the time, only something that really deserved it.

I don't now think that violence is the answer to everything, I also don't have a lower IQ than any of my friends the same for my 2 sisters. Actually, thinking about it, one of my friends was raised the same way as me and, like me, is completely fine. There is nothing wrong with an occasional smack as a last resort, plus there was always the fear of getting caught doing something wrong and my mum getting the metal hairbrush out to smack the back of my legs.
I was smacked a few times as a kid. Unsurprisingly, I didn't enjoy it much but I didn't learn much from it either other than it was sore and I could do nothing about it. Not sure it's effective and it's certainly a dated way of controlling your young ones. To me, it always appear to be about imposing your will or shock or anger, rather than anything positive, or delivering a meaningful lesson.

Anyway, this is just like so many of the threads in GD. It's just a waste of time for all the posters. I disagree with smacking - many agree with me, many don't. Neither party will change the opinion of the other.

Do what you feel is right. In 40 years time you'll find out if you got it right or not.
The proof regarding lack of child discipline is all around, unprecedented bad behaviour of young children at school who kick & spit at the teachers who aren't even able to respond in any way without risking getting the sack for 'child abuse'.

I smacked my kids on the back of their legs for really bad behaviour just as I was at a similar age but never on the head or bottom.
You only need to look at the generation that were caned at school to know it benefits no one. I mean look at the children of today compared to then. Not only are they more intelligent they're also much better behaved!
[FnG]magnolia;14967460 said:
Anyway, this is just like so many of the threads in GD. It's just a waste of time for all the posters. I disagree with smacking - many agree with me, many don't. Neither party will change the opinion of the other.

I don't think people should have to change their minds, but I do think they should be more tolerant. I'm not going to come at you demanding that you smack your kids, but equally I'd rather not be persecuted as a child abusing monster just because I smack my kids two or three times a year, especially when your studies apparently proving harm are based on 2 or 3 smacks a week.
The proof regarding lack of child discipline is all around, unprecedented bad behaviour of young children at school who kick & spit at the teachers who aren't even able to respond in any way without risking getting the sack for 'child abuse'.

I smacked my kids on the back of their legs for really bad behaviour just as I was at a similar age but never on the head or bottom.

The plural of anecdote != data, or proof of any sort.
I was smacked when I was a kid. I did soemthing bad, I got smacked and it hurt like ****.

I have grown up and im not a ****-wit. It works fine as it affects one of the most basic instints - pain = bad.

- Pea0n
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