Perfect performance, G2/9700k/3090 using FSR. Aliasing with SMAA, Max mesh quality, Shadows quality low, Texture quality high(8gb), Texture filter high(anisox16) Shadow cache on, contact shadows off, Screen space reflections off, Subsurface scattering off, Volumatic lighting off, Particle lighting high, Ambient occlusion HBAO+. bloom, lens, motion blur all off, Depth of field on, Lens distortion on, Film noise on, Image quality 100.
Messed about so there's there's zero tearing or artefacts, totally smooth turning movements. Wanted to maintain the quality of the models mostly, thankfully i able to do that without any issues popping up. Shadows seem to bring back the artifacting and nail the performance. I'm sure there's a more knowingly than i out there that has it better figured out, but this works for me and still looks the bomb.
This (RE2) would have been my GOTY had it been released a day earlier, there's nothing else like the vibrant world with as much action in sequence available in VR.