Reyland 6 litre Firenza project


Its looking good!

Quoted for the babe!
Update time :DD:



Click on the image below to see the CNC machine churning them out :-)



More pics.... :clap:




Pre fettling and paint...

Had the rims back off Mark about a month ago, they were 98% there and just needed small bits of finishing which was fine as he gave me something nearly finished that I could sort myself :top: I did a bit of final machining and dropped the centres off at Compomotive so they could put them through the paint process and fit the steel inserts for the wheel nuts. I collected them today and have now bolted then together and to say I'm happy would be an understatement :DD:......




Compomotive were properly impressed with our efforts :DD: Tyres on tomorrow.
Ish, what is the tyre dimentions? Especially the rears as they look wide! :D

Outstanding build, but I'd hate to be the bean counter!
I love these old Vauxhalls :)

My old man had the HC model, cream coloured. It was a bit of an oddball with two standard steels & silver hub caps on the back and two rostyles on the front :rolleyes: it wound me up rotten and I always wanted to get it sorted out!

Memories of doing bumpstarts on a freezing cold morning are still fresh and this was 25+ odd years ago lol.
Speedo time! The Tremec T56 doesn't have a mechanical speedo output so I decided the best way round it is to use the Tremecs speed sensor to trigger an aftermarket speedo, I want to keep the dash looking original so I ordered a Stack speedo and started on it...

The OE speedo..


This landed today :grin: Why soooo many numbers!!!!????


And within minutes looked like this..


I wonder if Stack will still honour the 12 months warranty :cry:

The plan is to insert the 80mm Stack behind a re scaled Firenza front (also 80mm) and then paint the needle orange to match, hope this works out!
Speedo all done now!

After measuring the Stack speedo face I found it was too small for what I wanted and was a little 'busy' with the kph graduations, so I drew up a sketch and got a local sticker company to make me a new face..



I made up a new perspex plate and machined a hole for the digital mileage readout..


My new face is way better than Stacks in my opinion..


Next problem was the needle, the Stack one is plactic and looks nothing like the Vauxhall one. So I ground the pointer off which just left a plastic bar, I drilled it 1.5 mm and broke the end off a Firenza speedo and pushed it into the Stack tube..


Which then gave me a suitable mount for the OE pointer


All of my needles (pointers) were in various stages of loosing their colour so I decided they all had to have a facelift, I chose a different shade and set to work..


The finished speedo....


I know the number font isn't spot on but I'm happy with the result, when power is applied the needle jumps to the 0 position.

And btw, yes I know the 160mph max reading wont be high enough!

Now I need to find a suitable time clock, I reckon the workings of a Triumph one will do the job....
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