Richard dawkins

I am an athiest but Richard Dawkins puts his point across in a manner in which he just wants to start a fight with anybody who disagrees with him.
Rubbish - evolution by natural selection has been observed in the lab - it's as proven as gravity!
That's just one small part of evolution and has not shown the underlying mechanism. It is also only holds true if you accept the scientific framework as correct.

The scientific framework is a mighty powerful tool, but at the end of the day it's a man made tool with limitations.
It is not a tool for the ultimate truth.
The evidence of "evolution" is simply what is used to back up the theory. As has been said, the evidence of its working isn't there. It's still a theory, and an incomplete theory.

Good. Things staying theories is very good, it does someting religion cant, change.
It allows things to be improved.
Im glad its a theory, because there is mountains of evidence for it, but at least were trying to improve it rather than sticking are fingers in are ears and burying are head in the sand when something does come up opposing it.

I am an athiest but Richard Dawkins puts his point across in a manner in which he just wants to start a fight with anybody who disagrees with him.
Its not surpising when you trying to ahve an intelligent conversation with someone and they choose to ignore evidence and tell you your wrong because they hear thoughts in their head, and have some words written down which have no based in the world today.
I feel like exploding sometimes.
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He's a nut job like most religious 'fanatics', however I agree with almost all he says. I can understand a lot of scientists not liking him - however I think science needs a few loud ones.

Whee. Lots of people don't understand science or religion!


That's just one small part of evolution and has not shown the underlying mechanism. It is also only holds true if you accept the scientific framework as correct..

Evolution is NOT there to demonstrate an underlying mechanism, or talk about god or no god at all. It's there to show a species that changes/diversifies.
Good things staying theories is very good, it does some religion cant, change.
It allows things to be improved.
Im glad its a theory, because there are mountains of evidence for it, but at least were trying to improve it rather than sticking are fingers in are ears and burying are head in the sand when something does come up opposing it.

Religion changes vastly. Who worships Jupiter any more? Even the Christian religion alone has changed. Protestant, Anglican, Roman Catholic etc have all stemmed from it.
Pry much everything he says out side of his field, does not follow the scientific model, even though he tries to pass it of as such.

Just have to ask yourself why so many scientists dislike him and say he is giving sceince a bad name.

He uses his fame and credntials to further his own faith.
That's just one small part of evolution and has not shown the underlying mechanism. It is also only holds true if you accept the scientific framework as correct.

The scientific framework is a mighty powerful tool, but at the end of the day it's a man made tool with limitations.
It is not a tool for the ultimate truth.

I don't get the point in this argument and it just doesn't mean anything! Nothing can be 100% proven and
any one with a brain can accept this, however, if it's real and it can be seen and it has a lot of evidence in favour of it and it is compatible with the other scientific laws to such an extent that is the observable truth then surely it must be accepted as fact whether it can be proven 100% or not!

For anyone who thinks Dawkins is confrontational/nutjob/arrogant, please watch this video and the 7 parts if you haven't already.

He handled that interview so well, I'm so surprised that he didn't flatten the weirdo
Religion changes vastly. Who worships Jupiter any more? Even the Christian religion alone has changed. Protestant, Anglican, Roman Catholic etc have all stemmed from it.

They haven't changed based on evidence though, they have changed to fit the will of a person or situation to gain faith or standings in a commmunity.
Religions don't change because of testings and evidence.

It is not a tool for the ultimate truth.

It never has been, and isnt suppose to be. Its meant to be there to help improve our lifes by creating testable and recreatable situations. If its part of science then everyone in the world can try it for themselves via the same steps and come to the same conclusion everytime.
The truth is a stupid concept as it has no use to anyone.
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I don't get the point in this argument and it just doesn't mean anything! Nothing can be 100% proven and
any one with a brain can accept this, however, if it's real and it can be seen and it has a lot of evidence in favour of it and it is compatible with the other scientific laws to such an extent that is the observable truth then surely it must be accepted as fact whether it can be proven 100% or not!
No, it does not show theferlying mechanism. Perhaps learn what sceince is and that it is a tool with limitations.
What a breath of fresh air this man is in a world full of madness and irrationality!

Such a humble and polite, well spoken ambassador of reason and thought, with the intellect of a man with 3 heads. His arguments are so articulate and well delivered, he really makes me proud to be British!

What a world we would live in if everyone could reason like this man! A national treasure and I'm happy to have shared my time on earth with such a fine human being!

He would have been if he had not become such an idiot over religion and his attempts at forcing his belief structure on others.
A great man, one of the few scientists left now that does their own thing. Too much of science has been taken over by huge corporations with hidden agendas, a team is given a brief and fulfills it to the best of their ability, rather than lettings scientists be free thinkers, coming up with their own solutions to whatever problem they want.

And say what you will, i haven't heard a word out of his mouth that i disagree with. Religion is okay when people believe in it because they want to believe in it. Who he 'targets' however is people who believe in it because they think it's actually the truth, which makes it a direct enemy of science - the study of and quest for the truth. When these people start forcing it on other people at birth and in education while they're growing up it becomes a serious problem, and is the cause of a lot of what's wrong with the world today.
They haven't changed based on evidence though, they have changed to fit the will of a person or situation to gain faith or standings in a commmunity.
Religions don't change because of testings and evidence.

Your assuming all religion are the big ones. Many people do not follow any of the main relions and know full well that there faith is just that a faith, do question it and change it with experiences.

For anyone who thinks Dawkins is confrontational/nutjob/arrogant, please watch this video and the 7 parts if you haven't already.

He handled that interview so well, I'm so surprised that he didn't flatten the weirdo

Enjoyed the video, thanks for posting.

"There has never been evolution between evolution between one species to another, there is micro-evolution within a species, but never from one species to another"

"Oh reaaaaaallllyyyy???"

And actually the way you have framed this and your very closed mindedness really is a very good example of the kind of censorship we see within the scientific community that wont even allow discussion of any evidence that might discredit evolution"

"hmmmm yes, where did you learn your science??"

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