Acidhell 2, you annoy me a little as you see sitting on the fence and defending both sides as a worthy cause.
Its clear from your postings that your no fool, but to me you seem to stay there because instead of living in a world that is blank until the information is presented to you, you would rather live in a world were everything is possible until its prove not to be.
I cant fathom that as it leaves to many open doors, and allows to may ways for people to be manipulated.
Wow, how condescending. That's why people dislike Dawkins. "Anyone who beleives otherwise is mentally ill" is his basic opinion.
Also its a myth that there is a evidence of jesus. Find me some.
In fact I have read that lost books written by Peter I think make no mention of any man known as jesus. (but dont quote me on that)
"Jesus" is a translated name, as is "Peter".