We are all mumbling about who can prove God does or doesn't exist.
We can't even agree on the nature of any supposed Godhead.
When you consider the extremely limited perception we have of the Universe, it is rather narrow minded to dismiss any explanation of something we have no comprehension over.
Do I believe in God?
I think the more pertinent question should be, What is God?
For all anyone knows we could simply be abstracts of some enormous universal intelligence.
Quite possibly, even science itself at one point thought they had actually proved God.
The universal constent was thought to be to perfect for it not have been created, and maybe science was wrong to try and create diverging theories to try and make a answer that fitted. Some even think were just a computer simulation.
In some respects if you imply a human notion of a person or being onto something then its creates huge problems of creation of God and what came before. It is quite possibly an answer so profound we will never ever be able to conprehend it from our simple existences.
However, one thing we can take from it, is that if there existed such a being, I doubt he would want us to be killing each other or starving ourself for 30days in his name etc etc.
How humans came to be? God made them. Did he use evolution to get there? Fine by me. Can a man walk on water? Sure, if he has supernatural abilities which - by definition - surpass what science can explain. Who owns what land? That's not really a science question...
Im struggling to get my head round this now, but theres a problem with you assumption. Your starting with a God, you've created one where there is no need for one to exist. You've created a concept to fulfill your understanding of something because you do not have the necessary evidence, so its a man made creation.
How about we go backwards to explain what I'm thinking.
How humans came to be (dont jump to straight to God)
Humans > evidence for evolution all the way back to single cell life (workable model) > chemicals etc > atoms > *
Where does it ever imply the need for a god, not even when we get to the end which we don't understand do we need to imply a god (it just in our nature to want to)
Most religious people will get to the * and say god, I say that the * just means unknown and one day will be known, but then the religious people will just push one more level further and say well God must have done that too. God is a human need to fill a void to achieve some sort of attonment