Well in fact it is not a 'myth' that a man named Jesus existed and that he was indeed crucified at the given time.
Tacitus, the Roman Senator and Historian wrote in his Annals about Pontius Pilate and the crucifixion, it is among the first secular historical works to mention Christ by name.
Josephus a Jewish Historian also wrote about Christ and affirms he was crucified by Pilate.
There are various mentions of him throughout the first and second centuries and it is mainstream thought that Jesus as a historical figure existed. Whether he was the Son of God however is something entirely different.
The only surviving copy of that, was created in the 11th century. hardly proof
Von- I think were all guilty of not reading every reply in this thread, but I did say not long ago that I do not believe nor do I think Dawkins does in seeking a truth, or that science is the truth. The truth is a pointless word, and no help to anyone.
Science is a tool for the culmination of the information around us, so that people can create testable, changeable theories that benefit man. Anything otherwise is pointless.
Can we not agree on that, as its seems to have derailed the thread onto the same old usual topic of just because science is better does mean its the truth.
If you want we can debate the philosphy of truth, whether anything can actually be true. In my opinion that goes so very deep, that its easier to just know that when things are undenieable based on the facts in front of you and they point very much in favour then its can be a "truth" in the broadest sense, until the time that the evidence sways in another direction.
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