US: Rick & Morty

Jesus who in their right mind let that pile of steam **** of an episode be made.
That seriously the worst of all 4 seasons, and I thought that would be hard to do after that Armageddon one. Need to go back to the evil morty arc and stop stringing it out with a bunch of nonsensical filler seasons
Wut? This isn't The Wire, Breaking Bad etc type of show with a long story being played out - it's American Dad, Family Guy, The Simpsons, some episodes may have an arc, but most are stand alone episodes.

Stop trying to rush to the final destination and enjoy the journey of getting there - i thought it was a great episode.
I’m not suggesting it should end but it would be good to get carry on with the way it started, just feels like they abandoned the whole story and the dynamic of the first 3 seasons when it got extended. This season in particular has been as suggested above overly sexual and off on a tangent.

This one was sperm bj jokes, previously we’ve had orgy planets and threesome with ocean perv, in 4 episodes only the decoy one hasn’t been in your face and unfunny

I miss the almost amateur improvisational style of the writing. It feels like Justin has handed over writing to a team to help churn out seasons quicker and in doing so it’s lost its way.
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Yeah I can’t quite put my finger on how to explain my gripe, I guess Rick for me was a scientist who did cool stuff and we were exploring his world. Now I find him to be just an Ex Machina for whatever weird thing the childish writer wants to do. Case in point all he brought this episode was that he was the vehicle to make a bj joke from a horse machine.

Shame as the show was brilliant. Anyway rant over, many enjoy it I bet.
It's got a bit er.. sexual!

Don't mind the one off, but super sperms, alien orgies, bdsm - is the writer a virgin and taking out his sexual frustrations/fantasies through each episode?

Starting to agree, used to funny and clever, now it's turning into a teens wet dream :(
Just checking, you know the latest episode was a riff on Hellraiser and the Cenobites, right?
Not just BDSM for sexy sexy reasons.

Still, I've been enjoying Season 5.
Not every episode can be a Pickle Rick or Total Rickall, but then again, I'll take every episode of Season 5 over Raising Gazorpazorp or Big Trouble in Little Sanchez any day of the week.
Season 5 is still a hit for me. Not a SUPER hit, but a hit nonetheless :)
Yeah, i got the Cenobites reference (i'm old). Just Beth had her titz hanging out (not a bad thing) and Rick with the leather studded crotch strap (lul!)
Glad I'm not the only one noticing the drop off in quality. So much sex based stuff, makes you wonder if they are swinging for the cheap seats because they've run out of clever ideas. This was always the concern when they got that bumper contract. When has money ever influenced art in a positive way?

It's become just another gag show, and I think the fans wanted more. The evil morty storyline was never going to be the greatest story ever told but it was some hook to keep coming back. Maybe it was just some throwaway gag in a couple of episodes then.

But as I said earlier in the thread, weak R&M is still better than most stuff out there. And we still have the first three seasons.
This season is really showing us what this show is going to be moving forward. Family Guy in space.. Random, heavy pop culture beats and riffs of famous films and silliness. This season has been very poor.
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