**Ride in the OcUK Radical - Bank Holiday Monday 26th May - Donington Park**

Originally posted by Spie
Remember, this was my first full day out in the Radical. There's more to come ;)

EDIT : Think you are forgetting how technical Donington is. You do not use all of the track on some corners.

Yup :)
Going from a roadcar to a Radical will take time to adjust.

I’ve driven quick Karts (Have an RAC Kart License) and it took me a couple of 4 hour enduro races to start reaching the limits

:: EDIT ::
Longer sessions would help :)
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fantastic sah.. plenty of wind noise and rip the fly... seriously good fun that looks.. will have to pop down and have a nose at some point if you dont mind :)
Nice video Spie... But having viewed that and getting your perspective on the "Drifting"... I can see what it looked like from your position but it was not like that at all from the stands... Brett (White Option S13) was being chased down by that cossie, managed to get out of its way then he cought sight of you in his mirror, pulled to the right side of the track (Correct procedure) over cooked it and got the tail out... He did not go for a drift on that corner then or at any other time when there was someone close behind him...

Pics for proof...


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Skyline – doing that with 2 quick cars following behind was dangerous

Drifting is good to watch but not at an open track day
Originally posted by Skyline
He did not go for a drift on that corner then or at any other time when there was someone close behind him...
So he just lost control then? :confused:
Nah... Just got the tail out a bit... That car weighs twice as much as your radical and doesnt corner as well... Seemed fine once he flicked it back into shape... Just a little mishap... Wasnt anywhere near half as bad as the spins by the RX7, 300zx and the BMW... now they were out of control...
So, he's in the drifting club, but wasn't doing it then, he "Just got the tail out a bit".


Yeah, whatever. Anyway, please stick to topic from now on.
Originally posted by Bossman
Today you were getting ~1min 20s, right? What where you getting in the wet?

Thought i might add. I was at Donnington on Saturday with the Ferrari race day. The RACING 360's were lapping in 1:16's while racing and these were some seriously experinced drivers. They arent trusted with Ferrari's and they aren't really cheap to replace :)
Hi there

Excellent video footage Mark, great fun too watch. What are the chances of slightly higher quality video for full screen viewing etc. as us with high speed internet connections don't mind downloading bigish (50-150mb) files for some divx quality footage.

That Porsche did look good shooting flames out from both exhaust and it seemed pretty fast too on the straights when you were passing him.

I was also impress/amazed to see a Honda Civic Type R flying past the Yellow Skyline GTR on the corners, as you don't expect that, guess it must be VTEC. ;)

That Escort Cossie you passed going down thru Craner curves seemed pretty fast too and he really was pushing it thru the corners and leaving braking until last second. :D

I can see what you mean with the 200SX nearly drifting in front of you and making you make evasive action to avoid him.

Just wished the beer and women:D aint got the better off me, as then I could have been there in person. :(
The escort was NOS'ed up aprently. Notice the amount of rubbish coming out the exhaust, very odd.

Spie does you camera have a ext mic plug ?If so it might be an idea to get one a wire it up so its inside the cockpit hopefully that should cut out all the wind noise :D

Just finnshed watching it, your car looks like it handles VERY VERY well. The grip you have when corrnering seems to be imense.

I can only see you getting faster as you spend more time behind the wheel.

Will definatly have to plan a visitation to your next track outting. Rather than our mid-morning thought. Was worth the effort though.

And i must remember to get some more Ni-mh batteries my camera ones died. They don't appear to hold there charge aswell as they used to. Otherwise i would have had some pics aswell.
Originally posted by bitboy
The fly did get in some mess though:(

I could actually feel the flies hitting my clothes as we went round. Mind you, being hit by the radical is a pretty impressive way to die if you're a fly :D

Originally posted by Sundance Kid
The video doesn't portray that well just how quick the Radical is.

Certainly doesnt! Watching it in fast forward is more accurate ;)
Nice vid Mark! For once I agree with Gibbo :D Can we have a high quality edition for BB Users

Shame about the certain incidents:(

Do we have details of Oulton Park or are things still to be decided such as times and dates:):D
Originally posted by sparki

Will definatly have to plan a visitation to your next track outting. Rather than our mid-morning thought. Was worth the effort though.

Agreed.:D Nice to put a couple of faces to names and the car is gorgeous
Originally posted by Gibbo
I was also impress/amazed to see a Honda Civic Type R flying past the Yellow Skyline GTR on the corners, as you don't expect that, guess it must be VTEC. ;)

The yellow Skyline was not a GTR and it was for sale, with the advert in the window saying - 'never raced on track' - lol. He was taking it easy all day though.

DirtyMinx - Did you go yesterday ???
Originally posted by Sundance Kid
The yellow Skyline was not a GTR and it was for sale, with the advert in the window saying - 'never raced on track' - lol. He was taking it easy all day though.

DirtyMinx - Did you go yesterday ???

Yes, Sparki and I were there:)
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