Riff Tamson was a Karkarodon male from the planet Karkaris. Tamson served as a commander and warlord for the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars and was placed in charge of operations on aquatic planets such as Mon Cala.
OK so basically I now have a third Area 51. It's one of these.
Again it is the ALX version, so chrome everywhere and motorised front panel and roof vents. The last time I worked on it it was badly broken (the PSU had blown and it was in a right state) so to get it into working condition I had to basically rewire it all as it was not designed to run from a normal PSU. It has a 10 pin cable for the board that controls everything. Any way, it was a success and it now looks like this.
Only replace the Titan Black with a Fury X. It looks like this when empty.
It has a false floor etc, all very tidy (trust me it took many hours to make it look like that inside !).
Now I did some counting earlier from the leftovers of Dianoga and deduced that I am not far from another loop. This rig already has an AIO but I can sell that for £20 or so and buy a block. Talking of blocks, I need opinions. I have three on my shortlist (£8.50 each) and wanted opinions. There's this one.
Which I used on Dianoga (needs modding to make it look nice). This is much in the same vein.
Or there is this one which I am heavily leaning against for a couple of reasons. Firstly it is smooth and larger so my fittings will not hit each other or anything else (like writing etc) and secondly because I don't need to mod it at all.
For the rad I am looking at a nice fat Mayhem atm. I will see what else is out there too. Coolant? XSPC, same as I used before (it needs nothing else and works on any metal).
If any of you guys know about a cheapish pump (say £25 max?) then please LMK. I am not going to drop my knackers on a pump. I've already got a res etc.
OK so basically I now have a third Area 51. It's one of these.
Again it is the ALX version, so chrome everywhere and motorised front panel and roof vents. The last time I worked on it it was badly broken (the PSU had blown and it was in a right state) so to get it into working condition I had to basically rewire it all as it was not designed to run from a normal PSU. It has a 10 pin cable for the board that controls everything. Any way, it was a success and it now looks like this.
Only replace the Titan Black with a Fury X. It looks like this when empty.
It has a false floor etc, all very tidy (trust me it took many hours to make it look like that inside !).
Now I did some counting earlier from the leftovers of Dianoga and deduced that I am not far from another loop. This rig already has an AIO but I can sell that for £20 or so and buy a block. Talking of blocks, I need opinions. I have three on my shortlist (£8.50 each) and wanted opinions. There's this one.
Which I used on Dianoga (needs modding to make it look nice). This is much in the same vein.
Or there is this one which I am heavily leaning against for a couple of reasons. Firstly it is smooth and larger so my fittings will not hit each other or anything else (like writing etc) and secondly because I don't need to mod it at all.
For the rad I am looking at a nice fat Mayhem atm. I will see what else is out there too. Coolant? XSPC, same as I used before (it needs nothing else and works on any metal).
If any of you guys know about a cheapish pump (say £25 max?) then please LMK. I am not going to drop my knackers on a pump. I've already got a res etc.