Afternoon all. Last night when I returned home from holiday the last fitting I needed had arrived. I immediately fitted it and love how the loop arcs in and out. However, all was not as it seemed 
I promised my wife I would leave it alone yesterday and unpack etc. So I did all of that and then we watched some TV. I came out into the living room to watch Master Chef and when it was ending my wife came in to tell me she had a bad headache and was going to bed early. Yay, I can fill the loop !!!
Firstly one big mistake I made was that I did not connect the fill port to the intake of the pump. I connected it to the outlet like a complete . This meant that filling it was painfully slow, and for each 30ml of coolant or so I would have to run the pump and tip the rig back and forth to get it where I wanted it.
Then, after about filling it half way disaster struck. I looked down and there was a puddle of coolant around the flow meter
I panicked and immediately tipped the rig to stop the flow of coolant to the flow meter, totally forgetting I had a funnel and intake hose full of coolant. It went absolutely everywhere, and I wrecked two tea towels cleaning it up.
I inspected the flow meter, it was fine. I then looked at the O ring on the last of the fittings I had bought and it was hard and shrunken. Replaced the O rings on both, BOOM no more leaks. However, all told it took me nearly two hours to fill the rig as the flow was backward from the fill port. A complete nightmare.
So that's where I am at. Please excuse the nasty wiring everywhere, I am waiting on parts. Very happy with the loop, but the pump is very noisy so again, waiting on parts. Here is what I have ordered (some is here some not.)
That is to reduce the Acool pump to 7v.
Then, a little fun
1m EL wire with a 2XAA battery pack.
A3 5mm red trans acryl.
And 1.52m x 30cm of black brushed vinyl.

I promised my wife I would leave it alone yesterday and unpack etc. So I did all of that and then we watched some TV. I came out into the living room to watch Master Chef and when it was ending my wife came in to tell me she had a bad headache and was going to bed early. Yay, I can fill the loop !!!
Firstly one big mistake I made was that I did not connect the fill port to the intake of the pump. I connected it to the outlet like a complete . This meant that filling it was painfully slow, and for each 30ml of coolant or so I would have to run the pump and tip the rig back and forth to get it where I wanted it.
Then, after about filling it half way disaster struck. I looked down and there was a puddle of coolant around the flow meter

I inspected the flow meter, it was fine. I then looked at the O ring on the last of the fittings I had bought and it was hard and shrunken. Replaced the O rings on both, BOOM no more leaks. However, all told it took me nearly two hours to fill the rig as the flow was backward from the fill port. A complete nightmare.
So that's where I am at. Please excuse the nasty wiring everywhere, I am waiting on parts. Very happy with the loop, but the pump is very noisy so again, waiting on parts. Here is what I have ordered (some is here some not.)
That is to reduce the Acool pump to 7v.
Then, a little fun

1m EL wire with a 2XAA battery pack.
A3 5mm red trans acryl.
And 1.52m x 30cm of black brushed vinyl.