Riff Tamson (here we go again !)

The res is odd because the return side water level is higher than the pump intake side. I have a good 8mm of room on the right, it's only on the left side that I needed to fill it right up because otherwise there was only about 1mm of water above the pump outlet, hence the spitting every so often. Would it make a difference that I am using soft tubing? like, would that give me some expansion room? I can't take any water out or it will spit again.
honestly, I'm not sure. When I had the problem it was with soft tubing but I think a lot of it may have been quite rigid rather than the more flexible stuff you get these days. Have you got a spare port anywhere that you could temporarily run a vertical riser (to stop water getting in) and the stick Dr Drop on the top? That would register and quantify any pressure rise from cold to gaming-toasty. If it's less than the 8psi max of the Dr Drop, you know it own it can take it as you've already tested it at that. I should warn that I could be being overly paranoid, based on past experience. Measuring it would be the best way to tell whether my paranoia is justified or not.
Nope no spare ports. I can't even drain it.. I would have to suck the water out of the fill hole some how.

The temps are fantastic. This little CPU gets worked quite hard being only 2.1ghz. You can see the dynamics if you go to the CPU thing in task manager. Very clever too, the best cores boost higher (to 2.3ghz) when being used.

Last night I played over an hour of Doom with Vulkan and the CPU managed 38c lol. 8 core chip too :D

Edit. I think I am going to get another pump given how awesome it is and use that to suck out the coolant if I ever have to. Plus I will also have a spare then :)
Afternoon all. For the past couple of days Gareth and I have been trying to get the T-balancer to connect up to the PC so I can take control of the fans. Sadly for some reason it seems to hate the motherboard and no matter how you connect it up it does funny stuff. For example when you plug it in internally it corrupts Windows and stops the rig booting. If I connect it up using the external USB B socket it shuts down the PC. All very odd but I suspect it may be a UEFI thing going on ? no idea. Suffice to say I am just going to have to leave the rig as it is. It's quiet, but not as quiet as I wanted it but compared to other servers I've seen it sounds like a silent fart.

Any way, moving onward and upward I have only a few small jobs left to do. The GPU cables looked sort of OK until I removed the cable tie (which looked cack) and then they just sprouted everywhere. I thought about how best to sort them out and decided on these.


I have ordered six, three per cable. I wanted 16 hole combs but a certain company wanted me to buy ten of them otherwise "It's not worth it".

So I will get those fitted when they arrive, IIRC Alchemys come apart quite easily requiring little force :) they will definitely look better. I will clean them too (with a damp cloth) as they are pretty filthy. I mean I have had them for about three years.

Moving on, one of the main jobs left to do is sort out the main cover. I don't want it to go back in as it is because it's kinda transparent and won't match anything. So I am going to attempt to cover it which will be quite difficult as it has a battery compartment that usually houses two rechargeable batteries to operate all of the internal lights that come on when you open it and the lights on the back panel IO which you press a button to light. Thing is it was getting in the way and the case does all of that when plugged into the mains any way. So I removed the batteries and the carrier etc.

I also got some logos through from a couple of companies so I would like to take the chance to actually put a design on the cover.

We shall see :)

The rig is working very well now though and I have been on it as much as I can because the CPU draws an absolute maximum of 60w under load. So yeah, won't save me a fortune but it's helping :)
I'm not dead, just close :D

Not been feeling very well at all lately. Currently taking more pills but waiting for them to work can be a bit miserable, and I usually feel worse before I feel better. Any way, I haven't forgotten about this build in fact I have been doing a little now and then. Just severly lacking motivation atm, asking myself why I am bothering, not being happy with anything I do to it...

So yeah, what has happened since I posted last? not much. I finished up concluding that the T-Balancer either hated my motherboard or was broken. I suspect it not to be the latter tbh, as it works perfectly until you hook it up to the board.

I figured out what was making all of the noise in the rig. It was the hard drive duct blower fan. Ten seconds in Alien control center soon sorted that out.

I bought and fitted six cable combs. Red. The cables are shabby though. At some point I must have been quite rough with them because they are fraying and when I removed the pins I had nightmares. Four snapped, then I realised that I needed to use more force than I was happy with and I had to make a lot of repairs where the paracord had frayed open. I did my best, could have done with a few more if I'm being honest.

I got two hose clamps for the Fury X because I wasn't happy with where the hoses wanted to go.


I also began working on the cover panel. First of all I cut the edge where it had been cut before (in a bit of a hurry, so wasn't marked or straight) and then welded on a cap. I also wrapped the outer part with silver brushed vinyl.


It was difficult to wrap because it had no flat or defined edges. What you see was cut freehand and took about two hours. I still need to make a new part that covers the Fury X radiator and the Powercool fan logo, as I really don't like either. That will be welded on, and the flat parts covered in brushed black.

I'm in no mood to be running the rotary tool though, so god knows when I will do that.
Work continues very very slowly.


As you can see I have now made the rad cover, which has become a part of the main cover. I traced it, shaped it up then cut it out and welded it on before covering it.

The gap in the silver will eventually be covered in black brushed vinyl as it has some cut scars on it and some plastic weld marks. TBH I intended to cover it black any way, regardless of any damage. The edges (45 and 90 deg) will remain clear and I will eventually fit a few LEDs in it so that it lights up red when you open the case.

The case has a full lighting system fitted to a door switch. It's so you can see what you are doing when you take the side off. So I am going to convert it to red LEDs for show, then when you fit a side panel they all go out :)
Nah it's plastic. Originally it looked like this.


There's the cover panel I have and the GPU duct I removed and threw away ages ago when I fitted a rad where the intake fan goes.

Then I cut it about a bit and then cut a panel from acrylic which I have welded on to cover the radiator. That was then wrapped also, along with the panel itself.

There were loads more things I wanted to do but I am getting tired of it. It's good enough. Won't win any awards but was never supposed to :)

That's the last time I ever say simple and loop in the same sentence though :D
Thanks Harvey ! everything is done and set up now :)





Which of course gave me a whole butt load of space on my desk. So what I went and did was fill it with headphones :D



That should be me done for a while. My next project is the bike I am getting for Xmas :)
Now that's a different (but good) interpretation of RGB LEDs! ...Although, now I've said that, you need to move the silver one to the middle! ;)

I should yeah. Thing is they are chronologically arranged so that would bother my OCD :D

In hindsight I should have done Dianoga in red and then Riff in green.
Another cracking build, although it does look like you could do with a couple more headphones... :D
Another cracking build, although it does look like you could do with a couple more headphones... :D

I have more :S they just don't fit lol.

What's messed up is I can justify every single pair. I use nearly all of them too. I suppose when you have no speakers at all it's easier to justify. I have live sport (the lightest B&Os) live music (grados) thumping night club (Hifiman) closed back for when lady is in the room (B&O P6) blow your ears out Rob Zombie/Green Day etc (Beats Detox) and so on. The Musical Fidelity are my traveling cans and the Steelseries headset is for my phone. The only ones I don't use any more really are the Beats Solo HD and Studios.

That's the problem I have found with headphones. None of them are suitable for all types of music/styles/bass etc.
I always thought it was one of those things that "if I have to explain it to you, you'll never understand".....and for that job, I'm thinking it'd have to be a helicopter ticket!
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