Rio 2016 logo

I know I am being a little pedantic but it is wrong. I do realise that it was probably spelt with a lower case L, which would make it grammatically incorrect, or a cap i would would obviously been spelt wrong, bit difficult to know which, but we'll assume a lower case L.

which begs the question:-


why doesn't any of the other signs match the logo?
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[...] I do realise that it was probably spelt with a lower case L, which would make it grammatically incorrect [...]
It's what's known as "display text"; it doesn't need follow rules of grammar as it's just a set of communicative shapes, not a sentence or fragment.

And just to head off your next letter to the Metro, that's also why you don't see any full stops on the high street ;)

why doesn't any of the other signs match the logo?
It's either a bit of miscommunication between the logo and font designers at Wolff Olins, or more likely, Lord Coe or someone high up were of the opinion that it needed to be capitalised late in development and so they had to use the uppercase 'L' from the official typeface [which, for the record, was my least favourite bit of the entire brand effort].
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[...] not a sentence or fragment.

I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this point. Personally I think it just makes us look illiterate.

I certainly am not the type to write letters to the metro, just joining the discussion on a forum, I am interested in other peoples opinions even if they are opposed to my way thinking, so until I am high overlord, just carry on ;)
Either way the Rio logo is crap and the London one is better :) But you guys don't understand branding or design evidently.

There has never been an Olympic event with such great branding. Rio 2016 will suck branding wise.

/exit thread

well said sir. oh look, people dancing. what a ruddy surprise. its not interesting in any way. its bland and done to death. not the most original. if you look at this. i would say the london one stands out the most and is different from the old lets have some colour swipes

It's ok. It's "design". By using a lower-case L, it's not incorrect - it's breaking the conformist barriers set by the archetypal oligarchs that dictate their grammatical ways.
Just in case there's any confusion, I didn't make the "barriers" comment that appears to irk you so. I don't agree with it.

And while I'm at it, I didn't agree with reflux's "good design is meant to stimulate debate" assertion either, as that is also not true - unless it's something the brief requires.

In this case, however, I would suggest that the contentious nature of the London 2012 identity was deliberate for this very reason. Free publicity - everyone was talking about the Olympics for years before the event.

So congratulations to all here, at the Daily Mail, on the BBC News website, in Tunbridge Wells and around the world who contributed to make that particular aspect of the branding as successful as the brand specialists and designers wanted you to make it. You were played like sweet, compliant, infuriated banjos. Being outsmarted by designers - no wonder you're irked :p

e: ooh, forgot to say: OU logo? Brilliant. A classic [though early versions were better - the current glassy one was of its time and has dated like an iMac]. Brief would have been very different to London 2012 Olympics, though, so you can't really compare the two.
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Outsmarted? Is that what designers tell themselves when everyone says their design is a failure? "Ha, that's what we WANTED you to think! No, really!" ?

Starting to sound a lot like artists :p

I don't place the blame on the designers - I place the blame on the eejits that accepted it as a design, as the responsibility for it ultimately falls on them. I do think that the designers were taking the wee wee though.
well said sir. oh look, people dancing. what a ruddy surprise. its not interesting in any way. its bland and done to death. not the most original. if you look at this. i would say the london one stands out the most and is different from the old lets have some colour swipes


It stands out as being an eyesore.
Yes, the London logo stands out...for the wrong reasons.

The rest of them have a classic theme running through them and then you get to 2012 and it stands out like a sore thumb (a misshapen bloody and bruised thumb).

You can come up with as much flowery "design" chat as you like but the simple fact is that it's ugly.
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