RIP Adam Johnson / Ice Hockey player

Who is saying it was intentional as every ice hockey forum I’ve visited has said you can see him knocked over by the check as he’s approaching Johnson, I’m not searching for the video clip as I have no interest in watching a young man lose his life (yes I’m aware he died later in hospital but it’s the start of the chain) and then is completely of balance and careens into Johnson, the Nottingham Panthers website also state it was a freak accident
He was a quality player and a big signing for us. This is going to reverberate through hockey for long time especially at the Panthers. His shirt is going to be retired for sure. If was a league game we would have been at the tin shed so thank heavens the young one was spared from seeing it.

Absolute travesty as for the incident itself it's rare as hell skates go that high in a game but you have big guys skating fast and thats a big amount of momentum to try and keep under control.
If this is a sorry coincidence, I'd be surprised.

Looks completely intentional, I have never seen any Ice hockey player throw their legs up like that for any reason, unless they are a goalie doing a teddy roll.
Previous examples of this type of injury do not take place whilst everyone is standing.
Jeez awful story for all involved.

I went to my first Ice Hockey match fairly recently. Cardiff Devils vs Glasgow Clan. Was ace but I remember thinking it didn't look like they were very protected but thought I was just being a wuss.
I don't know, its a tough call, I played the game myself for many years both ice and inline and when you go. As you say it`s rare feet go flaying like that and only Petgrave will ever know the answer to that one. But its going to analysed time and time again by armchair fans, semi experts, experts, coaches for years.
I don't know, its a tough call, I played the game myself for many years both ice and inline and when you go. As you say it`s rare feet go flaying like that and only Petgrave will ever know the answer to that one. But its going to analysed time and time again by armchair fans, semi experts, experts, coaches for years.
I've not played since I was a kid but it looked to me like Petgrave was going to try and hip check Johnson (he appears to be bending at the waist and turning side on) but clipped the skate of the other Panthers player as he was trying to rapidly change direction towards him. All of his weight would have been in that outside leg so when it lost contact with the ice the natural movement is for the skate to swing out when it has nothing to push against. Making contact with the skate like that is a total freak accident.

Petgrave was clearly intending to legally impede him and hit him hard (within the scope of the rules) and this means the contact looks even worse. It's not like he was just hit with a rogue skate which happens relatively often.

I think this will leads to neck and wrist guards being mandatory and that's only a good thing. It's like the Philip Hughes accident in the cricket - the circumstances that led to his death were vanishingly rare but they are easily preventable, so we should prevent them.
I've slowed it down and everybody who has seen it says it isn't an accident.
Johnson is standing and the other player does a flying kick into his neck.
I have zero idea how that can be a freak accident.
Not a hockey fan either but it does look deliberate, but then there is the speed and he is clipped by another player before he lunges into his neck, could be momentum. The video is very sad as Johnson gets up a skates on for a bit.
Similar thing happened to Clint Marlarchuk in 1989(video on YouTube).However he survived.Terrible thing to happen in a sport.I struggle to believe it was on purpose.
Video does look suspect. I thoroughly hope it wasn’t intentional, as it’s a horrific thing to do.

Apparently the individual, Matt, as a history of being quite aggressive towards other players.

If it is intentional, that should be, in my opinion, jail time.
Neck guards and wrist guards should be down to the player.

How many hockey games have been played over the past lets say 10 years worldwide its a complete freak accident. Its like trying to ban the TT....... Choice not regulation.
Saying that it's deliberate is borderline absurd, in my opinion. The guy would have to be a ninja to manage that. All of the people who have actually played the sport have said similar things - that it's a hip check gone horribly wrong. And that's ignoring the fact that it's an unbelievably serious accusation, made about somebody who is probably in a pretty vulnerable state right now, with no real evidence to back it aside from supposition based on a brief video from one angle.

It's a terrible accident, and obviously what happened to Adam Johnson is awful. But I also feel pretty terrible for Petgrave, he must be an absolute state right now.
It might be an accident, but who is to say this was not deliberate, after all;

Most penalty points for the previous season across the entire league, very clean and respectful player....
If somebody can bring evidence of video where in a hockey match another player has flew through the air after a tackle with his foot about 5 foot off the ground then you'll sway me.

Actually I've found my own evidence and there are a lot of instances there where the skates are rising to neck height but these are straight on tackles.

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If somebody can bring evidence of video where in a hockey match another player has flew through the air after a tackle with his foot about 5 foot off the ground then you'll sway me.

He may not have deliberately tried to get him in the neck, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t try to deliberately make contact.

It’s a bit like studs up in football. It shouldn’t be done, and it doesn’t need to be. Therefore if someone comes in with a studs up tackle it’s pretty obvious it was aggressive intent, even if they didn’t mean to have their studs up.
It might be an accident, but who is to say this was not deliberate, after all;

Most penalty points for the previous season across the entire league, very clean and respectful player....

As strange as it sounds to people not familiar with ICE hockey that's partly his job.
Always thought some kind of blade accident was going to happen one day lets be honest its an accident waiting to happen, I take it he didnt have a neck guard then? surely will have to be mandatory from the review process of this.

Sad the guy only proposed a few months ago very tragic.

As strange as it sounds to people not familiar with ICE hockey that's partly his job.
Oh apologies as I do know of enforcers within the game etc.
But when you type his name in with "dirty player" etc, you start getting some different results which could be viewed differently now.
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