RIP Adam Johnson / Ice Hockey player

Oh apologies as I do know of enforcers within the game etc.
But when you type his name in with "dirty player" etc, you start getting some different results which could be viewed differently now.
Having followed the sport in UK since 1992-93 season I have seen many enforcers grace these shores and let me assure you Petgrave is nowhere near a 'dirty' player, we've had some absolute maniacs overhere playing the game (Ware, Niekar and Payette to name a few) but I have never ever thought they would do something as silly try and hit someone with their skate, hell I remember Shannon Hope's 2 handed stick swing to knock all Perry Doyle's teeth out.

As someone further up mentioned, it was 1989 when Buffalo Sabre's netminder Clint Marlachuck was nearly decapitated by a forward who was skating in on him, luckily he survived but it's always been a risk, numerous NHL players have had severe lacerations over the years and I think it was last week or the week before where a player took a skate to the face and nearly lost their eye, accidents do and will happen and for people who have only seen a grainy potato camera video to call murder is a bit of a stretch in my opinion, yes they are the few animosities within the sport but they are very very few and far between and I've only ever seen 1 game not end in all the players lined up shaking each others hands before leaving the ice.
Absolutely I remember the Niekar days very well no matter how much the red must fell the players still had that upmost respect for each other. It's like Rugby in that sense accept faster & often harder. Some quality bench clearances as well :)

I got more injuries playing 5 a side than 10 years ice/inline hockey. Hell to think the amount of times I spent learning to skate growing up as a kid the countless hours around the rinks and not once did i see lost fingers from skates, the odd broken something from a fall but never something like this.

I feel for Petgrave in this situation he must be at a utter utter low. Playing a game you love and this accident happens.
Seen the full footage now.

I am sorry if any of you feel I am not a fan or dont have the ability to judge here, but although not a life long die hard fan, I have always had a passion and respect for the sport and followed an NHL team.
This is no ordinary hit, nor is it done in a manner that makes sense. I am aware of hip checks and how they work. I have never seen a hip check that has missed and the person trying to hip check, then flails a leg out at head level in the way he is going.
Yes he might not of done it on purpose or not done it to kill a person, but I would say his actions post missing a hip check are extremely questionable, even if there is no ill intent.

PM if you want a link.
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Seen the full footage now.

I am sorry if any of you feel I am not a fan or dont have the ability to judge here, but although not a life long die hard fan, I have always had a passion and respect for the sport and followed an NHL team.
This is no ordinary hit, nor is it done in a manner that makes sense. I am aware of hip checks and how they work. I have never seen a hip check that has missed and the person trying to hip check, then flails a leg out at head level in the way he is going.
Yes he might not of done it on purpose or not done it to kill a person, but I would say his actions post missing a hip check are extremely questionable, even if there is no ill intent.

PM if you want a link.
He doesn’t miss a hip check, he is trying to check Johnson and his skate clips the back of the other Panthers player when he tries to cut behind him to do that. It unbalances him and the weight that would have been in his leg is thrown out sideways. You’re putting all your weight and strength through the left leg and the deflection takes it off the ice. What happens next is a freak accident.
Do they ban the TT when multiple riders die ? Do they ban base jumpers or solo free climbers ? The list is endless.

Is the rest of the world going to follow suit ? I am deeply sorry about Adam but this enforcement should be a player decision not a governing body after less than 48hrs of it happening.

That's my view tbh,
Do they ban the TT when multiple riders die ? Do they ban base jumpers or solo free climbers ? The list is endless.

Is the rest of the world going to follow suit ? I am deeply sorry about Adam but this enforcement should be a player decision not a governing body after less than 48hrs of it happening.

That's my view tbh,

What had the TT got to do with ice hockey?

This was an accident thats easily preventable by wearing a neck guard something they have to do until they are 20 anyway.
Do they ban the TT when multiple riders die ? Do they ban base jumpers or solo free climbers ? The list is endless.

Is the rest of the world going to follow suit ? I am deeply sorry about Adam but this enforcement should be a player decision not a governing body after less than 48hrs of it happening.

That's my view tbh,
Hockey has a pretty macho attitude and no one is going to wear non mandatory safety kit. Sometimes you have to take it out of the players’ and coaches’ hands.
Nephew has just been round to drop his dog off and he plays on the same rec team that Staniforth plays on (he was one of the lino's on Saturday night) and say's he's in a real state emotionally wise (completely understandable), also said next time he takes to the ice he'll wear a neck guard as he's still got his from when he was 18 but said that earlier he checked Puck Stop and they've already sold out of them, he did say that the reason most players don't wear them is they get the crap ripped out of them for wearing them but wonder if minds are going to change now.

It may seem knee-jerk but when someone has just died when it was preventable (iirc not so long ago a chap in Russia died when he took a slapshot to the neck and it burst an artery which a neck guard would also have prevented so it's not just 1 risk that requires protection)
Nephew has just been round to drop his dog off and he plays on the same rec team that Staniforth plays on (he was one of the lino's on Saturday night) and say's he's in a real state emotionally wise (completely understandable), also said next time he takes to the ice he'll wear a neck guard as he's still got his from when he was 18 but said that earlier he checked Puck Stop and they've already sold out of them, he did say that the reason most players don't wear them is they get the crap ripped out of them for wearing them but wonder if minds are going to change now.

It may seem knee-jerk but when someone has just died when it was preventable (iirc not so long ago a chap in Russia died when he took a slapshot to the neck and it burst an artery which a neck guard would also have prevented so it's not just 1 risk that requires protection)
It's the same as cricket. 50 years ago nobody wore helmets. 15 years ago nobody wore stem guards. After what happened to Phil Hughes you'd be crazy to head out to bat without.
This happened directly in front of me, a night at the arena I'll never forget.

What I saw was Petgrave clipped by a Panthers player who crossed in front of him, his skate caught an edge and it upended him with the unfortunate result of his skate going high in to the air and catching Johnson who had just changed direction towards Petgrave. The aftermath I'd rather not think about ever again.

Luckily the relevant authorities will have access to high quality video evidence from a number of angles to determine if there's any blame. Quite telling that a number of Nottingham players have publically come out in support of Petgrave over the last 2 days. Certainly from what I saw I didn't see any intent at all.

The online video has been used (often edited to just show the moment of collision or intentionally at a lower quality to hide details) by numerous "anti-woke/anti-BLM" accounts on twitter to stir up racial hatred over the last 24hrs, they've jumped on it straight away with the "black man kills white man" garbage.
The online video has been used (often edited to just show the moment of collision or intentionally at a lower quality to hide details) by numerous "anti-woke/anti-BLM" accounts on twitter to stir up racial hatred over the last 24hrs, they've jumped on it straight away with the "black man kills white man" garbage.
Seen these comments and tbh I'm hardly surprised, the internet really is a cess pit at times, Sky News were on about the trolling of Petgrave but haven't stopped the ability to comment on the news stories which I would've thought would be the 1st thing to do.
horrible news, but won't be the last unless the rules are changed regarding equipment. :(
still remember when i was watching the Zurich Lions game on TV early 2000s when the Michel Zeiter had his freak accident.
There has to be intent to harm when you lift your leg up to head height, certainly didnt mean to kill but theres no way that happens without intent to move like that. It looks so blatent, cant believe people actually think its an accident.
There has to be intent to harm when you lift your leg up to head height, certainly didnt mean to kill but theres no way that happens without intent to move like that. It looks so blatent, cant believe people actually think its an accident.
exactly and he should be punished for it too.
“I’ve watched it, it’s terrible, it’s tough to watch. Did this kid make a move that was very unorthodox? Do I think he was trying to make contact of some sort? Absolutely.”

“Do I think he woke up and said, ‘I’m going to murder somebody today?’ No.”
“I’ve watched it, it’s terrible, it’s tough to watch. Did this kid make a move that was very unorthodox? Do I think he was trying to make contact of some sort? Absolutely.”

“Do I think he woke up and said, ‘I’m going to murder somebody today?’ No.”
There has to be intent to harm when you lift your leg up to head height, certainly didnt mean to kill but theres no way that happens without intent to move like that. It looks so blatent, cant believe people actually think its an accident.
Are you guys suggesting he jumped in the air to kick\hit Johnson?

I'm confused are you missing the part where he lined up a hip check and was readying to hit Johnson when he was clipped by a crossing panthers player or are you just that convinced of his guilt that doesn't matter as he was going to kick him either way?

He certainly didn't "lift his leg up to head height" as he was sent spinning by clipping the panthers player, it happens quite often but does it very rarely result in someone's skate hitting another player anywhere never mind exposed neck.

Either you're not seeing the proper picture or are just on the windup so we'll leave it there and let the police conduct their enquiries but after watching hockey for the best part of 30 years I've never witnessed anyone try to injure someone like you keep saying and I've already mentioned in one of my earlier posts we've had some real lunatics playing the game on these shores.
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