RIP Sean Connery

<LOL> Don't watch Connery in "Marnie" then if your sensibilities are that fragile ;) Also a bit odd then how many women have cited him as the world's sexiest man, blah blah.

Thanks for the memories Sean, you go slap some angels.

Sad to see that the progressive twiterati usual suspects, have wasted no time in denouncing him before he's even in the ground. R.I.P Mr Connery.
<LOL> Don't watch Connery in "Marnie" then if your sensibilities are that fragile ;) Also a bit odd then how many women have cited him as the world's sexiest man, blah blah.

Thanks for the memories Sean, you go slap some angels.

Hmm having issue with men beating women is having fragile sensibilities as far as you are concerned is it? I also know the difference between movies and real life. The fact he was an amazing actor, great looking and women found him sexy is irrelevant to the fact he endorsed beating women. Maybe you endorse beating women.
Sad to see that the progressive twiterati usual suspects, have wasted no time in denouncing him before he's even in the ground. R.I.P Mr Connery.

Not sure if I fall into your "usual suspects" but I thought he was an amazing actor, one of the best of his generation. What is the issue with also pointing out he had a major flaw? And endorsing beating women is a fairly major flaw. Maybe its just me but I do have an issue with any man that endorses beating women. Maybe you think they are asking for it :confused: Oh and if you think not advocating beating women is progressive that says more about you than me.
How? I quite liked the film. It had a great theme song as well.

It's not considered an official Bond movie as it wasn't produced by EON so doesn't have some of the trademarked things like the Bond theme or the gun barrel sequence. I was just kidding mind, just a fun fact and I am a bit of Bond fan after all :)
No one mentioned Darby O Gill the Disney one where a young Connery meets the leprachaun? One of my childhoods best films.
It's not considered an official Bond movie as it wasn't produced by EON so doesn't have some of the trademarked things like the Bond theme or the gun barrel sequence. I was just kidding mind, just a fun fact and I am a bit of Bond fan after all :)

Oh I know but I still consider it a Bond film. The boat locations and whatnot. It felt a cheaper Bond but a side Bond nonetheless.

Even though most hate it. Plus it has Rowan Atkinson. :D
Not sure what to say, one of the greatest actors ever - simply presence and charisma.

Bond aside (From Russia With Love and Thunderball for me) Outland, The Untouchables, A Bridge Too Far, and of course The Rock.
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