RIP Windows Phone

19 Dec 2002
The apps have been coming.... more slowly then we would like, but the situation has improved. All the apps I need I have, although I'm not an app addict. Of course if WP doesn't have an app you need, then it isn't for you.
26 Jan 2006
Doesn't bother me in the slightest, still very happy with my 930, still the nicest OS I like to use.

I don't care what other people buy.

Will likely buy the Surface phone when that arises.
9 Apr 2012
As one app comes, another gets removed. It's as bad as it was five years ago; please stop kidding yourself.

The only chance Windows Phone would ever have is if Google had apps for it. Since they don't, it will forever be behind the other platforms.

You may as well say Symbian is doing not terribly. It still runs on some phones right?
8 Mar 2007
For a few years I've been saying there's an ever increasing chance of apps coming, slightly different to what you say.

However you spin it, you (and other WP fans) have been making excuses for the OS for a long time. Even now your telling me I need to wait another 6 months for another release before its going to get better.

For a lot of people, the excuses have worn out now.
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2 Aug 2004
Oh dear live already explained all though, go read.
For general public yes I think you can count wp7 as it was skinned to be a modern OS, even it wasn't on the backend.
Where did I say first iPhone wasn't a modern smart phone? It contained all the stuff that qualified it as a modern smart phone.
You know pretty basic when the OS contains what is considered to be a modern smart phone, something windows mobile 6 never was, was never designed to be. Wp8 was an entire rewrite, not an evolution.

You have been saying for years it's dead, which is clearly wrong, as are the stories in the last few days. If it was dead do you think they would continue to not only chuck money in it, but all the coding time for the massive Redstone release.

You're being pedantic. Yes, it might not be officially canned by Microsoft but it certainly doesn't have a sustainable future.

Mobile is still growing in terms of volume sold and in terms of usage so Microsoft have to try and compete. The question is, how long can Microsoft afford to try and compete? They were making a loss on the hardware and they don't have the user scale to make any sort of decent profit from their content delivery stores.

Microsoft’s mobile business just keeps calling wrong numbers. On Wednesday chief executive Satya Nadella announced he had “restructured” the company’s smartphone business laying off 7,800 staff and writing off $7.6bn.

Ex-Microsoft boss Steve Ballmer’s dreams of making it big in mobile with his 2014 purchase of Nokia Devices have essentially gone up in smoke.

That was last year. They've basically realised that Windows Phone has failed and the best thing to do is to cut their losses and chug along. There's one issue with that strategy though: their competition is only getting stronger so chugging along will result in their market share declining even more.

Windows Phone does not have a future and an omni-OS like Windows 10 will not save it either. Neither Apple or Google needed or have a OS that runs both on mobile and desktop (okay, technically Android can be run on the desktop but that has been made so by 3rd party developers and not Google themselves).
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
However you spin it, you (and other WP fans) have been making excuses for the OS for a long time.

Rofl, again ignore all the points and go back 10 posts

You're being pedantic. Yes, it might not be officially canned by Microsoft but it certainly doesn't have a sustainable future.

Mobile is still growing in terms of volume sold and in terms of usage so Microsoft have to try and compete. The question is, how long can Microsoft afford to try and compete? They were making a loss on the hardware and they don't have the user scale to make any sort of decent profit from their content delivery stores.

That was last year. They've basically realised that Windows Phone has failed and the best thing to do is to cut their losses and chug along. There's one issue with that strategy though: their competition is only getting stronger so chugging along will result in their market share declining even more.

Windows Phone does not have a future and an omni-OS like Windows 10 will not save it either. Neither Apple or Google needed or have a OS that runs both on mobile and desktop (okay, technically Android can be run on the desktop but that has been made so by 3rd party developers and not Google themselves).

No, it really isn't being pedantic. If what you say was true. It would be bad business fir Ms to chug along. Mobile is still an extremely important part if their business and they will still try to crack it in the coming years.

The chugging along is them releasing the last Nokia phones, while they change their tack and identity. As well as mature win10, something that was release to early.

Neither Google or apple were late to the market with a non existent store. Ms is trying to utilize it's desktop and now substantial tablet market to get app developers, it's one reason they are pushing w10 a thousand times harder than any OS before them,
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18 Dec 2007
Doesn't bother me in the slightest, still very happy with my 930, still the nicest OS I like to use.

I don't care what other people buy.

Will likely buy the Surface phone when that arises.

Yup got the 950XL, beautiful phone. Horses for courses, glad there is a marketplace at all TBH rather than getting absorbed into the Apple machine
11 Oct 2004
You may as well say Symbian is doing not terribly. It still runs on some phones right?

The last Symbian phoned rolled off the production line in summer 2013. Microsoft is still officially providing support for the platform through 2016. I assume that consists of a lonely engineer in a basement somewhere in Finland providing security updates.
8 Mar 2007
The last Symbian phoned rolled off the production line in summer 2013. Microsoft is still officially providing support for the platform through 2016. I assume that consists of a lonely engineer in a basement somewhere in Finland providing security updates.

Yet they are still only about 1% behind Windows Phone in terms of market share :D
6 Feb 2004
I think Microsoft messed up with the 950 phones. WP10 isn't ready for release it was dreadful on mine. They released an average phone that was way overpriced compared to its competitors.

The 950 is a mid tier phone at best and you can get far better for your money. I am not an app monster so that wasn't an issue, the main issue for me is the "supposedly" main apps are inferior to IOS and Android versions.

It is a real shame as the first windows phone I had when it came out I really liked. I waited a while and got a 1020(mainly for the camera) but sadly the app side hadn't changed much. Roll on a few years later I get the 950 and its the same the app side is a total joke, its a shame really.
19 Dec 2002
I'm not really an app guy, but on the occasions I've needed an app, it's been there on Windows Phone.

Yes that's right, it isn't a joke at all. If you're an app junky then of course WP isn't for you, but there is enough there for a lot of people.
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