Rise of the triad, The 2014 Area 51

They're lovely solid fans and for a fiver each they were a no brainer. I really like the silicon covers too.

Edit. Forgot to say the project is on hold for a couple of days. Corsair braided cables are pretty much not removable and I've snapped one from the pin and it won't come out so I am going to get the cables I need to be shorter custom made.
They're lovely solid fans and for a fiver each they were a no brainer. I really like the silicon covers too.

Edit. Forgot to say the project is on hold for a couple of days. Corsair braided cables are pretty much not removable and I've snapped one from the pin and it won't come out so I am going to get the cables I need to be shorter custom made.

better wait then hurry and do it the right way. you are making good progress
Cheers Deano. Well I had a bit of luck it seems. Apparently the AX1200 EPS cable has a 8 pin PCIE connector at the PSU side and a regular 8 pin EPS connector on the end. So I took out some old cables I have and managed to make the 8 pin EPS I needed (the one I broke) so I am now pretty much ready to fit the PSU.

Will probably do it tonight or tomorrow :)
Wow that looks infinitely better with the new PSU's braided cables.

Agreed. Could be marginally neater but I'm just nitpicking really

It just occurred to me that nobody will see how great it looks inside. Alienware/Dell should have added a window
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I've done about the best I could in there. The cables are very long and there are only a couple of anchor points to hold them down.

Nice thing is there's no whine any more :)
Very nice, and i suspected that you'd end up looking for another fury.:)

Thanks dude and yeah, I think I'm going to get a Fury Nano just because I don't think I can fit another rad in there and don't want something after market looking.
Thanks man. Yeah, it really is a million times better in there. I still have to do something with the wires from the side panel edge connector but that shouldn't be too hard :)

I've had some good clocks out of it too, 4.6 bench and 4.4 solid. Very happy :)

I will try and get some proper pics of it when the sun comes out, it's been very dark the last couple of days.
Thanks man. Yeah, it really is a million times better in there. I still have to do something with the wires from the side panel edge connector but that shouldn't be too hard :)

I've had some good clocks out of it too, 4.6 bench and 4.4 solid. Very happy :)

I will try and get some proper pics of it when the sun comes out, it's been very dark the last couple of days.

Have you thought about an acrylic PSU cover that extends all the way across until its under the radiator? That would look sweet and majority of the cables would be hidden inside it.
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