Risen, out 2 October!

this got reviewed in pczone this month and got 85%
+vibrant visuals
+solid gameplay
+detailed world
+island setting
-some bad voice acting
-unoriginal premise
this got reviewed in pczone this month and got 85%
+vibrant visuals
+solid gameplay
+detailed world
+island setting
-some bad voice acting
-unoriginal premise

I am keeping my eye on the reviews for this game. If the major issue are just some poor voice acting then I will probably get this. As for the unoriginal premise....yeah thats just about every RPG.
This game looks awesome.

Mages can poly morph them selfs into bugs to move past mobs without fighting

Also you cook your food, rather then loot meat and eat it.
hopefuly it wont be another disaster like g3

Gothic 3 has become a fantastic game after all the community patching.

Great sense of exploration. I am sure you can get the game for very cheap now. If you do it might be worth it to wait for the final community patch to come out - timeframe is september.

That is Community Patch 1.73 and you can follow it here:


Some images




Gothic 3 has become a fantastic game after all the community patching.

Great sense of exploration. I am sure you can get the game for very cheap now. If you do it might be worth it to wait for the final community patch to come out - timeframe is september.

That is Community Patch 1.73 and you can follow it here:


Some images

Still got a copy of the game somewhere, buried it after playing it for a few hours. Has the community patch completely re-vamped the game? - as I can't recall one redeeming feature.


Looking good - don't think I've even heard of the game I've got RSS feed for all the latest media on 360/PC games.

Will keep an eye on it.
Meristation: 8 out of 10

"Fun, large and with many things to do, Risen is a good game for medieval RPG lovers. It has its flaws, specially due to technical issues, but overall it's a great experience, where every choice has its consequences. The great storyline and the different paths that we can follow are the strongest points of this game".

The best
- Abundance of decisions that will matter in the future of the adventure.
- Despite what appears at first, the linearity is zero.
- The AI of the characters and their reactions.
- Great soundtrack included with the game and good job with the dubbing.

The worst
- Visually not surprising.
- For the experts, can be quite simple in terms of customization options.
- The inevitable bugs in a big production, which may hinder progress.

Link to review in spanish
Gamer.no gives a 9/10 score

From the Conclusion of the Norweigan review (my translation to english):

"It is an enjoyable experience to play Risen from beginning to end. A difficult, trying and challenging pleasure, but the hardships only makes the game better. There is simply not much negative to say about Risen. It is perhaps not as ambitious as Gothic 3, Oblivion, or Fallout 3, but it serves as a much more focused and streamlined gameplay experience.
The only reason Risen does not get absolute top marks from me is that it does not challenge its genre or are innovative in any way. It is instead just a lot better than the predecessors in the same style. This is an RPG that should be tested by all lovers of the genre who do not mind a little hectic button bashing".

About the graphics (Google Translate):

"The game's graphics are also good. It is perhaps not as polished as those of many other new games, but it has its very own realistic charm. The matter is clearly better than the graphics in the other Gothic games, even if the style is largely the same. Risen also seems to largely have avoided one of Gothic 3's major weaknesses, namely the technical.

Risen requires a good PC to run the best possible graphics, but with fairly new hardware should be most able to run the game stable, beautiful and good. I'm sure the developer can improve a few small bugs and performance features in the weeks after the game's launch, but I had at least a good technical game experience with the Risen".
Been looking forward to this game. From early reviews its sounding very good and may end up rpg of the year, with Dragon Age its only real challenger.

I loved all the Gothic games, even Gothic 3 with all the issues it had at release,(didn't get Forsaken Gods tho as JoWood made a right balls up of that) so if Risen is more polished then things are looking really good. Hopefully it will arrive thursday from a well known e-tailer, as other new releases have.
will be looking after this one. Joystick a french PC magazine made a preview and but did not gave a note. They said it was a good game tho.
Hmmm, going by some of the other info in this post; with Spellbound and Community patches rather than Pirana Bytes patches; it might actually be worth playing Gothic 3 now...thats a LOT of work gone into patching :o

By the time I've completed it and the final 1.73 community patch has been released so the game is 'fixed', Risen might just about be playable :D
Screenshots from very early in the game. My initial impression is good - no bugs, combat ok and emphasis on exploration.

Performance-wise I am getting a steady 25-30 fps at 2560x1600 with all settings at max. Feels very smooth.

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