Road Cycling Essentials

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that not normal?

hows everyone doing with the strava challenge?

no.. and this is what happens when the rim finally gives up..


quite a bang it was ! :)
newcastle has loads of cyclists and quite a lot of cycleways

That wasn't really what I was asking.

I was more pointing out people commuting, or whether you are even in a position where you commute to a major area yourself.

I was just making the comparison that if you got into the centre of London, you will see people on all kinds of bikes and you will get some wearing lycra when they aren't even on more road or racing specific bikes. Similarly though you of course get people wearing totally non cycling specific clothing.
Not doing well on the climbing one but knew I wouldn't.

Distance ones are going well and this week I did my fastest ever commute and beat my 10m TT time.
Well done! Sounds like you're doing pretty well.
Do you go out with a club or anything? Our club does a fast chaingang on thursday evenings which is a great way to improve speed.
You can practice riding up hills on your own but to get some training for riding in a fast group you obviously need a fast group.

Haha, i have this problem a lot also. I'm 6ft and 12.5 stone, it takes a lot to shelter me from the wind. It's a nightmare to get stuck behind a short, skinny guy.

They do morning groups, a 6am and 6:30am. I'm too fast for the 6:30 and too slow for the 6am.

Plus being the middle of winter it's sub zero and usually foggy at that time, been cancelled a bit recently.

I've been trying to work on my rollers, aiming to work at say 170bpm which equates to whatever gear for 5 minutes at a time. It's just that power needed when there is a surge or to pull your turn on the front, and then have enough to keep up if the next guy attacks when you want to recover.

As for the Rapha challenges, I don't have the time/day light. Plus i still have a saddle sore/lump despite a few days off, I don't really want to go to the doctor unless I have to though.... :o

Entered the 90km Handicap that's on in two weeks, not sure how ill be graded in that as its a larger race, few other guys are doing it from our club.
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damn you hay fever, thought id finally got past it and boom, back to feeling like iv been punched in the nasal passages.
I don't even think it looks daft any more. Clearly I've reached some sort of saturation point.

I love my lycra, and so do all the desperate housewives who live on my street :D

What did feel a bit funky was making the change from trainers into cleated cycling shoes, but i am over that now too :p
Wiggle are annoying me now with the amount of emails they keep sending me... and still no £5 voucher for signing up for the newsletter :(
i give up.. marked as spam and unsubscribed!
They have temporarily increased Platinum discount until tomorrow though, I'm undecided on whether to get some new wheels.
I've been putting up with a bit of a grinding noise on my chain. Fixed gear, so it can be noisy anyway, but it was doing that telltale thing when your chainring isn't perfectly concentric. Except there's no reason why it should have moved. When I had the bike upside down yesterday I spun the cranks and watched the chain carefully for any up-and-down movement at the chainring or any side-to-side run-out on either of the front or back cogs. I noticed the chain has a fairly noticeable kink off to one side in one section when you look down the chainline. Now, on a geared chain you wouldn't notice this because it's got clearance built in to run across the gearing and the derailler holds some chain tension which would pull the chain straight. There are no stiff links, so I'm wondering if I've got a few mis-drilled links in there and the grating noise is actually a faulty chain? Thoughts?

Saundie must be asleep on the beach at the moment :(
Having a smartphone if you are serious about cycling is a poor idea imo. It just doesn't cut it, I train to heart rate and always want to be on the correct cadence which I can largely get by feel, but I want to be able to look back at the data and look at areas of improvement, and what happens over long distances.

Fair enough if you can't justify the price, but you really can't compare a device which displays all these metrics at once, along with training zones, programmable alarms, alerts, navigation and accurate gps to a phone with some bits added on. Not to mention like you say the battery life, I can't see a phone lasting a century ride.

Mine latest fine on my imperial century.
no.. and this is what happens when the rim finally gives up..
quite a bang it was ! :)

Grifter goodness! :D

Has anybody else had a problem with strava deleting their ride? I got home last night and it wouldn't sync my ride and instead of just staying unsyncd until it could sync it, I got a message saying it couldnt sync, appologies etc and to contact someone if it does it again? Would have easily been some PB on a couple segments. :(
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