Road Cycling

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Any advice on where to sell a bike? My old Hybrid has sat unused for 6 months since I got the road bike and figure I should shift it whilst it has a little value left.
Do you know if the hubs that these come with (Nova tech?) are any good? Id be tempted to go for a Chinese rims, get some branded hubs and ask a LBS to build them for me.


Novatec hubs are fine. A lot of UK builders use them.

Some are better than others but the are all well built and easily serviceable.
Typical, big race on Sunday and I'm coming down with flu symptoms. On top of that, the forecast for Stafford is light rain and 10C. Yay summer.
It is a 2012 model for a friend.

The size is 41*6.3*45D as per the Specialized guide:

However, he has just sent me a photo of new bearings. Looks like he has found some :)
Glad you found some. To my eye that looks like it's an imperial size bearing. Might be why you struggled to find it. 6.3mm is 1/4" in old money but don't know what 41mm or 45mm is off the top of my head but you very rarely get metric bearings in fractions of a millemetre.
Glad you found some. To my eye that looks like it's an imperial size bearing. Might be why you struggled to find it. 6.3mm is 1/4" in old money but don't know what 41mm or 45mm is off the top of my head but you very rarely get metric bearings in fractions of a millemetre.

Thanks for the pointer :)
A guy I know who's a bit of a beast casually puts in a sub-49min triple at RP last night.:eek:

Where can one purchase EPO? I need to get faster...
He's now 18th for the 3 lap segment and he did it on his road bike!

The guy is a bit of a machine though, he came 24th overall in the London Marathon.
I've felt terrible on the bike this week but over the cold I did have.

Racing tomorrow, to make myself feel fast I fitted new wheels, shaved my legs and picked out a pro wardrobe....

That's worth something surely! I've got my excuses ready, undertrained, overtrained, high air pressure, too cold, too windy etc.
For months I've been telling myself to climb Boothtown Road. Today I finally tackled it 1.8 miles up hill 550ft climbing, I loved it so I turned around and went back down and came up it again haha! Half way through the Strava climbing challenge with two weeks to go! Determined to climb 29,000ft this month! Snapped another bloody spoke though, twice in a month now! Ridden 200 miles this month so far!

Enjoying my cycling so much! Sept the damn wheels!

I can hear it moving around inside the wheel, is that safe to ride?
I've felt terrible on the bike this week but over the cold I did have.

Racing tomorrow, to make myself feel fast I fitted new wheels, shaved my legs and picked out a pro wardrobe....

That's worth something surely! I've got my excuses ready, undertrained, overtrained, high air pressure, too cold, too windy etc.

All about the Marginal Gains :D
had a bikefit done on Tuesday. I think the saddle went up 7mm and back 2mm, handlebars went down about 6mm. The rest was all in the cleat setup and custom insoles as my archs are fairly flat.

Small differences can have a big effect though as it's definitely more comfy now with my legs feeling like they can stretch out that bit more. Knee tracking on retul at the end was very consistent, he showed some results from other riders which where all over the place. Funny thing is he did it all by hand then the retul was really just to check the final result and make one last small tweak. Probably overkill unless you are very serious.
I've felt terrible on the bike this week but over the cold I did have.

Racing tomorrow, to make myself feel fast I fitted new wheels, shaved my legs and picked out a pro wardrobe....

That's worth something surely! I've got my excuses ready, undertrained, overtrained, high air pressure, too cold, too windy etc.

My seatpost came loose after 5 miles.

That always works well...
Well I'm back from my hols (Rhodes for 7 nights) and back to commuting!

Hadn't read this thread since the 2nd or something silly so bear with me while I catch up!

Didn't do half as much riding on my holiday as I thought/wanted. Plenty of walking though 5-8 miles per day, not far but for someone who cycles and doesn't do much walking my legs did suffer a little, hot too! :D

We only hired bikes 1 day and I ended up on a huge MTB with very 'magical' gears (ie wave your fingers and see what gear you get and how long for...!). My first experience with disc brakes though and was very impressed! So much stopping power I generally fell off the all too soft saddle at the end of every ride... :rolleyes:

I saw a few riders around, even a peloton of 8-10 riders a couple of times one day but not many otherwise. None of the locals seemed to cycle, but there were tons of mopeds. Drivers were terrible so was quite glad roads were quiet when we rode.

Returned & feeling fresh yesterday went out with a friend, really thought I'd struggle as a couple of weeks since I did ~30 miles and any kind of real pace at a distance. I'd put on over 1kg over my weeks holiday but the rest obviously helped me! My pace was high, legs held out and I did around 40% on the front (high for me as my mate generally leads the route and is much faster/fitter!). He's said about a ride 'to Brecon and back' on saturday... 'around 50 miles'. I know it's further than that - the 'main road' route would be ~46 miles, each way! Think I'll give that one a miss! :rolleyes:;)

Ate a horse when I got in.

Tesco lasagne? ;)

6 weeks commuting and strava tells me I've gone from 13mph average to 16-18 depending on how lucky I get with the lights and i'm good and stop at every one. Putting in some longer rides on my only day off although I value my rest as I do a physically demanding job. I've actually started putting weight on, on my legs. Jerseys getting baggy and shorts ever tighter around the thighs. Some knee niggles tho, think my cleats need some adjustment. 12kg lost and counting and loving every ride :)

Good work and well done, you're hammering those short rides - get out for some longer ones and get some pacing done! :D

Does anyone know any gels which aren't vile? I've only tried the high5 ones, Raspberry and Orange, I think... both are disgusting.

I tend to always go citrus with gels, even with iso drinks now - much nicer and due to the sharp tart flavour I find they don't overly leave an unpleasant taste in my mouth like others. I found some of the SiS non-citrus gels disgusting, so bad I'd be spitting out phlegm for a few miles afterwards (the High5 ones were ok).

Aye, I much prefer bars or energy drink. Gels are for when you're really up against it. I tend to stick a couple in my pocket for any ride longer than 30 miles just in case I unexpectedly bonk.

I carry a gel for emergencies, usually as a 'get me home' when my legs are done and I've still got ~10 easyish miles left. I tend to eat when riding - flapjacks, museli bars any kind of 'breakfast bar' really. I tend to eat a banana and some dried fruit before leaving on a longer ride, I tried dried fruit when riding and it was a big no-no! So hard to digest/clear your throat when you're riding without quaffing loads of drink! :cool:
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