Road Cycling

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Why can't they put some kind of covering (but aero) over the exposed parts of the rotor?
Eh? You want compressionless housing for the optimum braking experience (including modulation).

Compressionless for shifting, definitely, but I've read that you need a bit of give in brake cables... Not masses, but some. Maybe I'm misinformed, or maybe this is one of those holy war things, like vi and emacs and I've just read one side of it...
Compressionless for shifting, definitely, but I've read that you need a bit of give in brake cables... Not masses, but some. Maybe I'm misinformed, or maybe this is one of those holy war things, like vi and emacs and I've just read one side of it...

Braided cables/pipes (on hope brakes for example) seem to make a difference.
Got passed on the way to work this morning by a cyclist I've seen a couple of times. You don't normally remember cyclists you see on a ride but I remember him. He wears quarter length shorts and doesn't wear a helmet, instead opting for a cycling cap. On top of that he has a distinctive cycling style that is very upright and his bike looks a little too big for him.

That being said, I was coasting along at around 35km/h which is not exactly slouching on the flat, and he comes tearing past me doing at least 45-50km/h. He's mega fast. Seen him before and each time I've been pushing quite hard and he just breezes past me, almost effortlessly. I have no idea who he is, he doesn't use Strava.
Got passed on the way to work this morning by a cyclist I've seen a couple of times. You don't normally remember cyclists you see on a ride but I remember him. He wears quarter length shorts and doesn't wear a helmet, instead opting for a cycling cap. On top of that he has a distinctive cycling style that is very upright and his bike looks a little too big for him.

That being said, I was coasting along at around 35km/h which is not exactly slouching on the flat, and he comes tearing past me doing at least 45-50km/h. He's mega fast. Seen him before and each time I've been pushing quite hard and he just breezes past me, almost effortlessly. I have no idea who he is, he doesn't use Strava.

E-bike? :p
Got passed on the way to work this morning by a cyclist I've seen a couple of times. You don't normally remember cyclists you see on a ride but I remember him. He wears quarter length shorts and doesn't wear a helmet, instead opting for a cycling cap. On top of that he has a distinctive cycling style that is very upright and his bike looks a little too big for him.

That being said, I was coasting along at around 35km/h which is not exactly slouching on the flat, and he comes tearing past me doing at least 45-50km/h. He's mega fast. Seen him before and each time I've been pushing quite hard and he just breezes past me, almost effortlessly. I have no idea who he is, he doesn't use Strava.

I love it when people try and keep up normally, on really random bikes. Had a brompton try and keep up with me the other week. Thought the guy was going to die
I had the opposite today. Taking it super easy/slowly so I end up going at the same speed as some guy for about a mile. He kept looking back at me slightly annoyed - as though I was desperately drafting him for his excelsior 17mph speeds on a slight decline.

Compressionless for shifting, definitely, but I've read that you need a bit of give in brake cables... Not masses, but some. Maybe I'm misinformed, or maybe this is one of those holy war things, like vi and emacs and I've just read one side of it...

I'm fairly sure that's incorrect as it doesn't make sense. All having 'give' in the housing does is make the brakes feel spongy :)
I love it when people try and keep up normally, on really random bikes. Had a brompton try and keep up with me the other week. Thought the guy was going to die

I hate it when I pick my moment to pass someone and blitz past then, then look back a few minutes later and they're still there :eek:
Performance maybe (maybe), but not usage. I'd much rather have my 1-finger hydraulic braking from 40mph on a steep descent than the full hand-clamping in the drops required back when I had rim brakes.

The end result in terms of slowing down may be the same (in the dry) but the actual mechanical effort and input required from the rider is vastly different - at least in my own experience.

Totally my thoughts on it. I can pull up my bike with duff old Tektro rim brakes right on the edge of traction of both tyres when I put my mind to it but I'd much rather have decent stopping power available at much less effort available for when that guy steps off the curb without looking when I'm 40 miles into a ride and my hands aren't 100% fresh.
I hate it when I pick my moment to pass someone and blitz past then, then look back a few minutes later and they're still there :eek:

That's why I always catch people slowly, expending minimal effort, then speed up significantly when I pass them, keep up the effort for a bit...job done and full demoralisation effect achieved!
That's why I always catch people slowly, expending minimal effort, then speed up significantly when I pass them, keep up the effort for a bit...job done and full demoralisation effect achieved!

Yep that's about right! when I see someone I tend to speed up slightly and if I catch them then great, if not then oh well. But once you pass have a 30s effort.
I was looking at the lifelines, why are they half the price of the park tools ?
Because Park Tool, reasons! :p
There's quite a brand tax with Park but majority of their stuff is much higher quality. More than happy with the Park stuff I own, but equally happy with the Lifeline stuff. Majority of my tools are Lifeline/X-Tools!
Design changes could (although it's fairly unlikely) lead to a lot of expensive frames suddenly being worth a lot less.
Let me know if you notice any disc frame bargains! ;)
Awesome ride, that's some effort with all the climbing too! Kudos!
How he cut his left leg on a disc that was on the left side of a bike wheel without falling off is interesting.

Surely they can just put a guard on them like Jono suggested.

Final thing of the subject: quite sad how quickly they've done something about discs yet can't issue a statement that they're working on rider safety and motorbikes. But that's for the pro cycling discussion really. It's late and I'm tired.
Have to agree how questionable/implausible the cut sounds, they're right to bring the suspicion to the UCI but without any evidence it really does sound like an excuse for some 'disc bashing'. Equally the cut could have been caused by anything on the back of another bike, it also could've been caused by him hitting absolutely anything.

Although I think it right that the UCI have withdrawn their use, but without a decent investigation and some real world evidence all they're doing is caving in to riders demands. If they always did that we'd still be seeing single speeds, toeclips and steel bikes only allowed in the protour! :rolleyes:

Discs do have their place on road bikes, I don't think that's really being questioned, but their use in the pro peloton is really what disc manufacturers want. At the very least we'll now see even more advances in disc tech and safety which can only be a good thing. Regardless if they return or not.

The motorbike issue and bad driving by support vehicles is a much bigger issue. Some horrific injuries and even deaths have come from that, whereas a couple of riders getting possible disc cuts from crashes should be much lower priority! :rolleyes:
Seen him before and each time I've been pushing quite hard and he just breezes past me, almost effortlessly. I have no idea who he is, he doesn't use Strava.
Have 2 of those on my commute, one I only see in the summer and he obviously works for the regiment based near to my work. The other is a younger lad, he's always dressed in Giant branded kit, never acknowledges other riders, has incredible power/pace yet nobody seems to know who he is. He'd make a fantastic club rider! :rolleyes:

Rode in today (rested monday & weds) and legs are feeling loads better. A couple of lucky of light changes meant I didn't have to stop for my whole commute (almost unheard of!). This only really sunk in once I was on the Acre so pushed my speed up to ~20mph and bagged the KOM (which I created last year). Shame I was recovery riding for 40% of it before, otherwise I could've had quite a nice average speed! :D:rolleyes:
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Early night last night - wanted to get up at 6am and out for 3 hours before work today. Everything primed and ready, clothes laid out etc so not to wake the wife and 2 kids.

Of course, wee one up all night puking and high temp etc so got about 2 hours kip- WHY WHY WHY is it always the way................
I've come to terms with the idea of taking what I can get for now, and then when the kids are in their teens and certainly once they're moved out I'll only be 40odd so years left of riding in me...
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