Road Cycling

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Turbo sesh tonight. CANNOT WAIT!
Moved the turbo to the sun porch now though so that is as close to being outside as I can be without actually being outside. Life is good.
I can feel my cold getting worse :( Really annoyed, as meant to be going to Belgium on Friday, for LBL on the Saturday :(

Going to try and get out in the mornings a bit more now. The sun is quite nice, and it will be nicer than the turbo. I have a loop nearby that I can do and try some intervals etc.
What do i do if Chloe comes round tonight? my gf will hit the roof
It's ok, she's a 'training partner'. :D

I'd stick on her wheel!
Got to be a cycle this evening! The sun is superb!
Awesome here too, almost too warm! Glad I packed a normal jersey after I rode in a roubaix type earlier... Unsure if I'd allowed out though! :(
Should be just as nice tomorrow also :)
Awesome! Arrangements will be made! ;)
front tire has like a 2cm cut(scary looking) and rear is bald....

schwalbe one 25c tyres are going on today! anyone has a set? how do you rate them?

favorite tyres so far, really gripy but don't wear that well. I've put on a pair of Sector 28's on the synapse but not liking them as much so far, I've had the rear step out a little on damp corners.
Yet another rear puncture has relegated the Lithions to the bin a little sooner than planned. Quite annoying as I was on a PR streak at the time :p

Hope I have more luck with the Pro4 Endurance.
Total mileage?
Only 1033!

Rear is covered in slits and holes caused by tiny sharp stones.

When I say relegated to the bin I mean my growing collection of turbo tyres of course. All I need now is a spare rear wheel :o

EDIT - Whoever this Chloe is she's screwed up Strava because my ride is there but not showing in my feed :confused:
Lovely weather today. Came home via the Fallowfield loop for a nice easy and sunny ride. I need to complete my beefcake routine now but I'm highly tempted to pop out again.
I got the Zwift KOM jersey twice tonight and also the orange jersey so had 2 at the same time. I am man. Chloe will be requesting me over and over tonight.
I got the Zwift KOM jersey twice tonight and also the orange jersey so had 2 at the same time. I am man. Chloe will be requesting me over and over tonight.

Remember to turn the resistance back up from 1 before anyone sees it ;)

Just sold an entire working bike for £60 now tempted to buy a set of wheels for £75 :p
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